Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 239: The mysterious Qin Yuan!

"In addition to being a pirate, Hulu Island is also closely related to Jing Sanjiao criminals. There are more than 200 fully armed criminals on it. In addition, the location of the island is very easy to defend and difficult to attack. There's nothing to do with them."

"That's all I know, really! Please, give me a good time!" Pirate Banner said with a painful expression, his body twitching constantly.

Looking at the pirate with tears in his nose and tears in his face, Qin Yuan knew that there should be nothing to squeeze out of him, and immediately removed the proficient illusion, turned and walked towards the interrogation room, closing the soundproof glass door. .

Pirate Banner suddenly felt light on his body, and the heart-piercing pain disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared before. He looked at his hands with a dull expression, his eyes suddenly filled with horror, and he looked at Qin Yuan's His eyes became more frightened.

When they came to the interrogation room, the two looked at Qin Yuan curiously. In their opinion, Qin Yuan was just holding a saber and stood in front of the pirate, and then he did nothing else.

However, the pirate seemed to be in intense pain, and kept howling and screaming. The sound made people like them feel a little chilly. Then, the pirate spit out all the information.

Passing the saber in his hand to the guard, Qin Yuan came to the front of Zhang Dachang and asked with a touch: "Now that I have the information, I don't know what to do next?"

Although Qin Yuan shined in the military region and led his subordinates to achieve great honors, he was only a captain after all, and he still didn't know how to deal with these matters involving international affairs.

With the curiosity in his heart, Chief Zhang pondered for a while and then whispered: "Our relationship with the face country is already a little bad, they will definitely not let the Longguo military region send troops into their territory, and now they can only pass the information to them. , As for whether they will shoot, that is not something we can control!"

Qin Yuan nodded, but knew that this matter would definitely not end like this, because those cherished materials were still in the hands of the pirates, and the chief officer would not give up easily.

"Let's go back and ask the Chief Officer!" Chief Zhang looked at Qin Yuan, and said in a deep voice, with a dignified look in his eyes, the latter nodded, and after the two said goodbye, they turned around and walked into the office.

On the way, Chief Zhang endured for a long time, but in the end he asked with a puzzled expression: "Captain Qin, how did you... just let the pirate speak? No matter what means we used before, he kept his mouth shut and his attitude Very arrogant."

Qin Yuan's footsteps did not stop, and he said leisurely, "Maybe he was frightened by the saber..."

Chief Zhang laughed dumbly. Although he knew that Qin Yuan didn't tell the truth, since he didn't want to say more, he didn't ask any more. Anyway, as long as he got the information, the process was not important.


"Come in!"

In the office, Chief Zhang told the information Qin Yuan had obtained to Chief Chen Xingjun.

After listening to all the situation, the chief officer looked at Qin Yuan with full of approval: "Hahaha, Captain Qin, I know that you will not disappoint me!"

Qin Yuan's face didn't change, and he said solemnly, "The Sharp Knife Recruit Company is ready to fight!"

Since it was impossible to besiege Hulu Island on a large scale, and the information was extremely precious, naturally only a small group of elites could be sent there. This was also an opportunity to train troops, and Qin Yuan wanted to get this task.

"Okay! As expected of the strongest special forces in the military region, Captain Qin, I'll leave this task to you. Whatever weapons and equipment you need, you can speak up. I only have one request, and that is to get back that information!"

Chief Chen slammed on the table, his face full of admiration, watching how Qin Yuan looked and pleasing to the eye.

"Xiao Zhang, if Captain Qin has any requirements, you will try your best to meet them!"

"Yes! Chief!" Chief Zhang salutes Chief Chen with a solemn face.

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Qin Yuan said in a sonorous voice, and walked directly towards the door under the signal of Chief Chen.

Returning to the Jiandao recruit company camp, looking at the subordinates in front of them who were conducting shooting training under the leadership of several squad leaders, Qin Yuan said solemnly, "Assemble!"

Without any hesitation, without any turmoil, each figure quickly and straightly stood in front of Qin Yuan.

