Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 339: company commander you cheated

Chapter 340 You are cheating, company commander

"Can't finish it? Then there is no need for you to stay here, leave as soon as possible!" Qin Yuan's face looked a little grim.

"What are you still doing, hurry up and run!"

All the special forces were frightened, and Lei Zhan was the first to react, turning his head and shouting at the Lei Zhan commandos behind him: "Come on!"

Then Dang Xian rushed forward, and the other special teams were also unwilling to lag behind. They used all the strength of their bodies and rushed out.

Looking at the backs of the people leaving quickly, Fang Tian asked worriedly, "Company Commander, don't we have to keep up, it would be bad if there were any accidents along the way."

"It's just a routine physical training. Don't worry about it, they should be used to it." Zhang Shuai said with a smile, as if he was not worried at all.

"...Regular training...120 kilometers at your home is regular training!" Fang Tian murmured in his heart, but seeing that Qin Yuan's face was unusually flat, he stopped worrying about it.

On the other side, Su Xiaoyu touched Zang Chong's shoulder and said, "Savage, which special team do you think will come back first?"

"I think it should be the Lone Wolf Group B. After all, whether it is Xiaozhuang or the ostrich sanitation staff, their physical fitness and long-distance running are all top-notch." Zang Chong was making guesses casually.

"No, no, it's obvious that the guys from the red blood cell team will be more prominent in this regard, and they will definitely be the first to complete the mission."

"Hey, why don't we make a bet?" Zang Chong squinted at Su Xiaoyu, his face full of disdain.

"Just bet, I'm still afraid that you won't succeed, so I'll put it down today," It must be the red blood cell special team who completed it first! Su Xiaoyu scratched his neck.

Qin Yuan, who was next to him, became interested, and said with a smile: "I'm here to bet with you too. I bet that the people from the Wolf Warrior Squadron will return first, so I'll bet ten cans of beer!"

"How can ten cans be enough? Why don't you have fifty cans, otherwise it's not enough!" Su Xiaoyu immediately became full of emotions when he saw Qin Yuan join in, and directly raised his bet to fifty cans.

In his opinion, in the red blood cell special team, whether it is He Chenguang or Wang Yanbing, they are very strong, and they are completely sure to complete the task first, so he is also somewhat confident.

"no problem!"

Zang Chong agreed immediately, his eyes fell on Qin Yuan, as if he had seen fifty cans of beer waving to him.

Qin Yuan glanced at the two of them with a half-smile but not a smile, and said to himself: "Sample, you want to take advantage of me, you just want to eat shit, this time you must lose the flesh!"


On the rugged mountain road, all the special forces used all their strength to rush forward.

This training mission, no one would find it easy, so they all ran with all their strength.

At the beginning, they were very physically strong, so they ran very rhythmically, but as time progressed, their speed slowed down involuntarily, and their breathing became heavy.

"Work harder, don't fall behind!" Yang Rui shouted to the players behind him.

"When will this kind of extreme training be enough? It's a full 120 kilometers away, and there are dozens of kilograms of weight on the body. It needs to be completed within six hours. The most impressive thing is that you have to climb a Shantou, I think I will die on the way!" Xu Hong breathed heavily.

"Just hold on, as long as we can survive this extreme training, our strength will definitely be improved, and it will be much easier to face this situation in the future." Shitou wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned his head to encourage his own Player, in the Jiaolong special team, his physical fitness is relatively the best, and he is running at the forefront of the team at this time.

"Yes, I have survived so many trainings in the past. You can't lose the chain at this time. Everyone must persevere!"

The special forces cheered each other up, strode forward, and then waited until the second half of the process, everyone's faces were very ugly.

At this time, most of the people had already come down from the top of the mountain and returned towards the base, and their physical strength was obviously unstoppable.

"No way, I will take a break first and then run, and I will really be exhausted halfway!" The little bee was completely soaked in sweat at this time, and her face was extremely pale, making people no doubt that he It will suddenly fall to the ground.

"I can't do it either, you go first, I'll stop and rest for a while, and then I'll go after you." Yuanbao stopped, regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not, he just sat on the ground and gasped heavily. Rough.

