After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he directly threw the empty mineral water bottle that had been prepared long ago in front of the special forces.

"Everyone has to fill it up with water within an hour, otherwise if one is not completed, the whole team will be punished."

Su Xiaoyu coughed lightly behind him, and said with a serious face: "Attention, it's the kind of water that can be swallowed, whoever comes up with something rotten, he will do it himself in front of everyone. ."

Among the special forces, a few people seemed to have been smashed into some carefully planned strategy, their expressions suddenly showed annoyance, and they couldn't help sighing in their hearts.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said loudly, "Start now!"


The crowd did not dare to delay, and immediately dispersed. After all, in the desert, it is very difficult to find a water source. Even if they had a full hour, they still did not have much confidence.

"Company commander, do you want to go up and follow? So that they don't do any tricks." After the figures of the special forces gradually disappeared, Fang Tian looked at Qin Yuandao with a hint of hesitation on his face.

Su Xiaoyu laughed strangely when she heard the words, looking very wretched, "Whatever they do, they end up drinking it in his stomach anyway, as long as he's not disgusting, he can do whatever he wants."

"It's your fault." Zhang Shuai extended his thumb to Su Xiaoyu.

Qin Yuan coughed lightly and said to the four of them: "Take advantage of this time, you should go out and find some wild things. It's really uncomfortable to eat compressed dry food all day, so you can also exercise."

Zang Chong glanced at the endless yellow sand, and said very puzzled: "Company commander, it's all sand here, it's hard to see a little green, how could there be wild animals."

Qin Yuan didn't say anything, but Su Xiaoyu said with contempt on his face: "Savage, you slipped through the net with a nine-year obligation, there are not only wild animals living in the desert, but also a lot of species."

"Really?" Zang Chong looked surprised. He had never been here before, and he had no basic understanding of some situations.

Zhang Shuai also nodded and said, "Although this place looks very barren, as long as you look carefully, you can still find some such as gerbils, snakes, scorpions, lizards, etc., and even wolves and wild camels."

"That's a good feeling, eating compressed biscuits all day, almost formed mouth ulcers, and now I can finally get something greasy."

After Zang Chong finished speaking, he turned around and took out a weapon from the military vehicle, then walked directly towards the endless sand sea, "Company commander, come back in an hour."

"Let's act quickly." Zhang Shuai said to Su Xiaoyu and the two. After taking out a weapon, he also strode forward, and Su Xiaoyu quickly followed.

Qin Yuan retracted his gaze, got up and walked towards the tent, then lay down comfortably inside, and at the same time released all the god-level intelligent poisonous bees, hovering above everyone's heads, monitoring possible dangers at any time.

After all, this is the wild, and all the special forces are hungry and thirsty at this time. Coupled with the previous training, their strength has plummeted. If they encounter any hordes of beasts now, it is very likely that an accident will occur.

In the Wolf Warrior Squadron, Long Xiaoyun and a few people from Team Shao strode on the soft and hot sand.

"Captain, is your injury okay, or you can rest here for a while and leave the water source to us." Shi Sanba's face was full of worry.

As the captain of the Wolf Warrior Squadron, Long Xiaoyun is still very much loved by several people. In previous battles, he acted as a think tank to issue orders, and rarely did such arduous tasks.

"Yes, it's more important to recover from the injury, otherwise it will be bad if it recurs again." Yi Mi 5 looked at Long Xiaoyun very nervously.

Looking at the worried expressions of several people, Long Xiaoyun shook his head firmly: "I'm fine, you don't have to worry, this training mission, each of us must complete it well."

Seeing that Long Xiaoyun was so determined, the Shao team still felt a little uneasy in their hearts, but in the end they didn't say anything.

Thinking of this, Shi Sanba and several others silently protected Long Xiaoyun in the middle, so that even if there was any danger, they could respond immediately.

About ten minutes later, a few solitary unknown plants suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and a few green leaves growing on the surface seemed to be hopeful, and everyone was excited for a while.

