Chapter 506 Detecting Abnormalities

"Hurry up and pack up, and we'll follow." Qin Yuan turned his head towards Zang Chong and said to the four of them.

The four of them quickly packed up without any delay. Su Xiaoyu seemed to have thought of something and asked curiously, "Company Commander, why did you specify that you want to go to ten o'clock? Is there any statement here?"

The three of Zhang Shuai also pricked up their ears and listened. In the past, when they were training, they all went directly to the depths of the desert, but this time the situation was obviously different.

Qin Yuan smiled, but didn't explain anything, and said casually: "You will know when the time comes. Now hurry up and follow."

After he finished speaking, he started the military vehicle and drove forward quickly. The four of them looked at each other, and became more curious in their hearts, and quickly followed.

About ten minutes later, the faces of the special forces became even paler, their breathing was extremely rapid, and beads of sweat the size of beans kept falling on their foreheads.

"I can't do it anymore, I haven't recovered my physical strength, and now I'm starting extreme training again. Is the instructor trying to drain us completely!" Shi Sanba's face was full of pain, and his footsteps seemed extremely vain, obviously approaching the limit.

"Hehe, that's because you're too vain. Look at the captain, you're better than you, so don't be ashamed." Yim5's tone was full of ridicule. Although he also felt very tired, he had not arrived yet. The degree of exhaustion.

When Shi Sanba heard this, he looked up and saw that although the captain was sweating profusely and his face was as pale as paper, his footsteps still seemed very firm.

"Captain, don't you feel tired?" Shi Sanba couldn't help asking.

Long Xiaoyun turned his head and glanced at him, "Turn your attention to other places, it will make you feel better."

Shi Sanba's eyes lit up: "Yeah, why didn't I think of this." Then, delicacies flashed in his mind, Buddha jumps over the wall, braised lamb, stewed yellow croaker...

After thinking about it, his saliva flowed down, and his stomach growled, but he didn't seem to be too tired.

With the passage of time, the physical strength of the special forces is rapidly depleting, but they have no intention of retreating. Everyone is almost used to this cruel training and is ready to drain the last ounce of strength.

Not far behind the crowd, Qin Yuan was driving a military vehicle and fell slowly behind. Zang Chong and several others were also driving the vehicle, and they were very alert and scattered around to deal with possible dangers.

As if he had noticed something, Qin Yuan raised his head slightly, looked past the special forces, and landed on a dune in the distance in front of him, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Everyone has it, rest in place for five minutes."

Qin Yuan stopped the military vehicle and shouted to the crowd.

"Yes!" Although Lei Zhan and the others were full of doubts in their hearts, they still breathed a sigh of relief.

Red blood cell special team, Wang Yanbing wiped the sweat from his face with his cuff, frowned and asked: "Something is wrong today, our physical strength has not been drained, the instructor actually arranged to rest, is there any hole in the back? waiting for us?"

"Do you still need to think about it? It must be." He Chenguang rolled his eyes.

Li Erniu came over and whispered: "I think you think the instructors are too bad. Maybe it's because we are too tired and our body can't bear it, so I ordered to rest in place for five minutes."

"Hehe, do you think it's possible?" Song Kaifei gritted his teeth and said, "Don't believe in the tears of the crocodile. For the same reason, don't believe in the kindness of the instructor, because there must be a big pit waiting for us."

"No matter what we do, we are all in the hands of the instructor. Let him play with it at will, and let's hurry up and recover our strength, otherwise we won't be able to hold on." Xu Tianlong squinted his eyes slightly, and his tone was very flat.

Several people looked at each other and shook their heads with a wry smile. In this case, they seemed to have no other way to go except for training.

Soon, five minutes passed. Although everyone's physical strength had not recovered, they still struggled to get up and waited for the next training task.

Qin Yuan looked at everyone and said loudly: "All of them, turn back, and move forward in a search posture!"


All the special forces were overjoyed and searched forward. Isn't this a rest in disguise? I didn't expect that the instructor would assign such a task.

