Chapter 387 Heaven Guard System

Intensive gunshots sounded from time to time, and the blue army special forces in ambush in front obviously did not carry heavy firepower and could not have any impact on Ye Jianting in the bulletproof car.

This is also normal. After all, the exercise has only just started. After the Blue Army received the news they deliberately spread, if they want to behead quickly, they must react quickly, and the load on their body cannot be too large.

At the Blue Army headquarters, He Sihai looked a little serious when he looked at the battle screen on the monitor screen.

"Head, don't worry, this Ye Jianting will definitely not be able to escape. His security guards are only about 30 or so, and they can't stop the encirclement and suppression of the two special forces." The staff next to him said with a smile.

"Yeah." He Sihai nodded, and then said, "If it's not enough, we can't take it lightly, notify the drone troops, and carefully investigate the situation on the battlefield at high altitude to avoid accidents in the beheading operation."

"Understood!" The correspondent next to him immediately became busy.

On the battlefield, the two special teams of the Blue Army cooperated with each other and rushed in the direction of Ye Jianting. It's not enough to watch, the most important thing is that this operation is a bit too inexplicable, and the manpower to carry is seriously insufficient.

"Everyone must persevere. Even if you die here, you must ensure the safety of the leader." The squad leader of the guard shouted, desperately firing forward, trying to block the pace of the enemy's special forces.

There was no panic on Ye Jianting's face in the military vehicle. The main reason why he was able to cooperate with the plan this time was his affirmation of Qin Yuan's strength. The **** of high-spirited special warfare in the International Special Forces Competition.

On both sides of the road in the distance, the captain of the Blue Army Arc Lante team said to the captain of the Lone Eagle Commando next to him through the headset: "You go to the left to flank, first go and suppress the convoy, and I will cover you here."


The members of the Lone Eagle Commando took advantage of the surrounding trees to quickly touch the convoy in front. As long as they could subdue Ye Jianting in the car, their mission this time was perfect.

However, before they could get close, three dull gunshots suddenly sounded in the distance. The next moment, the three people in the front of the Guying Commando were all hit, and thick white smoke came out of their bodies.

There was no more than a second between them, they didn't have time to react at all, and they even kept their bodies in a forward-forward position.

"The enemy has snipers, pay attention to concealment!"

The captain of the Lone Eagle Commando hurriedly shouted, and immediately hid behind the big tree next to him.

To be able to headshot three team members in an instant is enough to see that the opponent's sniper is in the top ranks, and ordinary guards can't do it at all.

"Captain, are we in an ambush? This kind of marksmanship must be shot by the special forces of the red side." The staff of the Lone Eagle Commando had a solemn expression on his face.

A powerful sniper is enough to turn the tide of the battle.

"I knew there was something wrong with this mission. How could a chief of the red side reveal his whereabouts so easily, and there are so few guards around him. It seems that we are really caught in the ambush of each other, **** it!"

The captain of the Lone Eagle Special Forces said with a bit of hatred. When he first received this order, he noticed a trace of abnormality. The leaders must have guessed this, but they still sent two special forces to ambush. Having the opportunity to behead the head of the red team and damage the two special teams is totally worth it.

"No matter what it is, let everyone know that regardless of the cost, we will rush over to behead the head of the red party. As long as this task is completed, the head of the military region will definitely reward us!"


The members of the Lone Eagle special team roared loudly, their faces full of expressions of resignation. If this is a real battlefield, it is definitely worthwhile to use them to exchange for a leader of the enemy.

At the Blue Army headquarters, He Sihai saw that his three special forces were headshot, his face suddenly became full of doubts, and he quickly shouted to the technician beside him: "Call the drone immediately and find out the location of the enemy sniper. "

Once snipers appear on the battlefield, they will be the first targets for both sides to destroy, because the damage they can cause is too great, just like poisonous snakes hidden in the dark, they will launch a fatal blow silently. .

"Yes!" The people next to him immediately began to control the drone and chose the position of the sniper, but no matter how much they probed, they couldn't find the target.

