Qin Yuan took it with a smile, put it in his mouth and chewed it carefully, "Good workmanship."

"Hey, they all learned from the company commander. You can't compare to me if you show your hand." Su Xiaoyundui laughed.

At this moment, Zang Chong and Fang Tian, ​​who had finished distributing the water, came over and said with joy after smelling the meat, "Finally done, Xiaoyu, the craftsmanship is really good."

After finishing speaking, the two took out their daggers, cut off a large piece of roasted brown wolf meat unceremoniously, and put it directly into their mouths and chewed.

"You two shameless, I've worked so hard for so long, but I haven't eaten it yet. You are so good, you're so rude." Su Xiaoyu said with a stubborn neck.

Zang Chong laughed and ignored him at all, swallowing the wolf meat quickly.

"Hmph, I forgot to tell you, the barbecue has already been given laxative by me, you can eat it, remember to bring more paper later." Su Xiaoyu snorted lightly with his arms crossed.

Fang Tian paused for a moment, staring at him suspiciously. According to what he knew about this guy, it seemed that he couldn't do such a thing.

"Come on you." Zang Chong sneered, "When I'm blind, the company commander has eaten it just now, don't you dare to prescribe medicine to the company commander?"

Su Xiaoyu's face froze, staring at the two guys hatefully.

"Okay, let's hurry up. After a while in the evening, they will finish the roasted meat." After Zhang Shuai finished speaking, he also took out his dagger and joined the army of meat snatchers.

Su Xiaoyu immediately woke up, looking at the roasted wolf meat that had been slashed down one layer, he immediately roared, raised the dagger in his hand and dropped it.


"Hey, it looks delicious." Zhanlang Squadron, one meter five stared at the barbecue surrounded by Zhang Shuai and several others, and subconsciously snorted.

"Hey, saliva, saliva!" Shi Sanba bumped the 1.5 meter beside him with his shoulder.

The latter trembled all over, almost got knocked down, and touched his mouth subconsciously, but there was nothing.

"Fuck you, is it interesting to tease me? One meter five gave him a blank look.

Shi Sanba said with a smile: "You have to thank me for calling you out of your dream, otherwise, if you stay intoxicated for a while, your saliva will definitely flow all over the place. I saved your image."

"Hehe, thank you." Yi Mi Wu deliberately bit the word Xie very hard.

"You two should stop for a while. You are already tired, thirsty, and hungry. If you want to rest for a while, you can't be clean." Leng Feng's face seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.

Team Shao also turned his head and said, "Hurry up and rest, the instructor will not know what training tasks will be assigned for a while."

Shi 38 and 1.5m looked at each other and said nothing. They blocked the dazzling sunlight with their hands, closed their eyes and started to rest.

A few minutes later, Qin Yuan got up and came to the front of the special forces. Without him speaking, everyone immediately got up and stood in line to wait for the next training order.

Qin Yuan squinted his eyes at the scorching sun and said loudly, "It's almost noon now, are you already very hungry?"

"Yes!" Although the special forces did not know what the instructor was going to do, they still shouted truthfully in unison.

"Okay, I'll give you a chance, listen carefully. Next, your training task is 5,000 squats, which will be completed within an hour. The first to complete the task will be able to eat delicious wolf meat, and For other teams, there are only compressed biscuits."

After listening to the special forces, their eyes fell on the barbecue grill not far away, and their eyes showed a fiery light.

Although it was not long before they arrived in this desert, they felt as if a century had passed during the arduous and tortured training, and the only compressed biscuits were destroying their stomachs again and again.

The advantages of this special compressed biscuit are that it is easy to carry, has sufficient energy, and contains trace elements necessary for the human body. It seems that all of them are advantages.

But this thing has a fatal disadvantage, that is, it is too unpalatable, and it is extremely difficult to swallow. It needs to be swallowed with drinking water. Every time I eat it, I can't wait to turn off my sense of taste.

"Everyone has it, start now!" Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and shouted loudly.

The special forces did not hesitate, and after they scattered, they did squats as fast as they could.

