Relying on world-class driving skills, Qin Yuan quickly drove Lin Ziyu's car back to the military equipment warehouse. After placing the equipment in his hand, he drove towards the most luxurious hotel in the city.

About half an hour later, Qin Yuan came to the hotel, and then went straight to a certain box on the second floor. As soon as the door was opened, he saw the thorns chatting happily. Lin Ziyu was sitting next to him, with a gentle expression on his face. smile.

"The company commander is here, come here, sit here, hehe." Su Xiaoyu's eyes were sharp, he saw Qin Yuan's figure at a glance, hehe smiled and pulled away the stool beside Lin Ziyu.

After seeing Qin Yuanlai, Lin Ziyu's eyes lit up instantly, her slender waist was straight, and her face was shining brightly.

"Speaking of which, this time, it's still with the company commander's light, otherwise how can we get a long vacation? Come, company commander, let's toast you!" The savage Zang Chong smiled and raised a full glass.

Qin Yuan glanced at him, raised the wine glass in front of him, and said in a light voice, "Double the training intensity tomorrow, and make up for what was pulled down today!"

"Ah! Company commander, don't play like this!" Xiao Pang's face turned pale with shock. Every time he trained, he was the last one, and a shadow was left in his heart. Now he can finally rest for a long time. I will make up for it tomorrow, and the light in my heart dissipates in an instant.

The savage was careless, with a face full of indifference, he drank all the wine in his hand, and then looked down at Qin Yuan provocatively.

Qin Yuan gave a "ha" in his heart, and then sighed directly, but there was no change in his face.

Seeing this scene, all the thorns looked at each other, and then there was a smirk on their faces, and then it was very lively, and they raised their wine glasses and launched a fierce offensive towards Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan originally planned to use his system skills to teach this group of thorns a good lesson, but Lin Ziyu, who was beside him, suddenly raised his hand, and then raised the wine glass in front of him. His beautiful eyes were like deep pools of water, and he was full of smiles. looking at him.

Looking at Lin Ziyu's delicate and pretty face, Qin Yuan's heart felt like a spring breeze, he stopped using his system skills, and drank the drink in one gulp again.

The last time she ate, Lin Ziyu didn't drink alcohol, but now, she took the initiative to toast Qin Yuan, and it was obvious that her mentality had undergone a subtle change.

Next, Qin Yuan was poured wine one after another by his unscrupulous subordinates. The thorns seemed to negotiate, one cup after another, and there was almost no time to stay.

Although no one would deliberately give Lin Ziyu a toast, she seemed to be in a very happy mood. Looking at Qin Yuan, who was a little embarrassed, she also sipped the drink in her hand, and soon an intoxicating blush appeared on Qiao's face, and her eyes also changed. Get confused.

For the next hour, Qin Yuan was dazed by the thorns, and Lin Ziyu, who was beside him, also had blurred eyes, looking at Qin Yuan's figure, his eyes were full of autumnal waves.

"No... No, stop it! You... these bastards, are you on purpose, eh?" Qin Yuan said in a daze with a big tongue, his face was red, and his consciousness was a little vague.

"Hahaha, company commander, men can't say no, or my sister-in-law will not agree!" The savage laughed, and after he finished speaking, he poured a large glass of wine and looked down at Qin Yuan. , the meaning of which is self-evident.

Qin Yuan looked at the wine glass that was handed to his mouth, and his stomach was churning for a while, he couldn't hold it any longer, he covered his mouth and was about to run to the bathroom.

"Company commander, wait a minute, I'll give you your room key. Stay at this hotel tonight. You won't be kicked out by the big leaders when you return to the military area." Hua Shanke chased after him and handed Qin Yuan a room key.

Qin Yuan felt dizzy, put it in his trouser pocket, and stumbled towards the bathroom.

Looking at Qin Yuan's disappearing figure, Su Xiaoyu had a mean smile on his face, like a villain's triumphant appearance, and then slapped his head violently, and said with some regret: "Hey! The company commander has recorded this embarrassing image, and enjoy it later!"

"Come on, aren't you afraid that the company commander will let the Black Emperor bite you?" Qin Yang shrank his head, a little scared.

"Hey, it's alright, alright, hurry up to eat, go to bed after eating, and go back to the military region for training tomorrow, by the way, Dr. Lin, are you alright?" Zhang Shuai said, looking at Lin Ziyu a little worried at the end.

