Qin Yuan pondered for a moment, then said: "It shouldn't be long before the last round of shrinking, we will stay here for the time being, keep our energy, wait until the shrinking circle, and then move into the finals in one fell swoop, anyway, our food enough!"

"That's good, when the rest of the team is inextricably killed, our gods will come, and they will be killed, and I will be a little excited when I think of it!" Su Xiaoyu said excitedly.

The rest of the people did not have any abnormality, and obeyed Qin Yuan's words.

"Company commander, shall we just wait here? Shall we make a fire to attract some enemies to play? Otherwise, it will be too boring?". Zang Chong moved his hands and feet, as if he was itching for a while.

"Savage, do you have excess energy and can't let it out? Find a place to stay in such a cold day. If you can't do it, just give it a shot. Brothers won't look at you, hehe!", Su Xiaoyu Looking at Zang Chong, who couldn't sit still, he laughed cheaply.

Zang Chong glanced at Su Xiaoyu, his eyes were full of menacing rays of light, he squeezed his fingers and made a burst of clicks.

Seeing this scene, Su Xiaoyu didn't dare to continue provocation, humming and twisting his head elsewhere.

"By the way, savages, don't we have a pair of cards in our hands?" Han Xiang suddenly thought of something, looking at the backpack beside Zang Chong.

Zang Chong took out a set of poker from his backpack and asked with some doubts: "Yes, what's wrong? Do you still want to play poker at this time, but don't forget, there are no less than ten cameras around us!"

"What are you talking about? The rules of the game say that poker is not allowed? No! If there is no, it means permission. Come and come, come and come to fight the landlords, company commander, are you coming?"

Xiao Pang excitedly grabbed the poker in Zang Chong's hand, turned his head and shouted in Qin Yuan's direction.

Qin Yuan tore a piece of wolf meat with a small mouth, with a satisfied look on his face, after hearing Xiaopang's words, he waved his hands and motioned for them to play by themselves.

The director's director's department, Chen Xingjun and other chiefs watched this scene with black lines all over their faces. This is a military competition, and it is completely simulated according to the real war. Keep an eye on it.

"Hehe, Lao Dai, when the big competition is over, remember to treat them well, these guys, if I remember correctly, the little fat guy who laughed and shuffled the cards is called Xu Xiaodong? Be careful with him, it's better to keep it and cherish it. memories!"

"Don't worry, old chief, leave it to me!" Dai He was looking at the scene in the picture, he said with a smile, and he was already thinking about the punishments of those deep prisons in ancient times...

At this moment, Chen Xingjun watched helplessly as Qin Yuan in the picture finished eating the last piece of wolf meat in his hand, wiped it on the snow a few times, and then walked towards the little fat people.

Seeing Qin Yuan coming, Su Xiaoyu hurriedly got up and handed over the cards in his hand.

Qin Yuan was not polite. He stretched out his hand to take the card and glanced at it. His face instantly became a little stiff. He wanted to return the card to him, but Su Xiaoyu seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and quickly left the pretending four. Be alert.

Chen Xingjun coughed lightly, his face regained his indifference, took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "It's not a good thing to be tense during the game, playing poker can relieve stress, it's completely understandable, Lao Dai, don't you think? "

"It's natural. It's just a trivial matter. You don't need to make such a big fight. That technician, quickly adjust the direction of some cameras and look at the cards in Qin Yuan's hand. His face is a bit ugly, hahaha!"

Dai Hezheng also seemed to be a different person, without the slightest blame on his face, he turned his head and asked the technician beside him to adjust the camera.

The other military leaders next to them raised their middle fingers one after another, and their faces were full of contempt. My dear, this face-changing speed is too fast, right? Seeing Qin Yuan participating, he immediately changed his face.

However, these big guys are all envious, even He Sihai, the head of the Kyoto Military Region, who was eliminated from the ace special forces in his hand. If Qin Yuan is their soldier, it would be great...

Maybe it was because it was really hidden here. At night, only one team came here. The alerted people discovered it in advance and solved it easily.

At night, the competition area circled again, from the previous range of 60 kilometers to 25 kilometers.

