Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 352: Helicopter diving without parachute

Chapter 353 Helicopter diving without parachute

"Hey, what are you doing?" Lei Zhan grabbed Harley, who was running towards the jungle where the wolves had disappeared, his face full of doubts.

"Captain, beat down the water wolves." Harley raised the blood-stained stone in his hand.

"No, why are you competing with a group of beasts? Hurry up and rest for a while." Lei Zhan scolded with a smile.

Harley let out a cute oh, and when he dropped his hands reluctantly, he looked in the direction of the dense forest with pity in his eyes. Although his body was stained with a layer of viscous blood, it was obvious from the way he was jumping up and down. Not on myself.

"Captain Lei, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. If it wasn't for you to quickly solve the U-turn wolf, we would be in a lot of trouble today." Yang Rui looked at Lei Zhan with complicated eyes.

"Since the danger has passed, there is no need to say this. After a short rest, let's continue the training mission assigned by the instructor." Lei Zhan said with a smile.

"Okay!" Yang Rui nodded. Although he didn't have much confidence, he would still earnestly complete the tasks assigned by Qin Yuan.

On the other side, Qin Yuan's figure had disappeared, and he went to the position of the next special team.

Soon, two hours passed, and all the teams returned one after another, with complex expressions on their faces.

In this latent confrontation training, after Lei Zhan eliminated the Jiaolong special team, he soon encountered the red blood cell special team. Because everyone had consumed too much physical strength before, they finally lost to Chen Shanming and the others.

In the end, the Lone Wolf Group B led by Geng Jihui easily picked up a leak, cleaned up the mess between the Wolf Warrior Squadron and the Red Blood Cell Special Team, and won the final victory.

Qin Yuan looked at everyone and said loudly, "Except for Lone Wolf Group B, everyone will do 3,000 sit-ups on the spot, giving you one hour."

Without any hesitation, Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming, Long Xiaoyun, Yang Rui and others led their team members to sit up and do push-ups.

Geng Jihui tangled his face for a while, then said loudly, "Report the instructor, we just got lucky, and we won the final victory, so I applied, Lone Wolf Group B should be punished the same as them."

Qin Yuan glanced at the members of Lone Wolf Group B and saw that they didn't resist at all, but felt it was right, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes!"


After more than 50 minutes, everyone's faces were extremely pale, the soil under them was completely soaked by sweat, and their bodies couldn't stop shaking, as if they would faint at any time.

"Dead hygienist, it's all your fault for dragging our feet, otherwise how could we fail and be punished by the instructor!" The ostrich scolded the hygienist diligently, trying to divert his attention, so that he could last longer.

"Hehe, it's obviously because you didn't get rid of the opponent in time, and that's what put us in danger. Otherwise, the winner will definitely belong to the lone wolf group B." Although the hygienist's voice was extremely weak, his tone was very mocking.

"Fuck you, obviously you are arrogant and insist on fighting against the two opponents, but you were beaten up halfway, disturbing my mood, otherwise I would have killed the opponent long ago."

"Can you two stop?" Lao Pao couldn't help but sigh.

The ostrich and the hygienist looked at each other, snorted and turned to look aside.

Soon, an hour had passed, and everyone had completed 3,000 sit-ups, lying on the ground so tired that they felt their waists were almost torn apart.

Qin Yuan glanced at the time, and it was still after three o'clock in the afternoon. It would take about three hours to go back to the training base with heavy loads...

With a light cough, Qin Yuan looked at the special forces and said, "Next, let's do a plank for an hour."

"Plank, an hour?" Ostrich's eyes widened, his face full of bitterness.

Plank is definitely an extremely simple training program, but the simpler and purer, the more difficult it is to complete.

The average person can last for two or three minutes at most. The recruits who have undergone simple training can last for seven or eight minutes, or ten minutes at most, and those special soldiers who are king of soldiers can last for half an hour at most. .

But now, Qin Yuan's opening is an hour, how can they not feel terror.

"What are you still doing!" Qin Yuan shouted loudly.


Lei Zhan and the others didn't dare to hesitate any longer. They endured the pain in their arms and lay down on the hard stone ground.