"Didn't the instructor say that when you encounter plants in the desert, you can get water from their roots and stems. Shall we try it?" Yimi5 looked a little excited.

"Come on, just these few weeds, even if they are all squeezed dry, it is estimated that they will not be able to squeeze out a bottle of water."

Shi Sanba seemed a little uninterested. The task Qin Yuan gave them was to find a bottle of water for each of them, which was basically a drop in the bucket.

If they are really deep in the desert, they are dying of thirst after all, they will naturally start without hesitation, but now they have more than half an hour, wasting time here, they can basically conclude that they cannot complete the next training. .

"Then what should we do? We've been out for so long, and we've seen this. Do we have to go back with an empty bottle?" Yimiwu's tone was a bit bitter.

Long Xiaoyun took a deep breath and said in a hoarse voice: "We continue to walk forward, the plants there seem to be getting denser and denser, maybe we can find a small puddle."

"Okay!" Several people nodded and continued to walk forward in the face of the scorching sun.

As Long Xiaoyun said, the more people walked, the more plants there were around. Although it was nothing compared to the lush greenery outside, it was especially precious in the desert.

A few minutes later, everyone turned over a sand dune, and the scene in front of them made everyone a little excited.

In the pit surrounded by several dunes in front of them, there are many green plants, and even many unnamed thorn trees are growing tenaciously.

Although there is still no accumulated water source here, several people know that there must be a lot of water underground here, otherwise so many plants cannot be born.

Several people looked at each other, and then strode towards the bottom of the pit.

"Time is running out, everyone hurry up and return to the temporary camp as soon as possible after fetching water." After Long Xiaoyun finished speaking, he found a relatively wet place, knelt on the sand with his knees, and quickly digged with both hands.

Although there is no water on the surface, groundwater sources can be obtained by digging. This is also the method that Qin Yuan gave them.

Shao team did not have any delay. After each found a place, they quickly dug up.

Soon, Leng Feng raised his head and shouted excitedly, "I've dug into water, come here quickly!"

Shi Sanba and the others immediately rushed over excitedly, poking their heads and saying, "Where, where."

Soon, they saw that a layer of turbid sand and water had seeped out from the bottom of the deep pit dug by the cold front.

"This... is so turbid, can it really be drunk in the stomach?" The one-meter-five face looked a little embarrassed.

"What's not to drink?" Team Shao's face was full of smiles. "It looks cloudy because there is a lot of sand mixed in it. Just filter it or stand still for a few minutes. It's very clean."

Leng Feng also agreed: "Yes, the sand is actually very clean. Bacteria and viruses like this have long been killed by the high temperature of the desert."

Only then did Yimiwu nodded reassuringly. His habits over the years made him still very serious about his diet, otherwise he would eat a bad stomach while performing the task, and he would be finished.

Long Xiaoyun raised his head and said, "Let's dig this bunker a bit bigger. After fetching the water, leave quickly and return to the temporary camp. Time is running out."


Several people nodded, moved quickly, and soon filled the mineral water bottle they were carrying with slightly turbid sand water, and strode towards the direction from which they came.

The Thunder Commando, Lei Zhan took the old fox and walked a long way on the hot sand surface, but still did not find anything, but his body became more and more sluggish.

"I'm so tired. It's been out for so long, and I haven't seen the shadow of the water source. Are we going to be punished?" Harley cried, his legs seemed to be filled with lead, and every step seemed extremely difficult.

"It's too embarrassing. Other teams can complete the task, but we can't do it. Will the instructor think that we are not capable." Daniel's face was full of frustration.

The old fox took a deep breath and said loudly, "Everyone just stick with it, and you will definitely be able to find a water source."

At this moment, Yuanbao, who was exploring the way in front of the team, suddenly shouted in surprise, "Everyone, come here quickly, there is a situation."