"It's alright, just a little dizzy, just rest for a while." Lin Ziyu supported her head. Today was the first time she drank it for so long. At this time, she only felt her mind keep rolling over, as if the stamina of the drink was exerting its strength.

Seeing this, the thorns stopped talking and continued eating the sumptuous food and wine. Lin Ziyu sat on the chair to rest for a while, said goodbye to everyone, and walked towards his room.

In this hotel, the third floor and above are all luxury hotels, where guests can rest. When all the thorns came here, they reached a consensus that Qin Yuan would be drunk, so Han Xiang waved his hand and booked the hotel directly. an entire floor.

After releasing the burden in the bathroom, Qin Yuan washed his face, and as soon as he went out into the wind, he felt dizzy, and he was a little confused while leaning against the wall.

In a daze, he took out the room card and looked at the room number on it. Qin Yuan got into the elevator, and soon came to the fifth floor. He stumbled and swiped the door of room 18, and flipped the door, regardless of whether it was there or not. Closed tightly, crawled to the bathroom and vomited for a long time, then crawled onto the bed with difficulty and fell asleep.

Not long after, a slender figure with unsteady footsteps pushed open the door heavily and almost hit the wall. Following the same movement, he threw himself into the bathroom and vomited for a long time, and then crawled into bed in a daze...

Qin Yuan had a dream. In the dream, he seemed to float to the clouds, and his breath was a little out of breath. There was a fragrance in his nose, as if he was in the middle of flowers.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Yuan opened his eyes in a daze, but in front of him was a pair of extremely bright eyes, with a trace of confusion, a trace of hesitation, and a trace of dependence.

Qin Yuan was stunned, his mind exploded with a bang, a warm fragrance filled his nose, this was not a dream!

Lin Ziyu, who had been staring at him in a complicated way, suddenly screamed, like a frightened little beast. She wanted to get up and run away, but remembering her current appearance, she burrowed her head into the quilt, and rolled her body. , wrap all the quilts away.

Qin Yuan only felt a chill all over his body, his breathing gradually became heavier, and he swallowed hard, suppressing the ripples in his heart.

", last night...we didn't do anything, did we?"

Qin Yuan only felt that he asked a nonsense, because he saw a bright red on the sheet.

Lin Ziyu didn't speak, but Qin Yuan could clearly hear her heartbeat beating more and more fiercely. Thinking of the scene when he woke up, he felt a dry mouth and was about to wrap himself in the quilt cautiously. The delicate body inside moved away, and there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Company commander, the sun is drying out, can't you still get up? The big leaders are all mad, urging us to return to the military area as soon as possible!" Su Xiaoyu's voice came along with the knock on the door.

Lin Ziyu, who was completely wrapped in the quilt, suddenly exposed a head, her cheeks as red as apples, as if she had been carved, she bit her lip and stared at Qin Yuan, her eyes shining brightly.

Qin Yuan sighed and shouted towards the door: "You are waiting for me outside the hotel, I will be here soon!"

"Okay company commander, then hurry up!" Although Su Xiaoyu was a little strange in his heart, the habit he developed in the military camp did not talk much, and walked directly downstairs.

"Doctor Lin... er, Zi Yu, I'm going back to the military area. Those thorns are not pressed by me. I don't know what will happen. You... feel unwell, do you want me to ask for a leave for you?" At the time, Qin Yuan subconsciously glanced at the sheets.

Lin Ziyu's face turned even redder with a bang, and the exposed half of her pink neck became hot. Then she shrunk her head into the quilt again, and said in a muffled voice, "I... have already asked for leave, you... be careful on the road."

Her voice was soft, like a petite wife who was worried about her husband.

Qin Yuan got out of bed gently, took a hot shower in two minutes, then quickly put on his clothes, just as he was about to leave the room, with a sweet smile on his face, he strode to the bed, Pulling off the quilt wrapped around Lin Ziyu's body, but in her somewhat shy and confused eyes, she bent down directly.

"Hey..." After a full minute, Qin Yuan raised his head, Lin Ziyu's pretty face was full of seductive blush, almost suffocating, gasping for breath, glaring at Qin Yuan with some resentment.

"Hey, take a good rest here, I'll go back to the military area first."

Under Lin Ziyu's shy eyes, Qin Yuan strode out of the hotel room and walked outside.

