Chapter 359 Hidden Weapon Throwing

"Okay, old Wen, let's go back first. There are still many things waiting for you to deal with here."

Ye Jianting glanced at the media who were swarming in the distance, and gloated in his eyes.

President Wen glared at Ye Jianting fiercely, and said bitterly, "Okay, get out of here."

Then he turned his head to look at Qin Yuan, the expression on his face should be more kind and kind, he said with a smile: "Xiao Qin, since you do still have tasks, then I won't leave you more, and I must come here as a guest when I have time. , I will entertain you myself."

Qin Yuan nodded, followed behind Ye Jianting, and walked towards the direction of the helicopter parked in the military region.

After coming to the helicopter, Tan Xiaolin and the other girls of the Fire Phoenix Commando had already pulled here, and they all seemed a little excited when they saw Qin Yuan.

"Instructor, how was my shot?" Ye Cunxin stared at Qin Yuan without blinking, as if waiting for praise.

"It's a good job." Qin Yuan praised without hesitation.

Ye Cunxin's eyes narrowed to crescent moons, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Okay, let's go back quickly." Ye Jianting said, and stepped onto the helicopter.



After returning to the military area, Chief Su was very satisfied with the results of this mission, and directly awarded Qin Yuan's personal second-class merit, the Fire Phoenix Commando's collective third-class merit, and the sniper Ye Cunxin and the observer Shen Lanni also obtained personal third-class merit. 's commendation.

Qin Yuan didn't stay too long, and soon returned to the training base. At this time, Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others were sweating on the playground under the leadership of Zhang Shuai.

"Company commander, are you back?" Su Xiaoyu immediately greeted Qin Yuan after seeing Qin Yuan's figure.

"Well," Qin Yuan nodded and said casually, "How is the training mission going today?"

"Not bad. Today is mainly about regular physical training. The strength of these guys is really good. It is estimated that it will not take long before they will surpass us." Fang Tian replied with a smile.

"Okay, I'll just train as usual today. I'll go back to the dormitory to clean up first." Qin Yuan glanced at the already darkening sky and walked directly to the dormitory. After returning from the city, he hadn't cleaned his body yet.

Early the next morning, Qin Yuan stood in front of the training ground, looking at the spirited special forces, with an inexplicable smile on his face: "All are there, bring your equipment, and go to the side to load a hundred kilograms of stones."

"What? One hundred kilograms, I'm a god, does the instructor want to exhaust us?" The ostrich's eyes widened, and his calf shivered.

"Hey, I knew that this day would come. It is estimated that it will not be long before the weight on our body will increase to 110 kilograms, 130 kilograms, 150 kilograms..." Xiaozhuang He sighed softly, but his movements were not slow at all.

"Don't complain, if the instructor hears it, it's probably going to stumble us again." Qiangzi smiled bitterly, his face full of helplessness.

"The instructor's training task is indeed very demanding, but haven't you noticed that our physical fitness has long been different from the past, and even increased several times." Geng Jihui said solemnly, a fiery flash in his eyes.

Ostrich and others agreed and nodded, and the movements on their hands became more swift.

Soon, all the special forces were loaded with 100 kilograms of load, and then they rushed forward in military vehicles.

Two hours later, on the rugged mountain road, Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and the others were panting heavily, their faces covered with sweat, and their footsteps seemed a little vain, but they still held on.

"Zhuo, how long will this last? I feel that these legs are not my own anymore." Little Bee stooped, the weight on his back was like a mountain, and he couldn't breathe.

"Everyone, hold on a little longer, the hard days will end in the end. For us, this is also a kind of will tempering." Lei Zhan gasped, his eyes were very firm.

About half an hour later, everyone's face was as pale as a sheet of paper again and again, and all the clothes on their bodies were soaked with sweat, as if they had just been fished out of the lake, and their physical strength was almost exhausted.

"All of them, rest in place for ten minutes." Qin Yuan shouted loudly.

The special forces suddenly showed a relieved expression on their faces. They smashed their backpacks on the ground with difficulty, but did not lie down to rest immediately, but continued to walk on the ground in small steps to prevent their bodies from being unable to bear it.

