Tan Xiaolin looked at the King of Hell and said solemnly, "This is the battlefield!"

Yan Wang's expression was immediately choked, and he opened his mouth several times, as if to refute, but in the end he squatted on the ground with a sullen face, turning his head away from looking at the girls.

"Okay, let's pack up, hurry up and continue the fight, Lei Zhan should soon find out what's wrong!" Tan Xiaolin ran forward while removing her makeup.

Looking at the girls who were gradually disappearing in the distance, Harley said with a wry smile: "Ye Wang, I didn't expect that we would capsize in this gutter. If we go back, we will definitely be scolded to death by the captain!"

"Hey, who would have thought that the makeup skills of this group of female soldiers would be so amazing. We were so close, and we didn't notice anything unusual. It's amazing!"

"Now we can only rely on the captain and the others. I hope the captain can detect that something happened to us. Otherwise, this confrontation may really lose face. The dignified thunder and lightning commandos have been completely killed by a group of special forces who have just been trained for less than a month. J, we will become the laughing stock of the entire military region."

Harley said with a sad face, as if he had already thought of that scene, and his body trembled involuntarily.

In front of the screen of the military vehicle, Ye Jianting watched with his own eyes a few female soldiers quickly eliminated the two Thunder Commandos, with a gleam of approval in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that there are such talents among female soldiers. What is the name of the female soldier who plays the old man? She is very talented in acting!" He looked at Qin Yuan and asked with great interest.

"Her name is Tang Xiaoxiao, she was selected by the dance team of the Art Troupe." Qin Yuan also explained with a smile.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the ace sniper of the Leidian commando team was actually killed by the soldiers from the art troupe. After this confrontation is over, Lei Zhan's face will definitely not look good!"

Qin Yuan didn't answer, his eyes kept on the people of the Fire Phoenix Commando who were slowly touching the screen.


"Ye Wang, how is your situation there, please answer when you receive it!"

In an extremely hidden jungle, Lei Zhan frowned and repeated what he just said, but there was still no movement in the headset.

"Everyone is on alert, Hades and Harley should have an accident!"

"What, is there something wrong with the injured uncle just now?" Daniel asked in shock.

"Captain, this group of female soldiers doesn't seem to be weak. King Yan and the others are all veterans, and they were eliminated without even getting any news out!"

"Hmph, I told you a long time ago, don't underestimate the soldiers trained by Qin Yuan, even if they are women, Harley and Hades are two wastes, when the confrontation is over, they will all be rebuilt!"

Listening to Lei Zhan's somewhat angry words, Little Bee and the others on the side shivered uncontrollably, and they couldn't help but deeply mourned for the two Kings of Hell.

Ten minutes later, the old fox holding a sniper rifle suddenly lit up. In his sight, a vague shadow appeared in the jungle in the distance, and it was running towards this side in a weird way.

He did not shoot immediately, but reported to Lei Zhan very cautiously.

After listening to Lei Zhan, he pondered for a while and then said solemnly, "Are you sure you can kill her?"

"Although the distance is indeed a bit far, don't worry, I'm still very stable!". The old fox said with confidence.

"Okay, then shoot, kill her immediately, and then move the position, so as not to be discovered by the opponent's sniper."

"Do not worry!"

The old fox responded, and then stared at the somewhat blurred figure, and pulled the trigger a moment later.

However, what surprised him was that after the figure's head was hit, it actually rolled down.

Suddenly startled in his heart, the old fox was about to hide subconsciously. There was a gunshot in the distance, and then he felt as if his head had been hit by a stone, and a thick plume of smoke immediately appeared from his body.

The old fox stared blankly at the smoke on his body, and took a long time to react. He sat on the ground with a wry smile, catching Yan all day long, but was blinded by Yan.

He really didn't expect that these female soldiers actually used some makeup skills to get a fake head for themselves to attract themselves to shoot to expose the position.

The distance between the two sides was very far, and there was a dense jungle in the middle. He really didn't notice the abnormality for a while, and he accidentally took the bait.

The opponent's method is actually very easy to crack, as long as the shot hits the opponent's body, but as a special soldier, he subconsciously wants to shoot his head without giving the enemy a chance to struggle, but now this habit is harming himself!