Five thousand squats, if it is normal, it is extremely difficult to finish within an hour, but with encouragement, everyone seems to be a tireless spring, and their movements are more agile than each other.

Qin Yuan looked at the crowd and reminded with a smile: "Note that the movements must be standard, and each special team needs to complete all the training before it is counted as a result. As long as one is not completed, it will not be considered a success."

"Yes!" Everyone roared in unison, and their movements became more and more agile.

"Tsk tsk, the company commander still has a way, just using a barbecue will stimulate them to train so actively." Su Xiaoyu's face was full of admiration.

Zhang Shuai smiled and said: "Isn't this a very normal thing, it is extremely rare to be able to eat a barbecue in the barren desert."

"Even if there is no barbecue as a reward, do they still dare not complete the task on time?" Fang Tianguai said with a smile.

Zang Chong seemed to have thought of something, and asked a little strangely: "It stands to reason that there should be a few wolves in the puddle, why didn't the company commander just get it together and let everyone eat it, it's a big deal to let the winning team Eat a little more, or it will be too wasteful."

Su Xiaoyu sneered and said, "That's not the truth, the water source has been polluted, and we don't have much mineral water left, so we can't waste it on cleaning wolf meat. After all, in the desert, the water source is the most precious. Resources."

"That's right, plus the temperature here is very high, at most two or three hours, the wolf meat will be corrupted, and it's too late to use it." Fang Tian also agreed.

Zang Chong's face was suddenly full of pity, but he didn't say much. Anyway, the wolf king's body was so huge that it was enough for them to eat. As for the future, let's find a way later. But it's not absolutely lifeless.

Time passed slowly, and all the special forces were doing squats quickly. Even though they were tired, they still didn't mean to slow down.

Anyway, this training must be completed. Now that the team that completes it first will have a considerable reward, the special forces will naturally go all out.

"Dead hygienist, don't hold back. If you delay me eating barbecue, don't blame me for killing you!" The ostrich turned his head, panting, his face covered with sweat.

This kind of extreme exercise requires extremely severe physical strength and a test of will. At this time, everyone is already exhausted, and they need to continue to persevere by diverting their attention.

"Heh, I think it's you who need to worry the most. Didn't you finish the last training session before?"

"Open your eyes and talk nonsense? Armed cross-country, 400-meter obstacle, skydiving, which time has my score not been first or second, and I have never fallen out of the top three!"

"Hehe, that was in the past, but the situation is different now. If you have the ability, you can come up with a first place for me to see?"

"No problem, it's not enough for you to say something lightly, and I have to execute it. If you have the ability to make a bet with me, the loser will wash the other party's stinky socks for a year!"

"Cough, as a glorious soldier, I am inseparable from gambling and drugs. Don't ask me for this kind of thing!"

"Heh, coward, if you don't dare, you just don't dare, and you find so many reasons!" The ostrich looked at the sanitation staff with contempt.

"Shh, the instructor is here." The hygienist's face suddenly straightened, and then he didn't open his mouth, and quickly squatted.

"I'm going!" Ostrich was startled, and he glanced around subconsciously, only to find that Qin Yuan didn't pay any attention to them at all.

Looking back, the ostrich couldn't help scolding angrily: "You bastard, you actually use your voice to attack the west, and you want to surpass me while I'm distracted."

The hygienist ignored him at all and continued to do squats quickly.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and perform the training mission. If you are holding you back, see how I cut you!" Geng Jihui shouted in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Ostrich stopped wasting time, took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from his face, and continued to act.

About half an hour later, everyone in the red blood cell team played for a long time. All the members first completed this training task. Although they were tired and could barely stand up, their faces were still full of joy.

Qin Yuan didn't say anything, and after everyone had completed the task, he announced loudly, "All attention, the red blood cell special team will complete the task first, and you can enjoy delicious barbecue."

After speaking, in the somewhat frustrated eyes of the rest of the special forces, they said to Chen Shanming and others, "You can go and eat."


Several members of the red blood cell team saluted happily, and then strode towards the barbecue grill.

"Hey, it's only two minutes away, it's just two minutes away, my barbecue, woohoo." Little Bee wanted to cry without tears, her face full of frustration.