Qin Yuan took the timer, sat on the chair that had been prepared long ago, and shouted to Zhang Shuai and the others, "Zhang Shuai, Zang Chong, you go to the woods to get some game, and the little fish to catch some fish, Fang Tian prepares the barbecue grill. , It's been a busy day, it's time to eat something."


A look of joy appeared on the faces of the four of Zang Chong, and they started to prepare to go. Now that the sun was about to set, they had some breakfast when they came.

"Hey, I'm so hungry, do you think the instructor will be kind enough to give us some barbecue?" Wang Yanbing moved his stinging elbow that was rubbed by the stone, his face full of longing.

"It's too beautiful to think, we are now rookies without human rights, it would be nice to have something to eat, but we still think about barbecue!" He Chenguang rolled his eyes and said.

Soon, more than half an hour passed, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others smelled the fragrant barbecue coming from not far away, their faces were full of anger.

"The **** instructor must have done it on purpose, it's too bad, bah!" The ostrich gritted his teeth and said, trying hard not to think about the fat roasted chicken, roasted rabbit and roasted fish, but his mouth was drooling.

"Everyone must hold on, there is still half an hour, and you can eat after finishing." Geng Jihui encouraged the team members.

"But, Captain, this place is more than 60 kilometers away from the training base. Even if you complete the plank, you have to run back to eat the hot food in the cafeteria, right?" Lao Pao couldn't help interrupting.

Geng Jihui's face froze, and he glared at Lao Pao: "No one will treat you as a fool if you don't speak!"


More than 40 minutes later, Qin Yuan and Zang Chong were munching on delicious barbecued meat beside him, and the five special teams gritted their teeth and supported on the ground.

Everyone's bodies trembled uncontrollably, sweat the size of a bean dripped down their faces, the whole body seemed to be torn apart by someone, and their limbs gradually lost consciousness.

This kind of training is a great test for toughness and physical fitness. Only by gritting the teeth and persevering can the body transform.

As time passed, after the last five minutes, everyone's body was shaking violently, the blue veins on their faces were like pythons, and they looked extremely ferocious, as if they would collapse at any time.

"Pay attention to your breathing rhythm and adjust your body condition. There are less than three minutes left, so don't give up." Qin Yuan came to the crowd with a grilled fish, his voice a little vague.

All the special forces kept scolding Qin Yuan in their hearts, wishing they could **** the grilled fish from his hand, and then slammed it on his face, so that they could vent their grievances.

In the end, an hour later, when Qin Yuan announced the end of the training, everyone smashed to the ground uncontrollably, their bodies trembling as if they were electrocuted.

Qin Yuan glanced at Long Xiaoyun, who was lying on the ground powerless, and nodded silently in his heart. At the beginning, he actually did not expect that Long Xiaoyun could last so long.

Seemingly aware of Qin Yuan's gaze, Long Xiaoyun turned her head with great difficulty. After seeing the unhesitating appreciation in the other's eyes, she suddenly felt that her heart seemed to be beating more violently.

Qin Yuan silently turned on the aura of physical strength recovery. After realizing that most of the people's physical strength had recovered, he immediately said loudly: "All gathering!"

Everyone was shocked, and immediately got up from the ground and stood in a neat queue.

"Take your weights and give you three hours. If someone doesn't run back to the training base within the specified time, then they all don't need to eat, can you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly!" Lei Zhan, Chen Shanming and the others were mixed with resentment, and their voices seemed very harsh.

"Then why are you still standing there? Hurry up and act!"



When everyone returned to the training base, the sky had completely dimmed, but fortunately no one was left behind, and they all rushed back here within three hours.

After going to the cafeteria to eat some prepared food, everyone dragged their tired bodies and returned to their dormitories one after another. After washing the mud from their bodies, they lay on the bed and fell asleep.

At six o'clock the next morning, Qin Yuan once again carried a box of tearjerker Lei and threw them into the window one by one.

However, the special forces were obviously immune to this method. Almost before the tearjerker Lei smashed into the dormitory, he woke up. After holding his breath, he put on his clothes and sorted out the housework, and then stood neatly downstairs in the dormitory.