In the dense forest at the back, Lei Zhan listened to the voice coming from the headset, and his face suddenly became a little ugly. In this match, before the main players of the two sides had contacted, they lost three people. Face.

"Captain, these female soldiers are a bit wicked, what should we do next?" Yuanbao on the side couldn't help but ask.

Lei Zhan gritted his teeth and said, "There are all of them, search forward in a triangular formation, pay attention to using thermal imaging detectors to search for enemies, and try to defeat them before they find us!"



An hour later, Lei Zhan stood in an open space, as if he had just experienced some kind of battle, with yellow smoke coming out of his body.

In front of him, Tan Xiaolin led the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando, with a strong excitement still on their faces. They did not expect that their strength was so strong.

In the face of the famous Thunder Commandos, they will be eliminated with only half of the damage.

At this moment, two military vehicles quickly drove towards this side. After the doors were opened, Qin Yuan and Ye Jianting slowly walked down.

"Hahaha, it's wonderful, it's wonderful!" Ye Jianting clapped his hands and looked at the fire phoenix commandos with undisguised approval in his eyes.

"Hello, Chief!"

Tan Xiaolin and Lei Zhan looked straight and hurriedly saluted.

"Hey, don't be so polite, you guys showed me a very exciting confrontation, it was so exciting, haha!" Ye Jianting waved his hand.

Lei Zhan's face immediately became a little stiff, he lowered his head slightly, and felt very ashamed in his heart. As a veteran special force, he was completely abused by a group of female soldiers who had just trained the army for a month!

However, Tan Xiaolin and others looked at Qin Yuan excitedly, as if they were waiting for something.

Qin Yuan looked at the girls with a gentle smile on his face, and said softly, "You are doing very well!"

When Tan Xiaolin heard Qin Yuan's affirmation, she couldn't hold back her excitement any longer, and jumped up happily. If it wasn't for the leader here, they would even want to go up and hug the instructor who brought them a reborn change.

Lei Zhan on the side watched this scene, his face became more and more hot and painful, as if he had been slapped hard.

Ye Jianting noticed the strangeness of Lei Zhan, and said earnestly: "Although we lost this competition, it is not a bad thing for you. The women's special forces are a team that has never appeared before. Their ideological strategies and men's The special forces are very different, you have to sum up this lesson well, and once you encounter such a situation in the future battlefield, you can make a response plan as soon as possible!"

"Yes, Chief, after I go back, I will take all the team members to discuss the lessons of this time seriously, and increase the usual training intensity!" Lei Zhan said loudly.

The members of the Thunderbolt Commando behind them all wailed in their hearts.

And Qin Yuan looked at the fire phoenix girls still immersed in the excitement of victory, and scolded lightly: "It's just to win a lightning commando, do you need to be so happy, there are still many powerful special forces in the military region, etc. You have finished the challenge one by one, it is not too late to be excited!"

The expression on Lei Zhan's face immediately dropped, and he couldn't help but turn his head and stare at Qin Yuan, "What do you mean? I mean, I, the Thunder Commando, are not qualified in your eyes?"

Qin Yuan ignored him at all.

"Hahaha!" Ye Jianting in front laughed heartily, as if he was happy to see such a scene.

After a long while, he seemed to remember something, and said in a solemn tone: "I am here today, in addition to watching a competition, there is one more thing to inform you."

"You said it!" Qin Yuan's face became straight, and the girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando around him also restrained their expressions, standing behind him and looking at Ye Jianting.

"Tomorrow at twelve o'clock, we will conduct a joint exercise with the Tianfu Military Region. Qin Yuan, you lead the Fire Phoenix Commando, will also participate in this military exercise."

"Originally, I was a little hesitant about the strength of the Fire Phoenix Commando, but after seeing this wonderful confrontation, I was really relieved, hahaha!"

"Yes, Chief, what is our mission?" Qin Yuan asked excitedly.

"Well... Fire Phoenix Commando, there is no special task, everything is up to you. Of course, once there is an emergency military situation, the director's department will still give orders!"

