Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 520: You still have the face to tell me

It doesn't seem to make sense to go any further.

When the hygienist heard this question, he couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him, and said angrily, "How do I know what the instructor thinks? Do you think I can read minds?"

"Isn't it...Isn't it?" The ostrich learned the tone of a certain **** Zeng, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

"Fuck off!"

The ostrich was about to continue to speak, when a burst of gunshots suddenly sounded behind him, and a burst of fine yellow sand splashed under his feet.

"It seems that you guys are quite leisurely, and you still have time to chat. In this case, everyone has it, speed up, fast!"

Qin Yuan said, pulled the trigger again, and shot at everyone's feet frantically.

At this time, the special forces were almost scolding the ostrich to death. This guy didn't do good things all day, and now they have to be punished, which is so annoying.

Seemingly feeling the resentment around him, the ostrich was so frightened that it shrank its neck and closed its mouth tightly, not daring to make any more sound, and ran forward with its head down.

Time passed slowly, and after about an hour, everyone was exhausted and out of breath, and their footsteps were staggering. It seemed that they would fall down at any time.

If it was normal, Qin Yuan would let them continue training until they fainted, but the situation is different now. The environment in the desert is too extreme. If you continue to faint a few times, your body will definitely not be able to bear it.

Thinking of this, Qin Yuan shouted to the crowd: "Everyone has it, rest in place for ten minutes!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then their eyes darkened, their legs went soft, and they collapsed directly on the hot sand, and they didn't have the strength to get up for a long time.

Qin Yuan jumped out of the military car with a smile, opened the car and shouted to the crowd: "In thirty seconds, you can only drink water when you come here."

At the same time, a national quintessence sounded in the hearts of all the special forces. The trick of the **** instructor is really becoming more and more proficient.

But there is no way, their thirsty throats are about to breathe fire, and if they don't add water, they will really become mummified corpses.

"Ah!" Harley roared, trying to stand up with his tired body, but his trembling arms slumped weakly just as he supported his body.

"Harley, you are too vain, look at me!" said the little bee, took a deep breath, and stood up very confidently, but this time he was even worse. Just standing up, his legs couldn't support it, and he fell heavily. down.

"Haha, cough, cough, how dare you talk about me, Caibi!" Harley's face was full of schadenfreude.

Not far away, Lei Zhan gritted his teeth, trembled all over, and climbed up with great difficulty. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he eagerly reached out to the old fox and Yuanbao beside him: "Grab my hand."

The two immediately With the help of Lei Zhan, they struggled to get up this time.

Lei Zhan took a breath and stretched out his hand to Daniel and Bee again.

Soon, with the help of each other, all the special forces staggered and stood in front of Qin Yuan on time. This was how the special forces cooperated and fought. Everyone was an integral part of the team.

Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction and gave each of them a bottle of mineral water.

After everyone took it, there was almost no hesitation, and they all poured in, with an unfinished expression on their faces.

A few minutes later, before all the special forces recovered their physical strength.


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