"Zang Chong, Zhang Shuai, Han Xiang, Hua Shanke, Hao Lian Yaoyao, Qin Yang, Su Xiaoyu, Xu Kai, Chen Cang, Fang Tian, ​​Lin Dong, Lin Feng, Wang Zejing, Xu Xiaodong! Come out!"


The fifteen people named by Qin Yuan stepped out neatly, with their waists straight and looking forward, the steel gun in their hands across their chests, and their faces were full of solemn expressions.

"Put on your gear, and in ten minutes, gather on the helipad!"

"Yes!" After a deafening response, more than a dozen people trotted and quickly ran towards the rear.

The soldier who saw this scene from a distance, saw this scene, his face was full of envy:

"The Sharp Sword Recruit Company is about to go on a mission again. I'm really envious. We have to train here every day. It's really more popular than people!"

"That's right, I heard that they won the collective second-class merit last time, and Captain Qin even obtained the personal second-class merit. They are simply famous in the military region."

"Come on, they can get merits because they are strong enough. Otherwise, you think anyone can get second-class merits. Just like us, there is basically no difference between a mission and a gift!"

"Hey! I heard that they are just a group of ordinary recruits. After training under Captain Qin for a period of time, they have become comparable to or even surpass the top special forces of the Dragon Country!"

"Hey, why can't I meet such a captain!"

"Hey, even if I send you over, I bet you won't last for two days. You haven't seen how they train. Anyway, I don't dare to watch it anymore, it's just too miserable..."


On the helipad, Qin Yuan looked at the neat and well-armed thorns in front of him, and said solemnly: "What we are going to face is an armed pirate gang of more than 500 people, due to some special reasons. , only a small number of personnel can be sent, and the goal is a document.”

"This mission is very dangerous and difficult, and we are likely to be wiped out, so... if you want to quit, you can go back now, and no one will blame you!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

The eyes of the piercing heads were firm, their roars were like thunder, and a sense of iron and blood rushed to their faces.

"Okay! As expected of the soldier I brought out, get on the plane!"


As soon as the voice fell, the helicopter with the neatly thorn-headed benches flew forward with the deafening roar of the propellers, and soon disappeared into the sky.

In the cabin, Qin Yuan told all the thorns about the information and tasks, and everyone's faces were solemn, digesting the information.

"Captain, let's just bring this pirate den. I heard that many narcotics in Long Kingdom come from Jinshanjiao, and many families die every year because of this!"

Zang Chong said in a deep voice, his eyes full of anger.

"Savage, there are more than 500 of them. All of them are armed with firearms. I heard from the captain that there is heavy firepower like artillery. We only have 16 people. Can't we just get the information back?", Chubby said in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, all the thorns looked at him, Zang Chong sneered, and looked very resentful, "Little fat, don't go if you are timid, give you an umbrella bag and go down by yourself."

"I... I'm not afraid, aren't these facts? It is said that two fists are hard to beat with four hands. We only have so few people, and we don't have enough ammunition, and we don't have any heavy firepower. What can we do with them? "

Little Fatty stalked his neck, staring at the savage without flinching.

"I think, with our current strength, it should be fine to go to the island quietly, and then quietly eliminate those pirates, right?" Hao Lian Yaoyao said with some hesitation.

"We don't know the situation on the island, and we don't even have a clear topographic map. If they all gather together, what can they do to quietly solve those pirates." Su Xiaoyu held the gun and leaned against the cabin to slow down. Slowly, there was no hippie smile on his face, obviously knowing that the task this time was very difficult.

Qin Yuan didn't say anything. Of course he wanted to get rid of this poison den directly, but Xiao Pang was right. There were only sixteen of them. It was naturally very difficult to kill more than 500 pirate criminals. It might even be said that it is impossible.

The biggest task of their trip is to retrieve the cherished information, but if there is a chance, he naturally doesn't mind taking advantage of the situation to clear Hulu Island.

About an hour later, the helicopter stopped at a hidden base by the sea. After bringing enough equipment, Qin Yuan boarded a small boat with all the thorns and quickly drove towards the depths of the sea with the roar of the engine. .