The little bees looked happy, and hurried over. Lei Zhan looked at the backs of everyone and frowned slightly, but he didn't say anything. He stepped forward and glanced around vigilantly.

"What's the matter, did you find the water source?" The little bee came to Yuanbao excitedly, followed his line of sight, but found nothing at all.

"No, you're not kidding us, are you?" Harley's eyes flashed dangerously, staring at him very badly.

Yuanbao rolled his eyes at them, pointed at the sand face in front of him and said, "You guys have a good look at it, what's there."

Hearing Yuanbao's words, Harley looked over with a skeptical look, and then suddenly found that there were a few tawny lizards on the sand, and the whole body was almost mixed with the sand. , is really hard to find.

But what does this have to do with water sources? Little Bee frowned, and her doubts were almost written on her face.

Yuan Bao cleared his throat and said solemnly: "The instructor said before that if you encounter small animals in the desert, it means that there is likely to be a water source nearby, otherwise it will not be able to survive at all, we will follow them, we will be sure find it there."

Harley's face just showed a happy look, suddenly thought of something, frowned and said: "But how can you be sure that these lizards are not full to look for food? We don't have time to waste, it's too late to go back, but we will be punished. punished."

Yuan Bao was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't think of this at all, he couldn't help frowning.

"Okay, anyway, we can't find a water source right now, so let's just use the dead horse as a living horse doctor and follow up."

Lei Zhan didn't know when to appear behind a few people. After speaking, he immediately followed up with a cautious step, keeping a dozen meters away from the lizards, so as not to frighten them.

The little bees and the others stopped talking immediately, and they all followed behind Lei Zhan. There were only less than 20 minutes left, and they could only gamble.

About a few minutes later, the Thunder Commando followed the lizards, crossed a dune, looked up, and their faces suddenly revealed a surprise light.

I saw that there was a small puddle of more than 100 meters in front of me, with a radius of more than 10 meters, and the water source inside was radiating dazzling light under the refraction of sunlight.

"Great, hahaha, I finally found the water source, and I can finally complete the task." Harley's face was full of joy.

"I didn't expect this method to actually work. We are considered a blind cat and a dead mouse."

"Don't care about the blind cat and the dead cat, just want to find the water source. Let's hurry over there. I feel like smoke is coming from my throat now."

There was not much joy on Yan Wang's face. He squinted his eyes and looked at it for a while, and frowned: "I said, are you happy a little early, and see what is lying on the bank there."

Harley's face was obviously stunned when he heard this, but he knew that King Hades would not say these things for no reason, and immediately looked towards the shore of the puddle seriously.

"I'm going, what's the thing lying there? It looks like a wolf, is there such a thing in the desert?"

"What seems to be that is a wolf. There are also many wild beasts in the desert, and there are even beasts like lions in some places. What is there to make a fuss about." Little Bee's face was full of indifference.

Daniel also nodded and said: "It's just a wild wolf. With so many of us, even if we don't have a weapon in hand, we can solve it."

"But." There was a hint of hesitation on Harry's face. "Wolf is a creature that lives in groups. This wolf seems to be guarding a puddle. Maybe the wolf group is not far from the surrounding area."

Lei Zhan thought for a moment, then said solemnly: "Harry is right, but the time is urgent, so I can't take care of this anymore, hurry up and fill up the water, as long as the wild wolf doesn't attack us, don't care about it, hurry back. Otherwise, you will really be punished."


The old fox and the others did not have any objection, and without hesitation, ran towards the puddle ahead.

The few people just ran out not far, and the movement quickly awakened the wild wolf who was guarding the puddle, baring his teeth and showing a fierce look.

However, when it found that it seemed unable to deter Lei Zhan and the others, it immediately tucked its tail and ran towards the rear without looking back.

"Haha, how does this thing look like Harley, if you find the situation is not good, leave immediately without turning back." Little Bee couldn't help laughing.

Harley rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. He quickly rushed to the edge of the puddle, looked at the clear water source, took out the water bottle directly, and filled it up.




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