After negotiating the order of duty, the special forces surrounded the bonfire and immediately began to rest. The bumps along the way made them very tired and they needed a good rest, otherwise the training tomorrow would be difficult.

Lei Zhan yawned, looked at the old fox and the others and said, "Be careful at night, it may be dangerous here."

"Don't worry Thor, we're not new recruits anymore, and we won't take it lightly." Harley patted his chest and said seriously.

The rest of the people also acted immediately, holding a flashlight in their hands, and they were scattered around to alert.

An hour and a half later, the members of the Red Blood Cell Special Forces opened their eyes on time and replaced the members of the Wolf Warrior Squadron who were on duty.

There was nothing to do that night. The next morning, Qin Yuan woke up from his sleep. After washing his face briefly, he saw all the special forces soldiers curled up beside the bonfire. His face was obviously stunned.

"No, why are you lying on the sand like this? Isn't there a lot of sleeping bags on the military vehicle?" Qin Yuan pointed to the military lane not far away.

Hearing this sentence, all the special forces' movements stiffened, staring at the direction Qin Yuan pointed.

sleeping bag? Is there such a thing? Then why did no one say, let them just lie on the dry sand, endure the biting cold, and sleep for a whole night.

Zhang Shuai looked at Su Xiaoyu and said, "This seems to be your responsibility.

A look of embarrassment appeared on Su Xiaoyu's face, "I thought they would find it by themselves, so I forgot to say it, who knows..."

The special forces turned their heads in an instant, their faces full of resentment.

Su Xiaoyu laughed embarrassingly, and for a while he didn't dare to face the gazes of the special forces.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly and shouted loudly, "All of them, gather!"

Everyone immediately retracted their gaze and lined up in a neat queue in front of Qin Yuan, anxiously waiting for the training order. Although most of them came to the desert for the first time, they all heard of the cruelty and hardship here. , did not dare to have the slightest contempt.

"A thousand push-ups in place, start now."

"Yes!" As soon as Qin Yuan finished speaking, the special forces immediately dispersed, leaned over on the soft sand, and quickly did push-ups.

However, it didn't take long for everyone to clearly feel the difference between the desert and other places. It was too soft here, and there was even a feeling of having nowhere to borrow. Every time you exerted force, your hands would sink into the sand.

This also caused their speed to be much slower. Coupled with the scorching sun above their heads, in the past ten minutes, the special forces felt that their physical strength was greatly consumed.

Qin Yuan frowned slightly: "I'll give you another half an hour. If you haven't finished, then go back."

All the special forces were shocked, and immediately did not dare to hold back the slightest bit. The movements in their hands were obviously accelerated, but this also meant that their physical energy was rapidly consumed, and it didn't take long for them to feel powerless.

Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then walked towards the direction of Zang Chong and the four.

At this time, the four of them were building a resolute pavilion to block the harsh sunlight. After all, this is a desert. Even if you stand still, your skin will be sunburned in a short time.

Soon, half an hour passed, and the special forces finally completed their training tasks. They were tired and lay on the sand, gasping for breath.

"It's finally over. If I keep doing it, I feel like I'm going to faint." Harley stuck his tongue out, his face covered with sticky sweat.

"I really want to drink water. If we go on like this, we will all be roasted." The little bee said weakly, her throat hurting like it was being burned.

"This is a desert. The instructors will definitely hone their anti-hunger and thirst training. Otherwise, it would be too wasteful to go all the way to this place." The old fox was obviously more experienced. He pulled his hat and covered his face. Avoid direct sunlight.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan, who was not far away, put down the stake in his hand and strode towards this side. The special forces quickly got up from the ground.

"Yes, it seems that your physical fitness is not bad, you have recovered so quickly." A satisfied smile appeared on Qin Yuan's face.

All the special forces wanted to say to him, no, this is all an illusion. In fact, we are all tired, but they all know that it is enough to say such words in their hearts, and they must not really say it, or they will fall. Big mold.

