Long Xiaoyun turned his head and glared at Qin Yuan's back angrily. In the eyes of this **** instructor, he seemed to be a rough old man at all, and he didn't mean to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade at all.

Su Xiaoyu and the others also followed Qin Yuan, burying all the special forces in the soil, and stepping on it a few times before they came, so that the soil would not be too loose, allowing them to climb out easily.

"What is the instructor doing, isn't he wanting us to come out by ourselves?" The ostrich smiled bitterly, with a hint of helplessness on his face.

This kind of situation where the whole body is buried in the soil, it is difficult to climb out by yourself. After all, it is impossible to exert any strength. In addition, it is constantly squeezed by the surrounding soil, and breathing has become an almost impossible task.

"Hey, I feel like I'm going to be played to death by the instructor sooner or later." Lao Pao sighed heavily, subconsciously trying to wipe the sweat off his face, and suddenly realized that his arms had been buried in the ground, and he didn't know what to do. Can't move the slightest bit.

"Don't complain, the instructors are also doing it for our own good. On the battlefield, anything can happen. What we need to do now is to earnestly complete each training task." Geng Jihui said solemnly, his face full of seriousness .

"Okay." The ostrich nodded helplessly, and then looked at Qin Yuan eagerly, becoming more and more uneasy in his heart.

After the four of Su Xiaoyu returned, Qin Yuan looked at the special forces and said loudly, "Within ten minutes, I will climb out of the soil, can you hear me clearly?"

"Instructor, what if you can't get out?" Harry asked cautiously.

Qin Yuan glanced at him, and said without a smile, "What do you think?"


As if choked, Harley lowered his head quickly, not daring to look Qin Yuan's line of sight.

Qin Yuan retracted his gaze and reminded indifferently, "Don't speak again, or the air in your lungs will be continuously squeezed out. In this environment, it is almost impossible for you to inhale."

Hearing what the instructor said, all the special forces reacted one after another. When the human body enters the ground, the surrounding area will be continuously squeezed by the force. Under normal circumstances, no one can withstand this enormous pressure and re-bulge the lungs.

Thinking of this, everyone closed their mouths, stopped talking, and struggled with all their strength, trying to climb out of the mud.

But under the circumstance that most of his chest is covered by mud ~www.readwn.com~ he can hardly exert any strength, and it is almost impossible to complete the training task in ten minutes.

A few meters away, Su Xiaoyu looked at the struggling special forces soldiers and said, "Savage, do you think if you were buried in the ground, you could crawl out in ten minutes?"

Zang Chong frowned slightly, and it was very rare that he did not immediately express his position. If it was before, he would definitely pat his chest to express that it was a piece of cake. It can be seen that this training task is indeed a bit difficult.

Fang Tian glanced at the special forces one by one, with a thoughtful look on his face, as if he was looking for some simple skills, but he didn't speak for a long time, obviously he was stumped.

Zhang Shuai touched his chin and pondered, "If you want to pull out the iron rod from the ground, do you pull it straight up, or do you shake it back and forth to make it more active, and then pull it out again?"


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