One of the chiefs said with some doubts: "Old Chen, these two are your soldiers? In the face of the famous Black Hawk Commando of the Southwest Military Region, they rushed up so unruly!"

The head of Chen Xingjun had a dark face, did not speak, and gritted his teeth secretly in his heart. When this competition is over, he will teach the two rash **** a good lesson!

At this moment, the other chief with gray temples beside him was a little surprised: "These two soldiers...the combat quality is really not low! Facing the siege of the shadow commando whose number is higher than himself, he is just a little embarrassed. , and was not directly eliminated!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding chiefs also seemed to have reacted, looking at Su Xiaoyu and Xiaopang who were extremely embarrassed under siege on the screen, but showed no obvious signs of defeat, with a hint of surprise in their eyes.

"These two people should be the most outstanding in their team. At this level, they can already be called the king of soldiers!"

"There can be two soldiers in a special operations team, Lao Chen, this team should be your trump card, right? Haha, it's really hidden, we hardly heard any news."

Listening to the words of a few old friends around him, Chen Xingjun had a strange smile on his face. He still knew the details of everyone in the Sharp Knife Recruit Company that he strongly supported.

Among all the thorns, the overall strength of Su Xiaoyu and Xiaopang is on the lower side, and it can even be said that they are at the bottom of the table, but at the moment, although the performance of the two is a bit reckless, their fighting ability is in a few leaders. In the mouth, the existence of the king of soldiers has been reached.

And if you let these old friends know about this..., Chen Xingjun's heart that has been calm, suddenly there is a trace of excitement.

"Company commander, help, ah!"

Su Xiaoyu howled miserably, screaming like a pig, and tried to return to the company commander's warm embrace several times, but was beaten back by the Sombra Commando.

Qin Yuan looked at the two people who had already learned a lot of lessons, and did not continue to watch the fun. After all, there would be a more severe and difficult competition in the future. If there were any injuries, it would be extremely unfavorable.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan dodged and charged directly towards the captain who looked like a captain.

When it was about to approach, a heavy sweeping leg smashed the man's head fiercely, as if cutting through the air, and the momentum was unusually huge.

The face of the captain of the Shadow Commando changed, and he didn't have any plans to fight hard. However, Qin Yuan's speed was too fast, and it was impossible to get out of his body. He gritted his teeth and raised his two arms. standing in front of him.

There was a loud "bang", and the man's face showed a painful expression, and his entire body flew out uncontrollably like a kite with a broken line.

"team leader!"

There were three people in the crowd besieging Su Xiaoyu and Xiaopang, and one of them rushed to the leader of the Shadow Commando and nervously checked his injuries.

The two men gritted their teeth, punched one hard and whipped the leg, attacked from both sides, and attacked Qin Yuan.

Qin Yuan sneered, his feet exerted force, his body was like a bolt of lightning, and he instantly appeared in front of the person who was hit by the whip.

The man's expression changed, and it was too late to get out. He gritted his teeth and used all the strength of his body to smash Qin Yuan's head with his right leg.

Qin Yuan raised his right hand and grabbed it lightly, and directly slammed the man out of his right whip leg with all his strength and grabbed it tightly. Then, in his terrified expression, he lightly kicked his left foot and flew out instantly. Covering his abdomen and bowing like a shrimp, he no longer had the strength to get up.

Another man who threw a fist at him was already behind him, and when he was about to sneak attack on the back of his head, Qin Yuan turned around and slammed his right elbow on his chest as if he had eyes behind him.

With a "Boom", the man, like his companion, flew out backwards, groaned in pain after hitting the ground, and couldn't get up again.

The rest of the people who were besieging Su Xiaoyu and Xiaopang had shocked expressions on their faces. The movements of their hands slowed down involuntarily, and the two took the opportunity to counterattack.

Several people stepped back, looked at each other, and without any hesitation, ran in several directions, turning a blind eye to the captain and a few teammates who had fallen on the ground.

