"Da da da da!"

Ye Mo and the two kept firing and rushing towards this side. After a while, the magazines of the two were all empty, and the distance between the two sides was less than five meters!

Taking advantage of this emptiness, Qin Yuan smashed the members of the Tianfu Military Region hard at the two of them.

"Fuck you!" A piece of grass and mud horses ran through the hearts of the players who were thrown out. "The labor and management are human, even if they are eliminated, they are also human! Why are you treating me as a sandbag, if you lose it, you will lose it?"

Ye Mo and the two were about to put on new magazines when they suddenly saw their teammates being thrown over, and subconsciously reached out to catch them.

As soon as it was placed on the ground, Qin Yuan had already taken advantage of this gap to rush, clenching his right fist and slamming it hard at the two of them.

"Humph! Want to fight with me? Then I'll do it for you!" After Ye Mo finished speaking, he raised his fist and greeted him fiercely.

If you have seen Qin Yuan stand alone against the wolves, Ye Mo will never fight this pervert, and he will pull as far as he can.

In front of the surveillance screen, Ye Xiangan, the head of the Tianfu Military Region, clenched his fists subconsciously, looking very nervous. At this time, the battle was already about the championship of the big competition, and no one could care.

Although Ye Mo is known as the first soldier in the military region, compared with the regular troops, some secret troops are likely to have some more powerful characters, and Qin Yuan in front of him is almost equivalent to that kind of pervert. This point, All the chiefs who have watched the video of the lone wolf pack agree.

With the sound of "Boom", the air seemed to vibrate, and the two fists slammed together heavily. Ye Mo immediately felt a huge force hitting his arm, and the whole arm was numb.

He subconsciously took a few steps back and wanted to pull out the pistol from his waist, but Qin Yuan was like a dog skin plaster, sticking it up again, not giving him a chance to draw the gun.

For a time, bursts of muffled noises came out, and the two fought no less than ten times in an instant, and the fight was inextricable.

The Sirius Commando team member on the other side had put on a new magazine and wanted to shoot, but Qin Yuan and Ye Mo had been entangled with each other, not giving him any chance to shoot and aim.


This team member saw that the two were fighting more and more fiercely, and the captain known as the first soldier of the military region was actually suppressed and beaten by Qin Yuan. He immediately dropped his firearm and rushed up with his fists.

Seeing this scene, Qin Yuan's heart was suddenly filled with joy. His bullets had already been exhausted, and he could only end the battle with hand-to-hand combat, but there were two other people on the other side, so he couldn't hold them all down, so he didn't use all his strength and followed Ye Mo was entangled so that the other person couldn't shoot.

What he's been waiting for is this man to drop the firearm, otherwise he wouldn't have a chance at all!

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan roared happily, like a tiger out of the cage, the momentum of the whole body rose instantly, and he slammed at Ye Mo with a more fierce fist.

"Grass! I'm fooled, this guy is out of bullets. He deliberately used this method to force us to fight him hand-to-hand. He's been throwing water all the time, bastard!"

However, the two of them have already posted it at this time, and thinking about using a gun has no effect, and may even have a counterproductive effect. After all, fighting is the most effective method in close combat.

In front of the surveillance screen, Commander Chen Xing heaved a sigh of relief. Originally, when he saw Qin Yuan rushing up, he had even made the worst plan in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yuan turned corruption into magic, and directly put the two of them willing to give up the most dominant gunfight to fight him hand-to-hand.

As for Qin Yuan's hand-to-hand strength, you can see a thing or two by looking at Ye Xiangan, the head of the Tianfu Military Region, who is still slapping his thigh.

"It's really confusing, why did he throw away the gun in his hand! Even if Ye Mo and Qin Yuan are entangled together and can't aim, then it's enough to kill both of them. In that case, the champion of this military competition is still us! "

"Hehe, Lao Ye, you can't say that. This military competition is based on the rules of the battlefield. On the battlefield, do you want them to kill their teammates?"

Chen Xingjun looked at Ye Xiangan, who was a little exasperated, and spoke in a serious tone.

Ye Xiangan knew that he had said something wrong, so he kept his mouth shut. In the end, he still cared too much about the victory of the competition, so he subconsciously came up with this trick. If it was just an ordinary acting, he would have nothing to complain about. It is a competition in the Longguo Military Region, and the simulation is a real battlefield!