A little bit of time passed, just when the sun just set, the boat sailed to a place ten kilometers away from Hulu Island. At this time, it was the limit to reach here. There will be pirates patrolling further ahead. It is easy to get on the boat. be found.

Qin Yuan directly drove the boat to a deserted island. This island is not large and can only be used as a temporary place to stay.

Looking forward, with his peak-level vision, he could clearly see the faint lights on an island in the distance. Obviously, there was Tiger Heron Island where pirates and criminals were stationed.

"Bring the equipment, let's swim over." After saying this, Qin Yuan tightened the equipment on his body, plunged his head into the sea water, and quickly swam towards the island.

In the Sharp Knife Recruit Company camp, Lin Ziyu walked in with a bag of freshly bought fruits, as if thinking of something, her pretty face flushed with blush.

However, when she looked around, she did not see Qin Yuan's figure, and immediately said to a soldier standing guard: "Hello, is your captain not here?"

"Hello, sir!" The soldier on duty first gave a salute, and then continued, "Our captain is out on a mission, and I don't know when we will be back."

"Is that so..." Lin Ziyu turned around in disappointment and wanted to take out his phone to make a call, but suddenly realized that he didn't have Qin Yuan's phone number yet, and thinking of that wood that hurts people, he took out an apple and bit it on it. In his mouth, he walked towards his dormitory angrily.

Outside Tiger Heron Island.

"Brother, come down for a drink!"

A scruffy bearded man shouted at a man on the wooden pavilion. The man was holding an AK47 and dozing off in a daze. Hearing the call of his companion, he immediately woke up and ran away excitedly. down.

The two drank a large gulp of beer at the mouth of the bottle, and the pirate who was dozing on it complained a little: "You said, we are so secretive here, and we have been beaten several times in the face but have not been beaten, and some jealous colleagues also come out. We killed them all, and no one dares to provoke us now, why do you think the boss keeps patrolling on guard every day, I'm almost suffocated!"

"Hey, there's no way, the boss said that we can't take it lightly, just stick to it for a month. When it's down, we should change people to work on top of the shift, and we can go out with the big army to rob and kill!"

In the darkness in the distance, a group of ghostly figures approached silently without making any sound.

Another pirate said with some envy: "Yesterday, the boss led someone to hijack a ship in the Dragon Kingdom, and got a very cherished document. Now I am contacting the buyer. I heard that it can be sold for a sky-high price! Unfortunately, we did not follow Go, or you can share some oil and water..."

"Hey hey, next time we go out together, as long as we meet a fat sheep, we can also make a fortune, and then go out and have a good time."

"That's right, we pirates are really happy. Thinking about the passenger ship that was robbed last time, the woman on it is real..."

Before the pirate could finish speaking, a figure suddenly appeared in the shadow behind him, a flash of cold light flashed in his hand, lightning pierced into his heart from the back like a bolt, and a pair of hands tightly blocked his mouth.

The face of the pirate sitting in front of him changed greatly, UU reading was about to pick up the long gun beside him to fire the warning, when he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and then a pair of powerful palms tightly blocked his mouth, His eyes quickly plunged into darkness.

Qin Yuan put down the pirate's body, then came to the wooden pavilion and looked around.

According to the information obtained, Hulu Island is surrounded by several smaller islands, and there are dozens of pirates stationed on it. Once the army or other pirates attack here, they can act as a warning and delay time effect.

With his proficient eyesight, Qin Yuan saw the entire island. There were eight lookout pavilions like this one, each of which was guarded, while the rest were eating and drinking in the house in the center of the island.

Jumping down from the lookout pavilion, Qin Yuan summoned the thorns and told them clearly the location and layout of the remaining eight lookout pavilions. After the thorns heard clearly, they immediately dispersed, wearing night vision glasses, in the dark night. Under the cover, he quickly touched the side of the lookout pavilion, like killing in the dark night, silently harvesting the life of the pirates.

About five or six minutes later, Qin Yuan's headset continued to sound, "Complete, complete, complete..."

After all the guards around the lookout pavilion were eliminated, Qin Yuan said in a low voice, "Be careful to touch it, and don't shoot to disturb the pirates on Hulu Island!"

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