In fact, this is the correct way to do it. They obviously lost to Qin Yuan and the others. Rather than staying here, being eliminated and losing all hope, it is better to run away. As long as one person can escape, the Black Hawk Commando will still be there. , there is still a glimmer of hope for a good ranking.

Looking at the few people who turned around and ran away without any hesitation, Su Xiaoyu and Xiao Pang's faces instantly became ugly, and they wanted to chase after them for revenge, but because they had been kicked a few times before, it was a little inconvenient to move, so they could only watch angrily. with the backs of several people.

Qin Yuan slowly picked up a few stones on the ground, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his right hand threw it one after another, hitting the calf of those people with incomparable precision. After a few screams, they all fell to the ground.

Su Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, he didn't care to greet Qin Yuan, he laughed directly, and ran towards the person on the left. He clearly remembered that this kid punched him in the forehead.

Xiao Pang and a few people around Qin Yuan also rushed up, and when they came to the front and back, they quickly eliminated several people.

In the director's department of the base, several old friends around Chief Chen Xingjun looked at this scene in shock, as if they had seen something unbelievable.

A dark-skinned chief with two stars on his shoulders looked at Chen Xingjun with a dazed expression: "Old Chen, what is this company commander...what is it? It's so, so."

The dark-skinned chief seemed to be unable to find the right words, so he couldn't say it for a while, but the old chiefs around understood what he meant, and their eyes were full of admiration.

The Sombra Commandos are not soft persimmons, they are number one in the whole country, but their people, in front of the company commander, are like children, and they have no ability to resist.

The two soldiers who were a bit reckless and caught in the encirclement seemed to them that the existence of the king of soldiers could be used as the core training in a special operations team, but in front of this company commander, all the light was lost.

Chen Xingjun was full of pride in his heart and was delighted with the decision he had made, but his face was full of indifference: "Oh, that company commander, his name is Qin Yuan, he is just a very ordinary face in our military region, there is no something special."

The surrounding leaders looked at the pride that could not be concealed in Chen Xingjun's eyes, and couldn't help sneering in their hearts, but they were very envious. It would be great if they could have such a person under their command!

"Old Chen, since this person is very common to you, why don't you give him to me? I will exchange two elite special forces, what do you think?"

A chief who also carried two stars and had a fat face said with a smile.

"Don't change!"

Chen Xingjun rolled his eyes and said without any hesitation.

"Hey, don't be so decisive, two are not good, you can add one more, everything is negotiable." The fat chief continued with a smile.

"I said, Old Wang, you are too stingy and insincere, aren't you? Don't take care of him, Old Chen, I will use a special operations team in exchange, how about you let Captain Qin Yuan come to our Shangjing Military Region?" The leader of the star stepped forward.

"Go, go, old age, don't you know what it means to arrive first, Lao Chen, I will send two special operations teams, you will change with me, and you will never suffer!"

The chiefs who saw Qin Yuan's shot all around started to move, and they also tried to dig Chen Xingjun's corner.

Not to mention Qin Yuan's terrifying personal strength, just relying on his subordinates, the team members he casually trained are soldiers at the king level, and everyone has been breathing heavily.

Being able to recruit such an existence, within a year, can train a large number of powerful special forces team members.

Chen Xingjun looked at this scene with a smile, and said slowly: "My soldiers are not goods that can be traded. If you can persuade him to go to your military area, I will not have any opinion, nor will there be any obstruction!"

He naturally trusted Qin Yuan very much. Although he didn't say it, he could see that he was a very emotional person, and naturally he would not be easily moved to go to other military regions.

As soon as these words came out, the heads of the surrounding leaders all brightened up. The head of the surname Wang hurriedly said: "Old Chen, don't break your promise! The man is a man, spit and a pit, the old brothers can all see it!"

"Hahaha, of course, as long as you have the ability, I naturally can't stop it!"

"Okay, it's settled! Hahaha!"

The surrounding chiefs looked at Qin Yuan on the screen, their eyes full of admiration and love, as if they were already their soldiers.

On the other side, all the members of the Shadow Commando were eliminated, Qin Yuan walked slowly to Su Xiaoyu's side, he was still exercising hard, venting his previous frustrations.