Next to the boulder, Ye Mo's face was full of solemnity at this time, his palms seemed to be not his own, slightly trembling, and the other was the deputy captain of the Sirius Commando, named Huang Tianming.

The strength of this person is very terrifying. He once competed with Ye Mo, the first soldier in the military region, for the position of captain. His fighting ability is even stronger than Ye Mo, but because he is inferior in other aspects, he can only be the deputy captain.

"Boy, you have no eyes and fists, although your strength is very strong, but facing me and Ye Mo, there is no chance of winning at all, I advise you to surrender yourself, your team has firmly occupied the second place, there is no need If you fight like this, if there are any three strengths and two weaknesses, such an amazing potential will be a waste!"

Huang Tianming looked at Qin Yuan and said indifferently.

"Haha, isn't it a little too early to say these words now? If you get slapped in the face for a while, it won't look good!"

"Hmph, since you are so persistent, don't blame me!"

Huang Tianming snorted coldly, and seemed to be a little annoyed by Qin Yuan's arrogant attitude, and a powerful momentum burst out from his body, like a lion with fangs and claws, violently rushing towards Qin and Anu.

His speed was very fast, and he had come to the front in almost a moment, his right leg was like a whip, piercing the air and swept towards Qin Yuan's head.

Just this whip leg, Qin Yuan has already believed Huang Tianming's words, his fighting ability is indeed a bit stronger than Ye Mo.

Qin Yuan's speed was not slow at all, he raised his right hand and slapped the whip leg directly.

With a "bang", Huang Tianming's whip leg slammed into Qin Yuan's palm, and a huge force like a mountain torrent swept in. Even though he was fully prepared, he still couldn't help but step back a few times. step.

A strange light flashed in Qin Yuan's eyes, but he didn't know that Huang Tianming's heart was even more surprised. Although he didn't use all his strength, his strength was not small.

If it was someone else who had already been taken out by Hongfei at this time, how could he just take a few steps back.

"Hehe, no wonder he is so arrogant. It turns out that he has some strength, but you alone can never beat me. I advise you to surrender quickly, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

Qin Yuan rubbed his palm lightly, with a serious look in his eyes, and said, "Don't waste any more time, let's go together!"


Huang Tianming's eyes widened. He had seen arrogant people, but he had never seen such arrogant people. He actually wanted to fight against the two of them alone!

Qin Yuan stopped talking nonsense, and rushed towards Huang Tianming with his feet. This time, he used half of his strength to smash his fist into his chest.

His speed was so fast that Huang Tianming had no time to dodge, so he could only cross his arms to block his chest.

The next moment, an unmatched force swept in, Huang Tianming's face changed instantly, he was already mentally prepared, but he didn't expect this punch to be so powerful, the whole body was like a kite with a broken string. , flew out directly, and smashed **** the boulder.

With a "bang", the boulder trembled, and the soil and gravel on it fell.

Huang Tianming climbed up with difficulty, his face was as pale as paper, his entire arm was a little twisted, and his bones were obviously broken.

"Cough, you..."

Huang Tianming was at a loss for words, thinking of how ridiculous he had made before, persuading Qin Yuan to surrender quickly, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood. Now it seems that he is so ridiculous.

Thinking of this, Huang Tianming got up and left the area a little lonely. His arm has been broken. Although he can recover after training for a while, he is obviously unable to participate in the next battle.

"Phew! I'm not mistaken, you are really strong!" Ye Mo on the side exhaled a suffocating breath, his face was full of solemnity, and he did not dare to relax in the slightest.

Qin Yuan didn't speak, he exerted force under his feet, and his body rushed towards Ye Mo, and his right leg was swept by an astonishing wave of air, which was pulled towards him fiercely.

Ye Mo subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it. After a loud noise, his body was shaken back several meters uncontrollably, and his arms felt numb.

Before he could adjust his state, Qin Yuan had already charged again, his right fist cut through the air and slammed into his chest fiercely.

The speed of this punch was extremely fast, almost dragging out an afterimage, Ye Mo's face changed greatly, and he had no time to make the rest of the action, so he could only stretch out his arms to block in front of him.

With the sound of "Boom", Ye Mo only felt an unmatched force swept in, like a wave, completely swallowing him, and the whole body flew straight upside down until it hit the tree trunk heavily. down.

