Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 256: Eliminate one after another [two]

But there were five of them, and after shooting all the bullets in their hands, it was inevitable that a few bullets would fall on Qin Yuan's body.

So Qin Yuan didn't care about the two people on the other side. He held the gun in his left hand and shot frantically at the team of five people. At the same time, he touched the airdrop box with his right hand and quickly loaded the magazine for the other assault rifle.

With the blessing of peak-level marksmanship skills, that group of people didn't react yet, and lost four people directly. Only one person was left shaking and standing on the spot. When he was about to grit his teeth and shoot, Qin Yuan had already dropped his hand. The empty gun, a roll and hide directly to the other side of the airdrop box, while the right hand grabs the assault rifle that has been loaded with the magazine.

Almost at the same time, Qin Yuan pulled the trigger violently. The two bullets seemed to have been calculated.

The two men held their guns and looked at Qin Yuan's figure with a dull look. A thick smoke appeared from their bodies. They couldn't believe their eyes. There are people in this world who can react so quickly.

What made them even more puzzled was how Qin Yuan knew their exact location behind the airdrop box.

At the airdrop box, Qin Yuan's face slowly relaxed at this time. At this time, there was only one enemy left. Under the surveillance of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he could clearly see that the man was holding the muzzle and aiming at it. On the other hand, it seemed as if he would shoot as soon as he showed his face.

It's just that under such severe cold conditions, his body and the arm holding the gun trembled uncontrollably, but under the high tension, a drop of sweat slowly appeared on his forehead.

" is this possible, is Qin Yuan really human? Such an amazing reaction and ability to control the body, no, this person must be mine, don't grab me!" Li Zhengzhong suddenly got up and said excitedly.

"Hehe, Lao Li, didn't you disdain robbing him before? What's the matter now? Talk about a fart, and let it go if you say it?" Zhang Kaihe said with a look of contempt.

Li Zhengzhong snorted coldly, ignored him, and continued to look at Qin Yuan with fiery eyes, as if he had already grabbed him.

On the grass, Qin Yuan calmly filled the magazine, clicked into the assault rifle, then slowly took out a grenade, pulled out the fuse, and threw it in the direction of the man without looking back.

Under the blessing of the god-level hidden weapon throw, the dark green grenade crossed an arc and fell towards the rear very quickly.

On the grass more than 200 meters away, the face of the only person left in the Eagle Troop suddenly changed drastically.

Qin Yuan smiled lightly. At the moment when the man rushed out, he got up slowly, raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger directly. A bullet landed on his back with great precision, triggering the smoke alarm device on his body.

"Wow, brother, you are too powerful. You can kill six of our team alone!" When Qin Yuan got up, another team that was eliminated had come to the near future, and his eyes were full of shock. and curious.

Qin Yuan smiled and said: "Hehe, you are dead now, you are being bullied, hurry up and throw down the backpack on your body, just to save me from picking it up!"

"You! Humph!"

In the six-person team, a thin player was so angry that he could not speak, he snorted coldly, dropped his backpack, and walked away in a fit of anger.

"Hey, brother, don't be familiar with him, which team are you from, how come I've never seen you before!"

Li Han stepped forward and said with a smile, his eyes were full of doubts. As a veteran special forces soldier in the Northeast Military Region, he admitted that he had seen most of the famous people in Longguo, but he had no impression of Qin Yuan at all. It stands to reason that this A strong man should have long been known to the whole army, and it is impossible for him not to have seen it before.

"I'm a recruit company of Jiandao, you haven't heard of it, it's normal!" Qin Yuan said and picked up a few backpacks on the ground, then ignored the person and went directly to Su Xiaoyu and the others. go.

"New... Recruit company???", a string of question marks ran through Li Han's mind.

"Hey, the captain is back, are you all right?". Seeing Qin Yuan come forward, Xiao Pang greeted him with a look of surprise. When the intensive gunshots came out just now, several people were nervous, for fear that something would happen to the company leader.

"I'm fine, grab your equipment quickly, someone may come later, Qin Yuan threw the firearms and ammunition grenades from the drop box on the ground and let them choose by themselves.