"Let's do another hour of horse stance, with a standard movement, or you'll have to start from scratch."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he turned around and left, and continued to pick up the stakes to get busy. The special forces did not dare to be sloppy at all, and stomped their horses with the most standard posture.

As time passed, the scorching sun above his head became more and more poisonous, and even the air was slightly distorted by the roasting.

All the special forces were exposed to the scorching sunlight, clenching their teeth and stomping their horses. If it wasn't for the shielding of some clothes and hats, their skin would have been cracked by the exposure.

"Company commander, they won't have an accident due to the heat. Now it's nearly forty degrees high temperature. Coupled with the reflection of the sun, people can't last long in this environment."

Zhang Shuai had a look of worry on his face. Growing up in the military region, he had seen a lot of cruel training, but compared to this, it seemed nothing at all.

Qin Yuan smashed a wooden stake into the sand with his fist, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, they are more powerful than you believe, even if they are thrown here without any preparation, there will be no anything."

Zhang Shuai nodded, knowing that the company commander knew everyone's situation better than him, so he didn't say anything.

Soon, a ventilated pavilion was built. Qin Yuan wiped the sweat from his face and said to Su Xiaoyu, "Go and bring a few boxes of mineral water here."


Several people responded, strode towards the car, and quickly carried back a few boxes of mineral water.

Qin Yuan took out a bottle and drank it slowly, his eyes fell on the special forces who were insisting on squatting. With his current physique, he felt a burst of thirst, not to mention them who had been training under the scorching sun. .

But since they chose this path, they had to grit their teeth and persevere. Unless they fainted directly, he would not take action.

After about half an hour, everyone finally completed the task assigned by Qin Yuan, their legs were weak, and they collapsed directly on the sand surface.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly and shouted loudly, "Come here in ten seconds, and I will distribute a bottle of mineral water to you, otherwise, just stay next to each other."

As soon as these words came out, all the special forces opened their eyes in unison, gritted their teeth, and rushed towards them like crazy, their faces full of longing.

"Fuck." Su Xiaoyu was almost frightened by this scene, and he felt more and more lucky that he didn't have to undergo such tragic training.

After all the special forces came here with all their strength, Qin Yuan nodded to Zhang Shuai, who immediately understood and took Zang Chong and the three to start distributing mineral water.

Everyone who got the fresh water immediately gulped and drank, and soon there was only an empty bottle left in their hands, and their faces were full of unfinished expressions.

"It's really refreshing, but the amount is a bit small, and I don't feel full." After Wang Yanbing drank all the water in the bottle, he wiped his dry lips and looked at the bottle beside Qin Yuan subconsciously. mineral water.

Gong Jian, who was next to him, handed over the small half bottle of water left in his hand when he heard the words, "I still have some here, you can share them."

"No no!" Wang Yanbing waved his hands again and again, "Instructor, hurry up and finish the water, we don't know when it will be available, we have already had enough."

He Chenguang and several others also nodded. Gong Jian used to take care of them, but now is a special period, and they will not drink anyway. If something happens during training, it will be really regrettable. .

Gong Jian glanced at a few people, smiled and said nothing, and quickly drank the mineral water in the bottle.

After temporarily replenishing water, the special forces just wanted to sit down and rest when their stomachs rumbled. Only then did they realize that they hadn't even eaten breakfast.

The previous training made them hot without any appetite, so they didn't feel hungry. Now, after drinking water to cool down, their stomachs screamed uncomfortably.

Qin Yuan chuckled, got up and threw a few large iron boxes to the special forces.

Everyone's faces were stunned at first, and when they saw the words printed on the iron box, they couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is actually a compressed biscuit, the kind of thing that can be used as a brick to hit people.

If you were in another place, there would be no problem with eating this kind of thing in an emergency, but the key point is that this is a desert, and the body is extremely dehydrated. It would be really uncomfortable to eat such a dry thing.

