Zhang Shuai immediately understood what Qin Yuan meant, and took the three of Su Xiaoyu to unload several heavy wooden boxes from the military vehicle.

All the special forces looked over with some doubts. For a while, they didn't know what the instructor was going to do. Didn't it mean that the desert special training was over.

However, when Qin Yuan opened the wooden box, the special forces immediately became excited.

"Canned beef, self-heating hot pot, Red Bull drink, self-heating rice..."

"In half an hour, end the battle, is there any problem?" Qin Yuan looked at everyone with a smile.

"No problem!" The special forces almost shouted out, and they couldn't wait to pounce, their faces were full of excitement, they had not eaten hot rice for a week in a row, and they had smelled meat... no, they did! Damn instructor!

Half an hour later, all the special forces were full of hiccups. Under Qin Yuan's command, they all rode in military vehicles and quickly drove towards the nearest air base.


Five hours later, the sky gradually darkened, Qin Yuan drove the helicopter and slowly landed on the apron of the training base.

"It's getting late, hurry back and rest. At eight o'clock tomorrow morning, after breakfast, we will gather at the training ground on time." Qin Yuan looked at everyone and said.

"Yes!" All the special forces saluted in unison, then turned around and strode towards the dormitory.

During the training in the desert, they had never had a good night's sleep, and now they can finally lie down in their bed and sleep comfortably.

In the dormitory of Lone Wolf Group B, Geng Jihui and others took a warm bath with a face full of enjoyment, and thoroughly cleaned the sediment from their bodies.

"After staying in the desert for so long, my body almost stinks. I guess even if there are lice on my body, they will all be smoked to death." Lao Pao couldn't help complaining, and rubbed his body a few times with soap.

"Yes, although this training is only a week, the degree of suffering is definitely not inferior to any training camp. If I do it again, I will really collapse." The ostrich said, and began to scold a certain **** instructor again in his heart. .

Xiao Zhuang, on the other hand, looked very calm, and said slowly, "Let's think about how to improve our strength. As long as we can resist Zang Chong head-on, we can graduate."

"Those guys." Qiangzi couldn't help clenching his fists, "I don't know how the instructors trained them, they have only been in the military region for less than a year, and they are still new recruits, so they can easily defeat us, do you have any more? It's fair!"

Hearing what Qiangzi said, the hygienist seemed to think of something and said with a smile: "This is also their ability, besides, they have been here for a year, and strictly speaking, they are no longer recruits. This year's recruits are already in Recruits are connected and trained."

"That's right." Ostrich suddenly remembered, "It seems to be the day when the new recruits arrive. I don't know if there will be Zhang Shuai or Zang Chong in this session."

"How can it be so simple." Geng Jihui shook his head, "There were so many good young recruits in the last session, and this session will basically return to normal. This is almost a rule."

Xiaozhuang and several people nodded. Good seedlings are not easy to appear. It usually takes several sessions to appear one or two. As for why so many appeared last time, it is estimated that only God knows.

Lao Pao rubbed his face and said thoughtfully: "You said, will the instructor still serve as the company commander of the recruit company this time?"


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