Soon, several people stood behind Qin Yuan fully armed, their faces were full of confidence, but the hand holding the weapon was a little trembling, there was no way, it was so cold!

"Company commander, where are we going next?" Su Xiaoyu asked in a low voice.

Qin Yuan looked up at the wind and snow that had completely stopped, and was about to find a place to ambush when he suddenly raised his brows and turned his head to look at the dense forest behind him.

"What's the matter? Is there an enemy coming?" Little Fatty stared excitedly at the place Qin Yuan was looking at, with an impatient attitude, wanting to rush out with a weapon to fight.

"Someone should be here! Hurry up and hide, wait for them to enter within 100 meters, then shoot and try to take them all in one shuttle." Qin Yuan nodded.


Several people said in response, and they found a big tree and hid behind the trunk, with very serious expressions on their faces.

In the base, Zhang Kaihe asked with some doubts: "How did Qin Yuan discover the pair of people in the distance? They are 500 meters away, and neither sight nor hearing should be able to detect it!"

"Hehe, old Zhang, it's been a long time since I saw you in the field. Didn't you notice just now that the twelve members of your baby bumpy tiger commando disturbed a group of foraging birds?" Chen Xingjun said with a smile. .

"Birds?" Zhang Kaihe recalled the video footage just now, but a group of birds were disturbed and flew away, but the movement was not particularly big, and he was just negligent. He didn't expect this to be the reason for the exposure.

At this time, twelve people from the Tiger Commando were gathered together and walked towards Qin Yuan and others according to the airdrop position displayed on the instrument.

The Tiger Commando is the absolute main force under Zhang Kaihe. At present, two teams have joined together, with a total of twelve people. Together with the miniature thermal imaging probe in their hands, they can definitely find Qin Yuan's traces in advance.

Originally, he was counting on the Tiger Commandos under his command to set up an ambush ahead of time and eliminate Qin Yuan and several others in order to save some face, but now it seems that the next thing will be a hard fight.

Although Qin Yuan was able to eliminate two special operations teams with one person in the battle in the airdrop box just now.

However, when the other party was unprepared, Qin Yuan took the initiative to take the lead, and this caused the two teams to be hit hard with lightning speed. This situation will never happen to the Tiger Commando with thermal imaging detectors.

"Old Zhang, it seems that you have great confidence in the Tiger Commandos. Shall we make a bet? I heard that your military region has received a batch of new weapons from the R&D department, so how about using this as a bet?" Chen Xingjun turned his head to look at Zhang Kaihe, and said with a harmless smile on his face.

Zhang Kaihe was about to agree, but suddenly swallowed the words, his heart sank slightly, but his face did not show the slightest, and his tone was indifferent: "Longguo does not allow gambling, you and I, as leaders, naturally have to lead by example!"

The smile on Chen Xingjun's face stopped, and he turned his head and ignored him.

About five minutes later, a group of 12 tiger commandos appeared in the forest, their eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and all the guns in their hands were loaded.

At this moment, a special soldier who controlled the thermal imaging detector suddenly said solemnly: "Captain, two hundred meters ahead, there are several people detected!"

Li Qing, the captain of the Tiger Commando, stopped and said solemnly: "Increase the detection range and see if there are hidden enemies around!"

After a while, the special soldier shook his head and said, "Apart from them, there is no one else in a radius of 600 meters, but these people have not moved, as if they are waiting for us to pass."

"Huh? How is this possible, have we been exposed? This group of people also found the exploration equipment?" Li Qing asked with some doubts.

After pondering for a while, Li Qingjing gave an order from the headlines: "Black cat, white fox, your sniper team goes to find the commanding heights and see if you can kill the target from a distance."

"Qiu Li, you release the drone and conduct a high-altitude reconnaissance, remember to be careful not to be discovered by them! The rest are ready for battle!"


In the base, Zhang Kaihe listened to Li Qing's order, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the unease in his heart slowly dissipated.

"The Tiger Commando is worthy of being the ace of the trump cards. This Li Qing has participated in two military competitions. His experience is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Qin Yuan has met his opponent this time!" The surrounding military chiefs agreed. .