After Qin Yuan and the others had replenished their stamina, they ran directly towards the center of the competition area. They didn't know how many people were still alive, but it must be a difficult battle.

Even Qin Yuan himself is very dignified. Although he is extremely powerful and has some abilities comparable to bugs, it is often said that guns are easy to hide from hidden arrows. In such a dense area, it is possible to enter other people's shooting at any time. scope.

In front of the surveillance screen, Chen Xingjun and several others were also a little nervous. Now almost some of them have reached the finals. It is still full of unknowns who will win the championship of this military competition.

Although he is extremely confident in Qin Yuan's strength, on the battlefield, a person's role is always limited, and accidents and changes can happen at any time.

"Tell me about those teams in front of them!" Chen Xingjun turned his head and shouted to a technician.


As soon as the voice fell, two teams appeared on the screen in front of them. One of them had six people, and the other had fifteen people. It was obvious that a team had converged.

Looking at the teams that appeared on the screen, Chen Xingjun couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. One of the two teams was the Lightning Commando from the Northwest Military Region, and the other was the Jiaolong Troop from the Navy.

Although the strength of these two teams is also very strong, there is still a big gap compared to the Thunder Commando that was eliminated by Qin Yuan.

On the other side, the head of the Northwest Military Region, He Marine Corps, had a wry smile on his face.

At this time, Qin Yuan was taking Zang Chong and others cautiously towards the front, holding a sniper rifle in his hand, and was using the sniper scope to check the surrounding situation.

In fact, he is all acting. Under the detection of hundreds of god-level intelligent poisonous bees, he can control almost all the situations around him, but in order to arouse the doubts of the directors of the director department, he can only put on a cautious appearance .

If it was on the battlefield, there would be no such concerns, and he would shoot to solve the enemies in front of him as soon as possible, without giving them any chance to counterattack.

At this time, in front of them, Qin Yuan clearly saw a pair of special forces of a dozen people, ambushing in a hidden defensive position, and snipers on the three surrounding highlands.

When he was still more than a thousand meters away from the local defense position, Qin Yuan suddenly stopped, raised his hand and gave a warning instruction, and then used the sniper scope to carefully observe the depths of the jungle ahead.

Behind Zang Chong, Su Xiaoyu and the others hid one after another and watched the surroundings vigilantly.

"Company commander, is there anything unusual?" Han Xiang followed Qin Yuan's direction for a long time, but did not notice any abnormalities, and asked in a low voice with some doubts.

"On the big tree about 400 meters ahead, there are several dark whistles on it, which are perfectly hidden, but the fox's tail is still exposed!" Qin Yuan's mouth curled slightly.

Han Xiang looked in the direction Qin Yuan pointed again, and the doubts on his face became stronger, and some Zhang Er was confused.

In front of the monitoring screen, Dai He was looking at the scene on the screen, and his eyes were full of doubts. He looked through Qin Yuan's line of sight and did not notice the slightest abnormality.

If he didn't have the perspective of God and knew the location of the ambush in advance, otherwise he would lead the team, he would probably step into it with one foot, and when the distance was closer, he would be attacked by both sides of the dark whistle, and the entire army would be wiped out. .

Thinking of this, Dai Hezheng shivered all over, turned his head to look at Chen Xingjun, and asked for advice: "Old Chief, if it were you, would you be able to find this secret post?"

Chen Xingjun smiled slightly, then pointed to a spot in the picture and explained, "Look carefully at the birds on the trees around the dark whistle."

Dai Hezheng followed Chen Xingjun's fingers, and after watching for a long time, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, with a stunned expression on his face, and muttered: "So that's the case, there are birds resting on the rest of the trees, and the Jiaolong troops were killed. There is not a single bird on the tree that is used as a secret whistle, and in the eyes of people with a heart, it is almost a clear sign that there is something wrong with the tree."

On the other side, Qin Yuan also explained this in a soft voice. Hearing that, Han Xiang, Su Xiaoyu, and Xiaopang were shocked and sighed that the company commander was so careful and could find even this little detail.

"You will all follow me for a while. If there is no accident, except for this direction, there should be traps on the other three sides, even minefields! We can only move forward and kill the opponent's main force by crossing the dark post here."