However, he was very measured, and at most let the person suffer some flesh and blood, and there would be no irreversible sequelae.


Qin Yuan came to Su Xiaoyu's side, coughed lightly, indicating that it was time to leave, followed by Xiaopang and several other members of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company, all watching this scene with a playful expression.

"Oh, come, come, hehe!"

Su Xiaoyu got up from the man with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said with a smile: "Brother, bye bye, see you next time, by the way, I really envy you, you don't have to be starving in the ice and snow anymore, it's comfortable. Just take a rest in the base, hey!"

All the Black Hawk commandos who were moaning on the ground all had black lines on their faces. They had never seen such a shameless person before!

"Okay, don't waste your time, the communicator shows that there will be strong winds mixed with blizzard in a while, hurry up and find a safe place!" Qin Yuan frowned while looking at the sky, and then strode forward, everyone rushed keep up.

This time the first battle was won. Whether it was Qin Yuan or Xiaopang and the others, there was no turbulence in their hearts, because their strength was already extremely strong, and naturally there would be no accident against these people.

And the points generated by these eliminated people are counted in the team's overall results, and only one person in the team exists, it is possible to win.

In the final stage of the competition, the director's department will use the pictures taken by cameras and drones to score everyone, so as to get the strongest single champion of this session!

"Company commander, where are we going next?" Little Fatty asked in a low voice, following behind Qin Yuan.

"In less than half an hour, the blizzard should be coming. Let's find a hidden place first, then find some heat sources, and survive this blizzard first!"

Qin Yuan looked up at the sky, Shen Sheng said, with a dignified look in his eyes, in this weather, if you are not prepared when the snowstorm comes, you will easily freeze to death in the wilderness.

Su Xiaoyu's eyes lit up on the side, and he smiled and said: "There are not many places to settle in this snowy mountain, and the teams in the finals at this time must be very dense, then we will find a stable place, and then wait for the rabbit, not only Being able to avoid blizzards and accumulating points, the company commander is really thoughtful!"

After listening to Su Xiaoyu's words, Xiaopang couldn't hold back the surprise in his eyes. He couldn't help but ask, "Xiaoyu, when did you become so smart? Why didn't I know?"

"Oh, I'm very smart, okay!" Su Xiaoyu raised the map of the competition area on his wrist, and continued: "Usually it's just because there are so many I'm too lazy to think about it, hehe!"

Xiao Pang pouted, his face full of disbelief, of course he couldn't believe it, otherwise wouldn't he say that among these thorns, he is the stupidest?

"Then where are we going? Company commander." Another person asked curiously in the sharp knife recruit company.

"Well..." Qin Yuan looked at the map on his wrist, and after careful observation, he said in a low voice, "Let's go to the mountain forest in the north first, there should be caves in there, and then with the help of tall trees, we can make good use of it. Avoid the blizzard, other nearby squads will also prioritize there!"

"Okay, company commander, we'll go there. I think it will be very lively. I can't wait to fight the enemy to the death!" Xiao Pang said enthusiastically.

"Come on, you can just be dragged back. For example, if you didn't have to rush up, I wouldn't have been punched!" Su Xiaoyu rolled his eyes and pointed to a bruise on his cheek.

"Hey! It's clear that you rushed up first. I was afraid that you would suffer, so I followed up. Now I'm putting the gun on the back and the dog is biting Lu Dongbin, bah!"

Qin Yuan listened to the chattering of the two behind him to shirk their responsibilities, and there was no organization. The two were like huskies, and their energy needed to be vented.

And under the radiation of the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, there are no enemies within a few hundred meters.

About ten minutes later, Qin Yuan brought everyone to a snowy mountain forest. Most of the trees inside were withered and yellow, but the thick branches were already covered with snow and ice.

Qin Yuan stood on the spot for a moment, and quickly found a cave with the help of a god-level intelligent poisonous bee. There seemed to be a sound coming from inside, but he did not try to alarm them, but took everyone and rushed there cautiously. go.


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