Behind the tree trunk, Qin Yuan discovered the movement of the team through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, his face suddenly showed a dignified look, and he said in a deep voice: "We seem to have been discovered, follow me, let's rush over together, or else When their snipers are in place, we'll be in trouble!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yuan walked out of the tree trunk and strode forward. At the same time, he observed the movements of those people through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee.

Su Xiaoyu and the others were also on the other side, but they followed Qin Yuan silently, the muzzle was slightly raised, and they could pull the trigger and shoot at the enemy at any time.

"Captain, it's not good, we seem to have been discovered, those people are rushing towards this side, and the speed is very fast!", the special forces carrying thermal imaging detectors hurriedly said.

"What! It seems that they do have detection equipment in their hands, and they are ready to meet the enemy. We have a lot more than them, so be careful and try to deal with them without injury!" Li Qing said in a deep voice, Then he raised his gun and walked forward.


Qin Yuan, who was running, raised the muzzle without any warning, and fired a shot without aiming. The unmanned reconnaissance drone in mid-air vibrated, and a white smoke appeared, indicating that it was destroyed and could not be used.

"Report, the drone was destroyed, and it is impossible to detect the enemy's situation!" Qiu Li's face changed, and he dropped the controller in his hand, and said helplessly.

"The sniper team, don't need to give instructions after being in place, just shoot and try to solve the enemy when it's not close!"

"Yes!" The black cat and the white fox rushed towards the commanding heights.

Qin Yuan, who was galloping, stopped abruptly and raised a gesture of concealment on the spot. Behind him, Su Xiaoyu and Xiaopang hid behind the thick tree trunks, and looked ahead vigilantly.

Almost at the same time, Li Qing took nine team members, stepped over a boulder, and appeared in Qin Yuan's eyes. He had already learned about these situations through the god-level intelligent poisonous bee. He couldn't help but raise the muzzle and pull the trigger.

In a burst of gunshots, a shuttle of bullets was fired, but no one was eliminated. Li Qing and others knew that Qin Yuan was in front of them under the prompt of the thermal imaging detector.

Quickly changing into a new magazine, and passing through two god-level intelligent poisonous bees, Qin Yuan watched as the two special forces armed with sniper rifles were about to reach the commanding heights.

At that time, these people will face the siege of both sides, Qin Yuan may be able to avoid it, but Su Xiaoyu and others will definitely be eliminated!

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yuan whispered, "Take out all the grenades and throw them with me!"

After speaking, he directly took out two grenades and threw them behind the boulder that Li Qing and others were avoiding without hesitation. Under the monitoring of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he clearly grasped the With everyone's movements.

As Qin Yuan threw the grenades, Su Xiaoyu also threw all the grenades out of his body.

With a violent roar, Li Qing and others were unprepared, and the smoke alarms on almost everyone were emitting thick smoke. Only the two special forces who were far away escaped the disaster.

"This..." Li Qing looked at the thick smoke on his body with a burst of frustration on his face. Although they had obtained thermal imaging detectors, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and sniper rifles in the airdrop box, they did not have such scoped weapons. , I didn't expect to suffer such a big loss here.

"Huh!" Li Qing exhaled, looked at the two remaining team members and said: "Wild wolf, otter, you inform the sniper team, hurry to retreat, you are not the opponents of these people!"

The only two remaining team members were about to speak, when a shadow suddenly appeared beside them, followed by a burst of gunshots. Before the two of them could react, a stinging pain came from their bodies, and the smoke alarms on their bodies came out thick. of smoke.

"Team... Captain, where is this going?" Otter said with a wry smile.

"Friend, which team are you from, and you're so powerful, how come I've never heard of it?" Li Qing looked at the logo on Qin Yuan's clothes with a hint of doubt on his face.

Qin Yuan ignored him at all. There are still two snipers who are the most threatening at the commanding heights. He has already made Su Xiaoyu, Xiaopang and the others concealed to prevent them from being silently eliminated.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan walked to the special soldier with the thermal imaging detector on his back, glanced at it, and then walked directly to the high ground next to him, in order to avoid being detected by the ubiquitous cameras.


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