Qin Yuan turned on the aura of physical recovery, and after letting everyone rest for ten minutes, led them towards the woods.

After entering the dense forest, Qin Yuan said loudly: "Have you seen the tree trunk in front of you? For the next two hours, you have to keep hitting it with your fists without the slightest slack. Can you hear it clearly?"

Chen Shanming, Geng Jihui and the others looked at the tree trunks that were as thick as two people in front of them, and their faces couldn't help showing a touch of bitterness, but they still shouted loudly: "Listen clearly!"

"Then what are you still doing?"

The special forces immediately did not dare to hesitate at all, gritted their teeth and stretched out their fists to smash the tree trunk heavily.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

A dull sound echoed through the woods.

"Damn it, this is too painful, the instructor is so perverted, he actually asked us to slap the tree trunk directly!" Wang Yanbing grinned, his two fists already oozing blood.

"These tree trunks are very hard, and some can't even shoot through bullets. With our flesh and blood, we can't do anything about it." Song Kaifei's face was full of painful expressions. This kind of training is almost indistinguishable from self-mutilation. .

"You guys seem to be very busy. You still have time to chat. Do you think that two hours is not enough for you to play?" Qin Yuan's mouth evoked an inexplicable smile.

All the special forces shivered all over, closed their mouths immediately, bit him and punched him on the hard tree trunk.

"It's too slow, speed up, everyone seems to be like a woman, haven't you eaten?"

Everyone speeded up helplessly, but Long Xiaoyun turned his head and glanced at him, with a hint of anger in his eyes, "Hmph, what happened to the woman, one day, I will let you beg me for mercy!"

Time passed slowly, everyone's fists were already ripped apart, the trunks were stained with this layer of thick blood, and the air was filled with a **** smell, but there were no beasts here, and Qin Yuan didn't care too much.

Two hours later, Qin Yuan asked them to stop training, and left a few large packets of gauze at random. When they rested, they would bandage their wounds by themselves, and then continue to return to the training base with heavy loads.

When he returned to the base, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. Qin Yuan once again prepared the healing medicine with the ingredients and distributed it to everyone.

The Chinese medicine water prepared by world-class Chinese medicine is very powerful. Almost as soon as it is applied, the wound is no longer bleeding and heals quickly.

After the rest, Qin Yuan brought everyone to the shooting range, but did not distribute weapons.

"No, the instructor brought us to the shooting range, he must be training marksmanship, but what does it mean not to fire us guns, do you want to throw stones at the target with your hands?" The one-meter-five face was full of doubts.

"Never mind, let's practice whatever the instructor asks us to do, how can you resist?" Shi Sanba seemed to be at ease, simply giving up resistance.

Qin Yuan glanced at the special forces, then led them to a position fifty meters in front of the targets, and then nodded towards Zang Chong.

The latter understood immediately, and turned to take down two heavy boxes.

"The next training content is the hidden weapon throwing training. When fighting behind the enemy, in most cases, you can't shoot, and you can't even get close to killing the enemy."

"At this time, you need to use hidden weapon throwing skills to kill the enemy remotely by throwing daggers or stones."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he couldn't help showing a stunned expression on his face. When they were carrying out the mission, they had indeed encountered such a situation, and even almost directly caused the mission to fail.

"Instructor, how should we train?" There was a gleam of excitement on Ostrich's face, as if he couldn't wait to start training.

"It's very simple. I see that there is no box in front of you. It's full of .75 shells. Next, your task is to throw it into the bullseye, which is the tenth ring, from 50 meters away. !"

"Smash, smash in? It has to be ten rings?" Lao Pao's face seemed a little dull, as if he felt that he had heard it wrong.

"Instructor, the bullet casing doesn't have any sharp points. How can we smash it into the target with the strength of our arms?" Xiao Zhuang asked directly.