Ye Jianting slowly opened his mouth and said, in the last military exercise, the sharp knife recruit company played very well, and it directly determined the victory of the exercise, so this time after the leaders discussed it, they did not issue the task to the Fire Phoenix Commando, lest Imprisoned their unrestrained strength.

Lei Zhan on the side looked at Qin Yuan in surprise, and Tan Xiaolin and others behind him. In previous exercises, every special force would receive a very critical task.

The Fire Phoenix Commando led by Qin Yuan was so powerful that the leaders did not arrange tasks, which seemed very unreasonable.

But after a short while, he seemed to want to understand something, and the eyes he looked at Qin Yuan and others became very complicated, and the feeling of depression brought about by the defeat in the previous match also dissipated a little.

Even the chief of the military region is so optimistic about Qin Yuan and the others. His Thunder Commando team just lost a game, it seems... there is nothing to be concerned about...


Qin Yuan said solemnly.

"Okay, let's have a good exchange between you, and I'll go back first!" After Ye Jianting finished speaking, he got into his car and left in a hurry.

Lei Zhan glanced at Qin Yuan, nodded, and left with the team, as if he didn't want to stay here any longer.

"Instructor, is the Thunder Commando embarrassed to stay here, that's why they left so eagerly." Tang Xiaoxiao looked at the backs of Lei Zhan and the others and said in a low voice.

Qin Yuan clearly saw that Lei Zhan's footsteps staggered, as if he was caught by something. After stabilizing his body, he strode at a faster speed than before.

"Instructor, is this exercise important? Why did the chief say that we can act alone?" Tian Guo asked with some doubts.

Qin Yuan pursed his lips, and his voice was a little erratic: "You... do you want to be beheaded?"


The women looked at each other in dismay, and their eyes instantly became hot. When they were in the original army, they also participated in large-scale exercises, but each time they held very ordinary positions.

Not to mention beheading, they have never even seen the shadow of the local headquarters, but Qin Yuan actually said that they can be beheaded with them! Just thinking about it made my whole body tremble.

"Okay, it's already afternoon, you all have a good rest, tomorrow at twelve o'clock, gather at the training base on time!" Qin Yuan said.


After returning to the dormitory, the voice of the system machinery suddenly appeared in Qin Yuan's mind:

[Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for completing the task of training the Fire Phoenix Commando, now give out rewards, get world-class dagger fighting skills, peak-level sense of smell! 】

[The Sharp Knife Recruit Company and the Fire Phoenix Commando have obtained a peak-level attribute upgrade! 】

Qin Yuan's eyes lit up, and without any hesitation, he directly raised the fighting skills of everyone in the Sharp Sword Recruit Company to the peak level, and at the same time also raised the physical fitness of the Fire Phoenix Commando team to the peak level.

At this moment, Fang Tian next to him asked curiously: "Company commander, will the Fire Phoenix Commando perform well in this exercise?"

"Look at what you said, the company commander personally led this exercise. The protagonist of this exercise is the Fire Phoenix Commando. Unfortunately, we have been divided into ten special operations teams. The leaders must have given us tasks. Follow the company commander!" Su Xiaoyu said regretfully.

"Without the company commander~www.readwn.com~ Can't you, Su Xiaoyu, hold the gun?" Zang Chong glanced at Su Xiaoyu with disdain in his eyes.

"Okay, you all hurry back and prepare. The order of the military region should have been issued. In tomorrow's exercise, you must not lose face to the Sharp Sword Recruit Company!"

"Yes!" Zhang Shuai said in unison, then left the training base and rushed to his team.

Time passed slowly. At noon the next day, a rapid horn sounded in the camp. Teams gathered quickly, followed by their respective officers, packed their equipment, and quickly drove towards the designated location.

In the Fire Phoenix training base, Tan Xiaolin and others stood in a row, listening to the hurried horn sound, and couldn't help feeling a little excited and nervous.

Standing in the front, Qin Yuan looked at the girls, and then said loudly, "Take your equipment and rush to the exercise location!"


Soon, two military vehicles quickly drove out of the training base and ran towards a virgin forest.

In this exercise, they played the Red Army, while the Blue Army played by the Tianfu Military Region was very powerful. In previous exercises, it was difficult to take advantage of it.

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