"Get up quickly, you can't sit directly on it. Now it's only ten kilometers away from the training base. If you stick with it, you will be able to rest soon."

The old fox stopped next to Yuanbao and tried to pull him up, but his own physical strength was almost exhausted, and he pulled down hard, but he didn't pull Yuanbao from the ground, and he almost fell to the ground.

Hearing the movement behind him, Lei Zhan ran back immediately, took a deep breath to calm his beating heart, and said solemnly, "Get up, don't sit down after strenuous exercise, or your body will be destroyed."

"But Captain, I really can't hold on anymore!" Yuanbao's face was full of bitterness, and he tried to get up from the ground several times, but he was unsuccessful.

Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan directly handed out his right hand, "Get up, victory is just around the corner, you have already completed more than 100 kilometers, you can't just give up, after returning to the base, the instructor will definitely give us enough. rest time."

Yuan Bao gritted his teeth, grabbed Lei Zhan's right hand, and used all his strength to get up from the ground with a wry smile on his face.

"Okay, don't waste time, we must return within the specified time, or we will definitely be punished." Lei Zhan looked at the other special teams that were getting farther and farther away.

"Captain, don't worry, even if I climb, I have to climb back to the base!" Yuan Bao's face was full of determination, and he obviously planned to go out.

Lei Zhan glanced at the old fox beside him, the latter immediately understood what he meant, and then ran forward with Yuanbao involuntarily.

"Team, captain, staff, you don't have to do this, you can't be dragged down by me." Yuanbao was run by two people, the pressure suddenly dropped, and his face was full of emotion, but he knew that the two were dragged down by himself, it was very likely will not be able to complete the training task.

"Don't talk nonsense, the Thunder Commando will not give up any of the team members. What you should do now is to catch up with us!" Lei Zhan's voice was unusually flat.

"Yes!" Yuanbao took a deep breath, feeling a new burst of strength from the depths of his body, and his movements became much lighter.

Time passed slowly, the sky seemed a little dim, and a figure appeared in the sight of Qin Yuan and others.

Su Xiaoyu looked nervously, and when he saw who it was, an ecstatic expression appeared on his face: "Hahaha, I won, thirty cans of beer, remember to put it in my dormitory tonight!"

Looking at Su Xiaoyu with a shy face, Zang Chong sighed slightly. The first person to appear was He Chenguang of the Red Blood Cell Special Forces.

However, Qin Yuan's face did not change at all. Through the monitoring of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, he could clearly see that about forty or fifty meters behind Wang Yanbing, Leng Feng of the Wolf Warrior Squadron was running with his head buried in it.

"Company commander, willing to admit defeat, thirty cans of beer." Su Xiaoyu immediately reminded him when he saw that there was no expression on his face.

"Haha, what's the hurry, the result hasn't come out yet, it's not certain who will complete the task first!" An inexplicable smile flashed across Qin Yuan's face.

Su Xiaoyu followed Qin Yuan's line of sight with some doubts, and soon saw Leng Feng behind He Chenguang, and the doubts on his face became more intense.

"This Leng Feng is already forty or fifty meters behind. The physical strength of the two must have been almost exhausted, and there is no possibility of any outbreak. He Chenguang took the lead to complete the task. Isn't it ironclad?"

Qin Yuan turned his head and glanced at him, and said with a stern face: "If the result is not completely certain, don't relax, because the change of things may be beyond your expectations."

Su Xiaoyu's eyes widened, as if he had a premonition that something was wrong. At this moment, a scream came from the front, and the voice was extremely shrill, as if he was suffering from great pain.

Looking up in the direction of the sound, Su Xiaoyu's face instantly became sluggish, and she looked forward in disbelief.

In his sight, Leng Feng of the Wolf Warrior Squadron didn't know what was going on. He had a very painful expression on his face. He covered his **** as if he was avoiding something. He spread his feet and ran forward. In the incredible eyes of the morning light, he quickly surpassed the past.

"This..." Su Xiaoyu seemed unwilling to believe the scene in front of him, his expression was extremely dull, suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, so he turned his head to look at Qin Yuan, his eyes revealing a deep resentment.