The five special teams immediately turned around, spread out, took out their weapons in the most standard tactical posture, and carefully touched them forward.

"Company commander, do we want to follow?" Su Xiaoyu's eyes were filled with confusion. Qin Yuan called them back just now, as if he had something to explain.

Qin Yuan chuckled, and there seemed to be a different kind of light in his eyes: "Just follow behind, remember not to get too close."

Although the four of them were a little puzzled, they nodded and drove the military vehicle, falling far behind.

"Hey, Yanbing, I'm right, the instructors are still very good, doesn't this give us a disguised extension of the rest time?" Li Erniu smiled slyly.

Wang Yanbing frowned and said, "No, did the instructor take the wrong script? How could he let us waste so much time in such a comfortable way."

Gong Jian heard the words and said solemnly: "No matter what, everyone must be vigilant, always pay attention to the surrounding situation, as long as you are careful enough, you will not fall into any gloves."

"Yes!" He Chenguang and the others said solemnly, their eyes full of vigilance, constantly scanning the surrounding situation.

At this time, everyone had walked a few hundred meters, and a sand dune appeared in front of them. When they crossed the dune, they were suddenly shocked by the sight in front of them, and their bodies seemed to be sluggish and frozen in place.

"I... I'm going, isn't this a dream?" Harley's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Green...Oasis? I feel like I'm hallucinating. Anyone of you hit me to wake me up." Little Bee said.


Yuanbao retracted his right hand and stared at the little bee nervously: "How is it? Are you awake, is this an hallucination?"

"You're really hitting!" Little Bee held her head, her face full of anger.

"It won't be a mirage. I heard that this kind of thing often appears in the desert. It looks very close, but it's all illusory. Even if you're exhausted, you can't really touch it." Hades touched his chin, and there was a hint in his eyes. A touch of thought.

The old fox carefully observed it for a while, and said thoughtfully: "It shouldn't be a mirage, you can feel it carefully, the air here seems to be a little soothing."

Lei Zhan nodded, expressing his agreement with the old fox.

"Fuck, what are you still doing, hurry up, my throat is smoking." Harley said eagerly, wishing to fly over now.

"Wait, I'll report to the instructor." After Lei Zhan finished speaking, just as he was about to turn around, Qin Yuan's voice suddenly came from behind him, "No need to report, I'll give you ten minutes of free time."

Hearing this voice, all the special forces turned around in unison and looked at Qin Yuan in disbelief. Ten minutes of free movement did not mean that they were tacitly allowed to go to the oasis at will.

"What? I don't want it, that's fine..."

"No no no!" All the special forces shook their heads in unison, then turned around and rushed towards the oasis below, looking very excited.

Encountering an oasis in the desert, what kind of luck against the sky, they can't wait to jump into the clear water and have a drink.

"Remember to be careful, there may be wild beasts here," Qin Yuan reminded.


Looking at the excited backs of everyone, Zang Chong suddenly said: "Company Commander, did you discover that there is an oasis here?"

Qin Yuan nodded lightly, stood on the sand dune, his eyes fell on the five special teams.

"However, we were far away from here before. How did the instructor find out, is there any secret?" Su Xiaoyu blinked, his face full of hope.

"The secret is indeed there, but you can't use it." Qin Yuan said casually, he found this place with the help of a god-level intelligent poisonous bee, and others couldn't copy it at all.

"Oh, that's it." Su Xiaoyu's face was full of disappointment, but he recovered quickly, "Then what are we doing here, hurry down, the water in the oasis below looks clear and must be very sweet. ."

"That's right, company commander, our water is running out, we have to replenish it quickly, otherwise we won't be able to last long." Fang Tian also agreed.

Qin Yuan shook his head, "Don't worry, let's stay here for a while, there are some situations below, let's see if they can deal with it."

Zhang Shuai and the four were stunned, and a little strangely, they turned their eyes to the oasis in the distance, but no matter how carefully they observed, they still did not observe anything strange.

"Company commander, what's the matter, is there any beast hidden inside?" Zang Chong couldn't help but asked.