It didn't take long for Qin Yuan to leave the hotel door, and at a glance, he saw all the thorns squatting or leaning, chatting with boredom and reluctance.

"Hey, company commander, why are you alone, Dr. Lin? I knocked on her door, but no one answered. I thought I was with you?" Zhang Shuai asked strangely.

Then he seemed to think of something, his eyes widened instantly, and an ambiguous smile appeared on his face. Just as he was about to say something, Qin Yuan blocked his mouth, and there was a threatening light in his eyes.

"Uh...hehe, hehe." Zhang Shuai smiled dryly and closed his mouth.

"Come on, go back to the military area." Qin Yuan said to the thorns, and then got into the cab of a car. Only at this time did he realize that he really needed a car.

About two hours later, everyone drove into the military area. After returning to the dormitory and changing into clothes, the Sharp Knife recruit company gathered on the training ground.

Looking at the neat and vigorous recruits with sharp knives, a strange smile appeared on Qin Yuan's mouth. I feel a little bad.

Sure enough, Qin Yuan opened his mouth and shouted: "Off-road with heavy load, 30 kilometers, start now!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the thorns immediately collapsed, but there was still no hesitation. After responding neatly, they turned around and started running towards the front.

Half an hour later, the little fat ran in the last place out of breath, complaining constantly: "Stinky fish, it's all you, you have to come up with a bad idea, use the wheel battle to get the company commander drunk, that's all right, pay for it Come on, pay him back the labor, I'm not finished with you!"

"Come on, you were the only one who tried so hard at the time, saying that the company commander would definitely not be too pushy in front of Dr. Lin. Now that he regrets it, why did he go earlier!" Su Xiaoyu said with contempt.

Xiaopang was about to continue speaking when a dog barking suddenly came from behind, and he was rushing towards him.

Hearing the dog's barking, Xiao Pang's face turned pale and his voice was a little distorted: "Ah, help, the company commander of the gods has turned black and yellow again!!"

Like an explosion of potential, Xiao Fatso's sound surpassed Su Xiaoyu, which immediately caused Su Xiaoyu to cry out for a while.

In the next two days, Qin Yuan found that Lin Ziyu still hadn't come to the military area. Maybe it was because of the things that happened at home and the physical discomfort that he stayed at home and rested.

Although the robbery case was solved by Qin Yuan, since the two are not a system, and he only wanted to help Lin Ziyu, the city police chief wanted to give him a reward, but he refused.

On the morning of the third day, Qin Yuan was about to go to the medical office of the military region to see if Lin Ziyu was coming, but was suddenly called away by an office clerk, saying that the big leader had a task to hand to him.

When he came to the office of the military region, Qin Yuan entered the house of the leader of Chen Xingjun. After paying a military salute, the leader said solemnly: "Company Commander Qin, there is a sudden task, the Sharp Knife Recruit Company, can you do it?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Qin Yuan said loudly.

"Okay! As expected of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company specially established by the military region!" Chen Xingjun stepped forward and patted Qin Yuan's and then said solemnly:

"Lieutenant Colonel Wang Zhenyuan from the Ministry of Science and Technology gained extremely valuable experience after communicating with top foreign laboratories, and when the team returned to the Dragon Kingdom, they encountered a robbery by pirates, and Lieutenant Colonel Wang Zhenyuan was shot. fall off a cliff."

"It's still in the intensive care unit, and the rest of the comrades in the Ministry of Science and Technology have all sacrificed!" Speaking of this, Chen Xingjun's face showed a touch of sentimentality.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, staring at the leader of Chen Xingjun, waiting for his next words.

"That group of pirates captured extremely cherished information, but because the sea area is so large, it is difficult for us to investigate one by one, and it is the high seas, and there are many pirates wandering around all year round, so it is impossible for us to send a large number of troops to search. , otherwise it will cause international incidents.”

Qin Yuan nodded knowingly. All incidents, once they involve international affairs, will become complicated and constrained, but he still did not speak. The military region has lost so many soldiers, and no matter what, the group of pirates will not be allowed to go unpunished. Otherwise why call him here.

Sure enough, the leader of Chen Xingjun continued: "We have captured a few pirates, and one of them seems to have a high status in the pirate gang, but this pirate has a hard mouth, no matter how we interrogate him, we can't pry him open. Mouth, I don't know Company Commander Qin..."

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