Seeing that the faces of the special forces were almost equally puzzled, Qin Yuan didn't say much, just bent over to open the box, took out five bullet casings, and turned his back to the target, holding the bullet casings in his right hand at will. tossed backwards.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

A series of silent muffled noises came, and the faces of Long Xiaoyun, Chen Shanming and others were all dull. They saw with their own eyes that five bullet casings were actually smashed into the target, and all of them hit the bullseye.

"Fuck, the instructor is really a genius, and he can actually do it."

"Brothers, I think what we should worry about now is how to get ourselves to this level."

"Hey, I don't think I'll be able to finish training even if I stand here for a day."


Qin Yuan glanced at everyone, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "After each of you has cast a bullet, as long as you don't hit the bull's-eye, you must do a hundred push-ups, there is no limit to the number."

"If you have the ability, you will always miss it. Maybe if you lose your arm, I can stop training."

The faces of Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and others were as uncomfortable as eating a raw goshawk. One hundred push-ups seemed simple, but once the number of failures increased, there would be thousands!

"Start training now!"

Qin Yuan yelled at everyone.

Everyone's whole body suddenly jolted, and they quickly bent down to grab a large number of bullet casings, and then stood fifty meters in front of the target, staring at the bullseye without blinking.


Swish swish!

All the special forces tried their best to **** the milk, and threw the bullet casings in their hands heavily, and their faces looked very nervous.

However, even with the experience of throwing hidden weapons, no one smashed the bullet casing into the target this time, and most of them didn't even hit the bullseye.

Without Qin Yuan's reminder, all the special forces consciously lay on the ground and did push-ups.

Soon, an hour passed, and everyone's arms were extremely sore and numb, and a thick layer of sweat appeared on their faces.

During this period, some blind cat hit the dead mouse and smashed the bullet casing into the bull's-eye, but it was only exempted from the 100 push-ups this time.

With the passage of time, the sky gradually darkened, and after such a long period of training, the crowd still managed to hit the bullseye six times out of ten.

Qin Yuan glanced at the time and said loudly, "Give you 20 minutes of rest time, and then continue to come back here to gather!"


Long Xiaoyun, Geng Jihui and others all showed joy on their faces, dragging their almost unconscious arms, and ran towards the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria, the ostrich tried several times, but failed to pick up the chopsticks.

"Ostrich, pay attention to your image, there are lesbians here, and you are not afraid of people laughing at you!" The hygienist rolled his eyes, grabbed the chopsticks with his fists, and ate the food.

"Hehe, everyone has been under the same roof for so long, and they still care what they do." Ostrich said nonchalantly.

The hygienist turned his head and saw that everyone seemed to be arching with the pig, so he no longer hesitated, just dropped his chopsticks and started nibbling.

After all the special forces finished dinner and the Chinese medicine prepared by Qin Yuan, they came to the training ground again and saw what Qin Yuan was arranging inside.

There are sandbags hanging from the rebar on the ceiling here, and there are several boardwalks on the ground, which can only accommodate one foot.

"Fuck, what is the instructor doing? Why do I feel a little frightened!" Harry's eyes widened, and his feet suddenly felt a little vain.

Soon, Qin Yuan and Zang Chong set up the training ground, and then came to the special forces and said loudly, "In the next two hours, your training mission is sandbag formation."

"You all need to step on the plank with and then hit the smashed sandbag to stabilize your body. Once someone steps on the board and falls, everyone will be punished!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned his head and said behind him, "Zang Chong, show them a demonstration first!"


Zang Chong grinned, jumped directly to the plank with a few strides, and then rushed straight ahead.

After entering the sandbag formation, Zang Chong threw his fists on it and opened up a path.

When the first sandbag shakes, it directly drives the next sandbag to shake. At this time, he not only needs to pay attention to the plank under his feet, but also to smash the sandbag through his elbows, shoulders, knees, etc.

Each of these sandbags weighs hundreds of kilograms. Ordinary people can't even move them. However, under Zang Chong's brute force, these sandbags are filled with cotton wool. It smashed all the way out.

It only took half a minute for Zang Chong to run to the finish line, jumping down without blushing or panting.

(End of this chapter)

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