"Give you five minutes to rest and then resume training."

After saying this, Qin Yuan also opened a box of compressed biscuits, and nibbled slowly with mineral water.

Seeing that even the instructors were treated the same as them, the special forces suddenly felt relieved for some reason, picked up the tin can on the ground, closed their eyes and began to nibble.

At this time, everyone felt a little regret in their hearts. They had known that drinking water just now would not be so fast, and now eating dry compressed biscuits is really a painful thing.

Soon, five minutes passed. When Qin Yuan was about to announce that he would continue training, his face suddenly changed, he stood up suddenly, and looked straight at the left.

"Company commander, what's the matter?" Su Xiaoyu asked with a puzzled face. It was the first time Qin Yuan had shown such a serious face after he had known the company commander for so long.

Qin Yuan turned to look at the crowd and said, "Hurry up and clean up, we may have to leave here as soon as possible."

"Ah? Company commander, do you want to dismantle these things, but it's just been built." Zang Chong said, pointing to the pavilion beside him.

There was also a hint of doubt on the faces of the special forces, but they did not speak, ready to evacuate at any time, although they did not know what happened, but since even the instructors were so solemn, they naturally did not dare to be sloppy.

"What nonsense, hurry up and do it." Su Xiaoyu rushed towards Zang, and then began to quickly pack supplies to the car.

Through the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, Qin Yuan clearly found that there was a group of black ants with dark bodies, scarlet tails, and bodies the size of normal human fingernails rushing towards this side.

According to some previously reviewed information, Qin Yuan recognized that these ants were likely to be the daunting desert army ants.

This kind of army ant colony is very large, basically counting in millions, they do not build nests, they are on the move all their lives, and wherever they pass, any living thing will be eaten cleanly, only at night , will hug into a group to rest.

It seems that these army ants haven't found them yet, so Qin Yuan didn't leave immediately, so as not to attract their attention.

However, the next moment, the army ants seemed to have noticed something, and they all turned their directions, and a large mass of black ants crawled towards this side crazily.

"Evacuate quickly and go southeast." Qin Yuan turned around and shouted to the crowd, then strode towards the car.

The special forces did not hesitate at all, and immediately followed. At this time, they had already noticed the abnormality, and a creepy rustling could be heard faintly in their ears.

However, just a few steps away, the originally peaceful desert suddenly wriggled strangely, and then a finger-sized black ant emerged from the sand and rushed towards the crowd frantically.

"What is this stuff!"

Although the special forces did not know these things, they felt a chill in their hearts, as if they were instinctively afraid, and wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

However, it was like a nest beneath the sand surface, and more and more army ants came out. Almost instantly, they seemed to be covered with a black carpet, rushing towards the crowd frantically, blocking their way.

Seeing this, Qin Yuan jumped into the car directly, picked up a barrel of gasoline, poured it all out, then took out the lighter and lit it directly.

With a bang, fiery flames rose up, and the entangled army ants were immediately burned and shattered, and a pungent burnt smell came out immediately.

The flames come and go The marching ants that burrowed out of the sand have been eliminated by most of them. Qin Yuan shouted to the special forces: "Get in the car and get out of here!"

Everyone didn't dare to hesitate. Taking advantage of the opportunity, they quickly jumped onto the car. Qin Yuan immediately stepped on the accelerator and drove forward quickly.

Zang Chong and the four of them were driving a sand Humvee and followed Qin Yuan closely. In this case, if they got lost, it would be a very dangerous thing.

As soon as they rushed out of the sand pile, everyone was awakened by the scene in front of them. The surrounding sand surfaces were all crowded with densely packed army ants, as if a layer of ink had been poured on them, and they could not see the original color at all.

But fortunately, they had a desert Hummer with strong enough power, and they stepped on the accelerator and rushed up. Even if they heard the sound of marching ants being crushed and smashed, they didn't have to worry about turning off the engine.


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