"I didn't expect that the red blood cell team would take the lead. It seems that we are indeed a little slack, and we need to strengthen training in the future." The old fox seemed extremely serious.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault for implicated you." Yuanbao lowered his head, his face full of apology, and he was the one who finally completed the training mission.

Lei Zhan shook his head and comforted: "It's not your fault. The strength of the red blood cell special team is already very strong, and the aspects you are good at are no longer physical. Don't worry about it."

Harley felt more ashamed when he heard Thor's comfort.

In the Wolf Warrior Squadron, Shi Sanba looked at the Red Blood Cell Team and the others who were feasting on the roasted whole wolf with a dagger, and his face was full of envy.

"It looks so delicious, I really want to eat it."

Although the strength of the Wolf Warriors team is also good, Long Xiaoyun, the captain, is a woman. In terms of physical structure, there is an irreparable natural gap with the male soldiers. This training, the main test is physical fitness. They are all the last team. Completed.

"Hey, I've been chewing dry compressed biscuits all day long. My tongue is almost torn, and I don't know what to do behind me to open the meat." The one-meter-five face was full of yearning.

Suddenly, Leng Feng in the team seemed to think of something, and he said to a few people with some surprise: "Have you forgotten something, when we were in the points battle on the desert island, we won the first place, and the instructor promised us at that time. One condition, isn't it just usable today?"

"That's right!" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of joy, "I almost forgot about it, so what are you doing, hurry up and make a condition with the instructor, we want to eat barbecue!"

"But, isn't it a bit of a waste?" Shao team hesitated. "The training in the future may be more difficult. We will use it now, and there will be no chance in the future."

"Hey, what to do with so much thinking, it's already very difficult for us now, and we'll talk about it later." Shi Sanba seemed a little excited.

"Captain, what do you say?" Team Shao turned his attention to Long Xiaoyun.

Looking at the desire in Shi Sanba, 1.5 meters and Leng Feng's eyes, Long Xiaoyun gave Qin Yuan a deep look and sighed for some reason, "Okay, let's talk to the instructor now."

"Hahaha, the captain is really good!" Yimiwu's face was full of excitement, and he strode over quickly.

In the simple pavilion, after hearing Long Xiaoyun's request, Qin Yuan casually reminded: "Think clearly, there is only one chance."

"Instructor, we've figured it out." Long Xiaoyu said solemnly.

"Okay, let's go." Qin Yuan nodded.


Shi Sanba and the others rushed over happily, pulled out the daggers from their waists, and quickly cut off a large piece of roasted browned wolf meat~www.readwn.com~ and chewed it.

Not far away, the Lone Wolf Group B, the Thunder Commando, and the Jiaolong Special Warfare looked at the two special teams feasting, their faces full of yearning.

Qin Yuan glanced at the three special teams, walked to the military vehicle, picked up two tin boxes filled with compressed biscuits at random, and walked towards them.

"This is your lunch, just eat it, don't save it." After that, he left without looking back.

All the special forces looked at his back and complained wildly in their hearts: "Save, save your ass, who dares to eat more of this stuff, stomach bloating is not a joke."

Besides, they only ate dry food and didn't even prepare drinking water for them. They could only grind it with teeth and swallow it. Who has the appetite to eat more!

However, I still have to eat things. After all, there is not enough energy to support, and the training in the afternoon will definitely not last.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan looked at the special forces and shouted: "All of them, gather!"

Swish swish!

Without any hesitation, the special forces quickly assembled and waited for the next training order.

"Take your equipment and keep running forward. No one can stop without my order. Can you hear me clearly?"


As soon as the words fell, the special forces stepped forward in a neat step, leaving a series of footprints deep in the sand.

"Pack up everything, and we'll follow." Qin Yuan looked at Zang Chong and said to the four of them.

"Company commander, are we going to leave here?" Zhang Shuai asked curiously.

Qin Yuan nodded, "Although it can be sheltered from the wind, there is a lack of water sources nearby. If we want to stay in the desert for a long time, we must keep moving unless we encounter an oasis."


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