"Report, the other party is too hidden, our drones can't find his location."

"Using infrared scanning, I don't believe that he has no body temperature!" He Sihai said coldly.

The technician responded and immediately turned on the infrared scanning device carried by the drone.

This kind of small infrared scanning device is greatly reduced in size. If you want to open it, it must be close to the ground as much as possible. In this case, it is likely to be brought down by the enemy with a fire net, so it is generally not used.

"Report to the chief, found it, just behind the big tree on the left side of the center of the enemy convoy."

Following the technician's movements, a red and blue figure appeared on the gray-white main screen. As the camera zoomed in closer, Qin Yuan's figure clearly appeared in everyone's eyes.

"It's actually Qin Yuan! Quickly notify the Arc Blue Commando and the Lone Eagle Commando to evacuate immediately without any stop! The drones also leave this airspace quickly!" He Sihai's face suddenly became extremely solemn, without hesitation order to evacuate.

The surrounding correspondents immediately began to get busy, quickly conveying He Sihai's order, and the technicians around him immediately turned the drone around.

"I didn't expect that Lao Su actually made such a big effort to let Qin Yuan come here to hide. I thought this guy who was afraid of death would arrange Qin Yuan by his side." The staff around him sighed.

He Sihai snorted, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

However, at this moment, the technician beside him suddenly exclaimed, He Sihai turned his head to look, and saw that the screen connected to the drone had gone dark.

"What's the matter, hurry up and call up the last picture captured by the drone!"

"Yes!" The technician didn't dare to delay, he quickly tapped his fingers on the keyboard a few times, and the screen immediately appeared on the screen. Qin Yuan suddenly turned his head to look here, and then turned around without hesitation. Set up a sniper rifle.

With the sound of a gunshot, the picture instantly turned into a snowflake screen, leaving only an indifferent face in everyone's mind.

"It can't be Qin Yuan, who can use a blank bomb to accurately hit the core of the drone, causing a short-term paralysis." He Sihai's face was full of admiration, not because of damage to a drone. And distressed.

"Hey, Arc Lan and Gu Ying are afraid that the entire army will be wiped out. When did this old Su become so cunning, and he actually learned to play tricks." The staff around him said regretfully.

"Hmph, it's not Xiao Qin who gave him confidence, or even if they use a special team to ambush, we can hope to complete the beheading. I don't know how this old guy's luck is so good!" He Sihai said with a bit of hatred. He rushed over and grabbed Qin Yuan back.

On the battlefield, the Arc Lan and Lone Eagle special teams received news from the headquarters, and they would leave without any hesitation. They had heard of Qin Yuan's name, and they had no intention of competing.

Just kidding, even the Longshou Special Team was defeated by the new recruits he taught. Even if they tried their best, they would at most just jam their teeth.

In the bushes dozens of meters to the left of the Lone Eagle Special Forces, the people of the Warrior Wolf Squadron have quietly touched this place.

"Instructor, we have arrived at the designated place and request the next step." Long Xiaoyun lowered his voice and looked at the Lone Eagle Special Forces who were preparing to evacuate not far away, his eyes were full of indifference.

"Do it, don't leave one!"


Long Xiaoyun put down the headset, made a gesture to the team members behind him, and then stood up suddenly, spitting out a fiery fiery snake from the assault rifle in his hand.

Leng Feng and the others behind him did not hesitate, and pulled the trigger one after another towards the front, which caught everyone in the Lone Eagle Special Team by surprise, and in a blink of an eye, most of the team members had been lost.

"Enemy attack, pay attention to concealment!" The captain of the Lone Eagle Special Forces shouted, with a look of disbelief on his face, and without him being aware of it, the other party had already touched them so close.

However, the strength of the Wolf Warrior Squadron far surpassed them. In addition to taking the initiative, it only took less than a minute for the Lone Eagle Special Squadron to be wiped out.