He remembered that when they were trained by Qin Yuan, they were always stung by something like a wasp for no apparent reason. The feeling was extremely painful, but he couldn't find the reason, so he could only run forward.

"Cough, look at what I'm doing, willing to admit defeat, thirty cans of beer, remember to put it in my dormitory tonight!" Qin Yuan coughed lightly, and returned Su Xiaoyu's previous words with a calm expression. , seems to have done nothing.

"Hahaha, Xiaoyu, why don't you squeak!" Zang Chong burst out laughing with undisguised mockery in his voice. Although he also lost thirty cans of beer, as long as he didn't lose to Su Xiaoyu , he will not have any resistance.

At this time, Leng Feng ran to Qin Yuan and the others panting, gasping for breath, but after seeing the strange eyes of several instructors, he couldn't help but asked curiously, "Instructor, what happened? already?"

Qin Yuan looked at Leng Feng with a curious face, and coughed lightly: "When the training is over, remember to come to my dormitory to get fifteen cans of beer, you deserve it!"

As soon as these words came out, Su Xiaoyu's eyes became even more resentful, looking at Qin Yuan like a little daughter-in-law who has been wronged, looking at a scumbag man.

Leng Feng, who was on the side, became more and more puzzled, but seeing that the instructor did not explain, he endured curiosity and stopped asking, but he muttered in his heart: "Is it possible that the first one to complete the training task will be rewarded? Why didn't you know it before!"

Soon, the rest of the special forces returned one after another, their faces were extremely pale, as if they had been starved for several days and nights, and the sweat on their bodies seemed to fall without money, but fortunately, they all completed the task within the stipulated time.

Qin Yuan looked at the middle-aged man who was breathing heavily to recover his physical strength, without urging too much, and unfolded the halo of physical recovery, waiting for twenty minutes.

"Strange, how come our physical strength has recovered so quickly recently? Has our physique changed and we can already adapt to this harsh training?" Ostrich asked strangely.

"Haha, you think your Super Saiyan must be the instructor's method." The hygienist's voice seemed a bit mocking. He was born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, and he knew these things very well.

The ostrich looked at the hygienist who kept saying goodbye to him, and wanted to punch him, but he thought that if he did, he would definitely be punished by the instructor, so he could only put away this thought angrily.

Looking at the special forces who had recovered most of them, Qin Yuan shouted loudly, "Put your weight on your back and start doing push-ups!"

"Wow, the instructor is still cold-blooded as usual, doing push-ups with a load of dozens of kilograms on his back, this is going to exhaust us!"

"Isn't the most important thing not to limit the time and quantity, this is the most terrifying thing!"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, we have been in the hands of the instructor for so long, don't we have a clue? If it's just regular training, we can do it ourselves, why come here."

"Yes, let's start quickly, or the instructor will punish us again!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone no longer had any hesitation, tightened the weight on their bodies, and directly lay on the ground to do push-ups.

Qin Yuan looked at the people on the ground, frowning slightly: "speed up for me, each one is slow like a turtle, the old ladies walking on the street are faster than you!"

Lei Zhan and the others couldn't help showing a wry smile on their faces, and they kept slandering in their hearts: "If you have the ability, you can go to the street and find an old lady like They can just kneel and kowtow!"

But no matter how much he felt in his heart, he had to speed up the movements of his hands, and several guys who wanted to fish in secret were complaining incessantly.

About an hour later, everyone felt that their arms were petrified, and they almost lost all consciousness. Their abdomens were twitching tightly, and beads of sweat were constantly flowing on their foreheads.

After scanning everyone's physical status with the help of the god-level intelligent poisonous bee, Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction. After the last mission, he got a chance to improve his physical strength at the master level, and then used it for the five special teams. .

Now it seems that a proficient physical strength improvement is still quite effective. If it was before, they would definitely not be able to carry dozens of kilograms of weight on their backs and do push-ups at a high intensity for an hour in a row.

Looking at the gradually dimming sky, Qin Yuan said solemnly, "All of them are available. I'll give you ten minutes to rest before continuing with the next training session."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, used all their strength to drop the weight on their bodies, and then lay on the ground, panting violently.

(End of this chapter)

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