Qin Yuan glanced at a few people faintly, "It seems that you are too lazy during this time, and you have lost a lot of even the most basic observation skills."

Hearing what the company commander said, Zhang Shuai's faces were a little embarrassed. Compared with the previous recruit training, they were indeed a lot lazy.

"At 11 o'clock, 2 o'clock, careful observation has already prompted this level. If you still can't find any abnormality, just go back to the furnace and rebuild it on the spot and train with them."

As soon as these words came out, the four of them were almost sweating on their foreheads, and immediately began to observe carefully according to Qin Yuan's instructions.

Soon, Su Xiaoyu's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "I saw that there was a person hiding in the bush at eleven o'clock, and the shadow behind him betrayed him."

"At zero o'clock, there is also a person. The wind blew away a few blades of grass just now, and the dagger in his hand reflected light." Zhang Shuai said with a smile.

Zang Chong suddenly thought of something, looked at Qin Yuan nervously and said: "Company commander, these two people are not dangerous, maybe there are weapons in their hands, and the five special teams just passed by, will there be any danger? what?"

Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others only had a self-defense dagger in their hands. If they encountered an enemy armed with weapons, they would definitely be caught off guard.

Qin Yuan smiled and said, "Don't worry, they're fine."

Seeing what the company commander said, although they were still a little worried, they didn't say anything. All eyes were on the special forces, watching how the situation would develop.

At this time, the five special teams had already rushed to the oasis, and their faces were full of excitement. After coming to the desert for so long, it was the first time they encountered so much clear water, and their throats were itchy.

But even so, in the intuition of the special forces, they still glanced around with extreme vigilance and did not find any danger before entering this lush oasis.

"No, why haven't the company commanders come over yet?" The ostrich turned to look at Qin Yuan and the others who were still standing on the sand dunes, with a puzzled look on their faces.

"Who can see what the instructor is thinking, let's worry about yourself first." Xiao Zhuang said, and was about to step forward.

However, just as he was about to raise his leg, he seemed to have noticed something out of the corner of his eyes. He stopped abruptly, looked around, and said with emotion, "I didn't expect such miracles to exist in the desert. Nature is really amazing."

As he said that, he took two steps back calmly, came to Geng Jihui's side, and made a few gestures very obscurely.

When Geng Jihui saw Xiaozhuang's actions, his pupils instantly shrank, but he recovered quickly. He looked around casually and said with a smile, "Yes, for this mission, let's set up a camp here. You can get fresh water at any time, and you don’t have to work so hard to fetch water with what to do with Hearing the captain’s words, Ostrich and the others instantly tense up, but their expressions don’t change at all. Zhuang's performance was a little unusual compared to his usual habits, which had already made them aware that something was wrong, and Geng Jihui's words confirmed this even more.

They came here to be tortured and trained by the **** instructors. How can they perform tasks? Obviously, Xiao Zhuang and the captain are aware of the danger and are reminding them.

At this time, the other four special teams also sensed something was wrong, but they didn't show it. They still communicated very naturally, but they didn't move any further.

Soon, Xiao Zhuang discovered something was wrong. In the bushes not far ahead, there seemed to be a shadow lying on the ground, staring at them. However, being vigilant, he did not take immediate measures, but was extremely obscure. Pass the message out.

"That's right, they realized something was wrong so quickly, I thought they couldn't find it." Su Xiaoyu held a telescope in his hand, and his face was full of admiration.

"They are there, so they can be observed more carefully, but if they keep standing still, it will definitely cause the two people hiding in the dark to be alert for a long time. I'm afraid they will act immediately." Fang There was a hint of worry in Tian's voice.

"Don't worry, they're not vegetarians, maybe they've already spotted the two of them and are looking for a way to control the enemy." After Zhang Shuai finished speaking, he seemed to have seen something, and said with a smile, "Look at Lone Wolf Group B, Xiaozhuang. gesture."

Several people looked around and found that Xiaozhuang was using the special gestures agreed upon by the five special teams to convey news to his teammates.

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