In the other direction, Qin Yuan quickly climbed up the big tree beside him, and then stood on the top of the tree, holding a sniper rifle and pulling the trigger one after another. Any impact, after about ten seconds, the arc blue special team was eliminated, and all the guards around were relieved.

In the blue army headquarters, the technician looked at all the dark red dots on the screen, turned his head and whispered: "Boss, the two special teams have been completely wiped out."

He Sihai's face suddenly became a little ugly. Although he knew that after encountering Qin Yuan, the two special teams became extremely dangerous, but he did not expect the destruction to come so quickly.

"It seems that the boy's strength has become much stronger. Is this guy still human?"

"Chief, what should we do next?" the technician beside him asked.

He Sihai pondered for a moment, and then coldly gave an order: "Inform the four, three and five artillery units to advance in this direction immediately, make sure that the radius of 100 kilometers is all within the range of the artillery, and then send a newly developed detection aircraft to connect to Tianwei. main system."

"Once you find any trace of Qin Yuan, you will cover me with artillery and attack in all directions. This kid won't die, and I can't sleep well. I always feel that he is hiding under my bed and can launch a fatal blow at any time."

The staff around him were a little dumbfounded, but he knew why He Sihai was so aggressive. If Qin Yuan was not eliminated, it would be a poisonous thorn that would stab them in their hearts.

On the other side, Ye Jianting laughed and stepped out of the military vehicle. He was in a very good mood. This time, he actually killed two powerful special teams so easily. That old guy He Sihai's face must have become ugly.

"Xiao Qin, you have made a great contribution this time. When this exercise is over, I will report it to the military region, and at least I will give you a third-class merit."

Qin Yuan smiled and didn't pay too much attention to it. He already had a lot of credit for it, and it was not bad for this or two.

"Chief, after they were hit hard this time, they will definitely make a big report. This decoy operation is over here, you hurry up and join the main force, I will sneak into the Blue Army with the Warrior Wolf Squadron, looking for opportunities to carry out Beheading."

"Okay, pay attention to safety, I'm waiting for your good news at the headquarters." Ye Jianting didn't say anything more, he directly directed the guards and started to drive towards the rear.

"Instructor, where are we going next?" Long Xiaoyu looked at Qin Yuan and asked, with a touch of excitement in his eyes, in sharp contrast to the indifference on the battlefield before.

Qin Yuan turned to look ahead and said, "Let's go to find a blue army station first, and then get the other party's communication equipment. After cracking it, we can obtain the blue army's deployment and intelligence. Let's find a way to get their headquarters."

Just now, the two special teams only carried the suggested communication equipment and could not perform reverse deciphering.

"This is good, I like decapitation the most. We used to do this kind of thing often, hahaha." Shi Sanba seemed very excited, as if he couldn't wait to enter the Blue Army headquarters.

"Come on, when have we decapitated an enemy leader before? At most, it's just some small fish and shrimp." Yi Mi Wu rolled his eyes.

Under the circumstance that the enemy and us are not aware of it, it is generally difficult for special forces to infiltrate the other's headquarters. Qin Yuan didn't say anything else, and walked directly into the dense forest ahead. They carried enough dry food and fresh water to last for two days. In addition, this place was in the wild, which could fully support the exercise until the end of the exercise.

About ten minutes later, everyone came to a river that was not particularly wide, and if they walked forward, even if they really entered the blue army's base camp, they might encounter enemies with every step they took.

At this moment, Qin Yuan suddenly stopped and looked up into the distance. With his perfect vision, he saw a small black spot similar to a drone flying towards him about two thousand meters ahead. .

"Instructor, what's the matter?" Long Xiaoyun followed Qin Yuan's line of sight, but saw nothing, and couldn't help showing a puzzled expression on his face.

"It's nothing, hurry up and cross the river. There may be enemies here at any time. We must act fast!"

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he temporarily left the drone behind. This is already the blue army's territory, and it is absolutely impossible to scare the snake. Anyway, after it flew here, they had already burrowed into the dense forest, and there was no Remind Long Xiaoyun and them.

(End of this chapter)

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