"But..." Han Xiang had a look of worry on his face, "What if we are found by their snipers when we touch it, it's easy to be detected when we advance on the snow!"

"Don't worry, since they spent a lot of effort to set up a secret post here, they must be cooperating with the main force and plan to attack and eat the people who break into this place. Before we enter their encirclement, we will definitely not take it easily. Snipers are even more It is so!"

"Yes! The company commander is really cunning, but I like it, hahaha!" Su Xiaoyu looked excited.

"Zang Chong, Savage, Xiaopang, you three wait for us to pass through the trap, and join me to kill their dark whistle. Remember to use the silencer so that they won't be noticed by their main force!"


About a minute later, Qin Yuan spared the dark whistle and walked cautiously towards the trap area. Under the detection of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he already knew that it was a minefield, but he didn't care.

"Captain, someone is here. It looks like a mix of the two teams. They are walking towards the minefield!"

Thousands of meters away, a sniper from the Jiaolong army said in a low voice. In the sniper scope, he saw a few figures moving forward rapidly. Although the distance was very long, he was confident that he could hit the target with his marksmanship.

Wu Shan, the captain of the Jiaolong unit, raised his eyebrows, picked up the binoculars beside him, and looked forward.

"Fuck, why is Qin Yuan a pervert!"

Wu Shan shook his hands and almost dropped the telescope in his hand on the ground.

"Captain, what's the matter? Is this Qin Yuan very powerful?" A team member asked curiously.

Wu Shan gave a wry smile and said helplessly: "We may be in trouble, but we got together with this guy, hey!"

He had played against Qin Yuan during the exercise before, but now that he thinks about it, he still feels a little terrified, how terrifying it is to be able to press a team by himself.

Chen Hai, who was beside him, also seemed to remember Qin Yuan's record, but he didn't particularly care: "Although his fighting ability is very strong, it does not mean that other special warfare skills are also strong. !"

"And there are more than a dozen of us. Judging from the current situation, Qin Yuan should not have discovered our existence. As long as they approach the ambush area, won't they be at our mercy?"

Wu Shan was about to speak when the sniper's voice came from the communicator again: "Report, the enemy has passed through most of the minefields without triggering any mines. Do you continue to ambush?"

Wu Shan gritted his teeth, as if he had made a difficult decision, and said solemnly: "Since they didn't find our secret whistle, then proceed as originally planned. The sniper team should not shoot to reveal the location, and everything follows my orders!"


On the snow, Qin Yuan easily avoided all the mines through the exploration of more than a dozen god-level intelligent poisonous bees, and moved forward very quickly.

This scene shocked the heads of the various military regions in front of the surveillance screen. They knew how many landmines were buried in this area. Under the cover of Bai Xue, it was extremely difficult to find traces.

Qin Yuan, on the other hand, seemed to be strolling through his back garden, avoiding all dangers extremely lightly. Several bosses glanced at Chen Xingjun, who was sitting quietly in the chair, and began to plan how to deceive Qin Yuan into his command.

"Captain, they have passed the minefield~www.readwn.com~ and are rushing towards this direction!"

"Don't pay attention to them, no one is allowed to shoot without my order, and don't reveal the location!" Wu Shan shouted in a deep voice, the communicator was full of voices.

After more than ten seconds, Wu Shan was a little nervous and excited, and ordered in a low voice: "The enemy will enter our ambush within 100 meters, snipers pay attention, don't worry about other people, solve their problems for me as soon as possible. team leader!"


Qin Yuan's speed slowly slowed down, and Su Xiaoyu and the others were already groping forward in a cone shape from the rest of the direction.

"Zang Chong, Han Xiang, Xu Xiaodong, you all find a good place to hide, and after I shoot, kill the enemy's secret post as soon as possible!"


In front of the surveillance screen, Chen Xingjun watched this scene, and his heart suddenly became a little nervous. At this time, Qin Yuan and others were surrounded by more than a dozen people from the Jiaolong army. As long as they entered the ambush range, they would be attacked head-on, and there should be no slack. .

And once these Flood Dragon troops are all killed, the points of the Sharp Knife Recruit Company will surely enter the ranks of the top three, which has never been achieved in previous military competitions.

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