"Very good, it seems that you keep one eye open when you sleep. This is a good habit, remember to keep it in the future." Qin Yuan said with a smile.

"Heh, you can see that the instructor still has a trace of regret in his eyes. Obviously, he is very unhappy with our vigilance, so he has no excuse to punish us." The ostrich whispered maliciously.

"Hehe, do you think everyone is the same as you?" The hygienist glanced at the ostrich with contempt.

"Yoyo, hygienist, it seems that you are very unconvinced. Do you want to make a bet with me? The loser will wash the other party's smelly socks for a month!" The ostrich raised his brows, as if he was quite sure.

"Cut, naive!" The hygienist twisted his head to the point where he didn't look at the smug ostrich.

"Cough, everyone has it. Bring your equipment and run two hundred laps on the playground to warm up." Qin Yuan said with a stern face.

"Fuck, two hundred laps, I won't hear it wrong, right?" Wang Yanbing's face was full of sluggishness.

"Hey, it has to be 100 kilometers. Fortunately, you don't need to carry weights, you only need to bring equipment, otherwise you will really be exhausted in the playground this time." He Chenguang had a look of happiness on his face.

"You said, will the instructor let us run 300 laps directly tomorrow?" Li Erniu had a hint of guesswork in his eyes.

"Bah, bah, crow's mouth!" Song Kaifei spat lightly.

"Okay, let's start quickly, otherwise the instructor will punish us again." Gong Jian said helplessly, then brought his own equipment and strode towards the playground.


Two hours later, everyone finally completed the warm-up that Qin Yuan said. They were so tired that they could barely stand up straight. They supported each other and walked towards the cafeteria.

After breakfast, Qin Yuan brought five special teams and went directly to the helicopter base. He quickly applied for six armed helicopters and flew towards the reservoir dozens of kilometers away.

It didn't take long for the helicopter to hover above the library. Looking at the suspicious eyes of everyone, Qin Yuan pressed the headset and said loudly, "This morning, your training mission is to dive without a parachute."

"What? Jumping from a helicopter without a parachute, isn't that killing us?" Little Bee couldn't help but said, her eyes fell on the green water below, and she couldn't help shrinking her neck.

"Yes, instructor, skydiving is an extremely dangerous project, let alone without a parachute. If you accidentally hit a rock, wouldn't you just die?" Harley also said, his face full of worry.

Lei Jiji calculated the current distance from the water surface, and there was a hint of embarrassment on his face: "Instructor, is this training really too difficult?"

Qin Yuan snorted coldly: "Difficult? Can't finish it? Could it be that on the battlefield, you wouldn't carry out your mission without a parachute? Are you going to watch the gangsters leave calmly?"

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui, Chen Shanming and others lowered their heads in shame.

"Zang Chong!"


"Cover up for this group of 'special forces', what is diving without a parachute!" Qin Yuan's voice was a little more accentuated on the word "special forces", as if mocking.

"Yes!" Zang Chong grinned, threw the non-waterproof thing on his body to Su Xiaoyu, and then jumped towards the surface of the water in a very lighthearted manner under the watchful eyes of the special forces.

A few seconds later, a thud came from the water. Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others watched Zang Chong's figure quickly emerge from the water, and then like a fish, it swam towards the shore as neatly as possible.

" Do you still have any questions?" Qin Yuan's face seemed a little cold.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" All the special forces hurriedly stood at attention and saluted. There was no way. The instructor's eyes looked at people like they wanted to kill them. If they didn't show it, they were really scared.

"Then why are you still standing there? There are helicopters waiting for you on the ground. After the jump, go directly to it, and then continue training until twelve o'clock noon!"


Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others no longer hesitated, and jumped directly towards the water surface as soon as they gritted their teeth.

Time passed slowly, and after several hours of helicopter diving training without parachutes, everyone's faces became very ugly.

Although it was full of water below, smashing it from the helicopter still made them feel extremely painful, and their heads looked foggy, not to mention that the nose and mouth were full of water, and they all looked red and swollen under the eyes. It's like I just cried.

It was not until after 12 noon that Qin Yuan decided that the bodies of the special forces would be unable to hold up, and then announced that the morning training would be stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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