Watching this scene, the members of the Sirius Commando, the Earth Dragon Commando, and all the military bosses in the surveillance screen had a storm of waves in their minds.

The first martial artist in the military region, the first soldier king in the military region, was defeated by someone in a crushing posture under the joint efforts. Everyone's breathing was a little heavy, as if they were a rising star, and the light released took up the whole area. A piece of sky.

"Are you still fighting?"

Qin Yuan came to Ye Mo and said indifferently.

Ye Mo shook his head with a wry smile, and slapped a fart! The two joined forces and were pressed to the ground and rubbed against each other. Are they looking for abuse if they continue to fight?

The two threw the instrument on the wrist to record the score on the ground, representing giving up.

Several chiefs of the Tianfu Military Region watched this scene, and sat down on the stool a little dejected. In previous years, their military region had been guarding the first position, but now, such a dark horse has suddenly appeared.

But they were convinced that they lost. This man named Qin Yuan is too terrifying. They have been in the army for so many years, and they have never seen anyone stronger than him!

Chen Xingjun on the other side could no longer be calm, his face was filled with a smile that could not be concealed, and Gu Bo's calm heart was excited for the first time.

In the previous military competitions, the teams they sent out were basically to accompany them. This time, he almost made a desperate attempt to send a company of sharp sword recruits trained by Qin Yuan. surprise.

At this point in the competition, Qin Yuan is almost a solid champion. The most difficult ones, the Heavenly Wolf Commando and the Earth Dragon Commando, have already been eaten. Apart from them, there are only three teams left in the entire competition area.

Among these three teams, two are the Sharp Sword Recruits Company led by Zhang Shuai and Fang Tian, ​​and they are encircling and suppressing the other team together, and it is nearing the end.

A moment later, as the only remaining team was annihilated, this year's military contest officially came to an end.

The Sharp Knife Recruit Company led by Qin Yuan is the undisputed first place in terms of kills and rankings, and this year's champion belongs to them.

When Qin Yuan arrived at the base in an armed helicopter, all the members of the Sharp Sword Recruit Company greeted him excitedly.

"Company commander, you're really arrogant! I watched that video just now, it's so **** handsome!" Hao Lian Yaoyao roared excitedly, even Hua Shanke, who had always been quiet, this time. His face was also full of joy.

"Hahaha! Well done boy, you have created a precedent for our military region, all of us are proud of you!"

Chen Xingjun had a smile on his face, with undisguised admiration in his eyes.

"Hello, Chief!"

The thorns of the sharp knife recruit company saluted.

"Haha, don't be so restrained, don't worry, the military region will not look at your contributions, and will definitely award you meritorious service!"

"Thank you, Chief!" The thorns looked excited, and they no longer had the usual escape, and their hearts were full of expectations.

"Old Chen..."

At this moment, several military leaders came over with a smile, Chen Xingjun seemed to think of something, the smile on his face faded instantly, and his heart became a little nervous for the first time.

"These bastards~www.readwn.com~ are really here to dig a corner!" Chen Xingjun sneered in his heart, but his face did not reveal the slightest, and his tone was serious: "What are you doing here?"

"Haha, old Chen, look at what you said, let's bless the champion. This seems to be a tradition of great competition, right?" The chief of the Kyoto Military Region said with a smile.

"Humph! The weasel greets the chicken for the New Year, but he has no good intentions!" Chen Xingjun snorted coldly.

The head of the Northwest Military Region on the other side ignored him, came to Qin Yuan's side, and said in a gentle tone: "Qin Yuan, company commander, you are doing well, you are so young, your potential in the future can be described as limitless, hahaha! "

Qin Yuan had some doubts in his heart. He remembered that he had eliminated many commandos in the Northwest Military Region. How could he still be smiling? But there was no strangeness on his face, and he said in a neither humble nor arrogant tone: "Thank you, Chief!"

"Captain Qin, when I saw you, it was like seeing me when I was young. If I had a soldier with such potential as you in the Northwest Military Region, I would definitely train it well, and it's not that I didn't even have the chance to take me in this old man's class. ...Hey!", the head of the Northwest Military Region sighed, as if it was a pity.

Listening to such shameless words, the chiefs of other military regions shook their heads, but they all understood the meaning of the words.

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