Chapter 554 Lao Ye, I beg you

His chest heaved for a while, he coughed violently, his face paled instantly.

"Captain, this guy should be the strongest on the opposite side. We can take action together and challenge them. It's definitely no problem." A dark-skinned guy leaned into the ear of the inch-headed man and whispered, his eyes full of resentment.

The former captain of the Longshou Special Team behind him shook his head when he heard these words, but he didn't seem to mean to remind him.

"Okay, just do as you said!" The short-headed man gave Fang Tian a vicious look, and then said loudly, "If you have the ability, send a special team to fight against us. As a special force, this is the most familiar battle. model."

"Okay." Qin Yuan nodded casually, "Zang Chong, Fang Tian, ​​Su Xiaoyu, you guys too."

"Yes!" Zang Chong and the three responded excitedly.

Behind Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others saw this scene, and the eyes of the man with the inch head suddenly became pitiful.

"There are only four people, do you look down on us?"

The inch-headed man looked at Zang Chong and the three who were coming, his face was full of anger.

Qin Yuan glanced at him, "As long as you defeat any of them, you will win this confrontation."

"What a big tone!" There was a trace of anger on the dark man's face. There were six of them. Even if they won, they would be considered incompetent.

"How come there is so much nonsense!" Zang Chong said impatiently, "If you want to fight, fight, if you don't fight, just admit defeat!"

"Hey, don't cry later, come on!"

The man with an inch head roared and charged towards Fang Tian and the four of them again, and then the team members immediately followed, with an extremely majestic momentum.

Su Xiaoyu looked at each other and walked up to them, as if they were strolling through their back garden.

As soon as the two sides fought, they decided against each other. The right fist of the inch-headed man was directly twisted into a strange angle by Zang Chonghong. A teammate behind him directly slammed his chest on the ground, his face was full of pain, and the rest of the team members They are also at a disadvantage for the first time, and if they persist for a while at most, they will also be defeated.

Not far away, Ye Jianting and Zhang Qingshan stood together, looking at the battle ahead, all of them looked surprised.

"Lao Ye, why are these new recruits who are only one year old? I've never heard of you before?"

Ye Jianting was also a little confused for a He originally thought he knew the strength of the Sharp Sword Recruit Company. After all, he led the military competition and the World Special Forces Competition.

But it's only been so long, their strength seems to have undergone earth-shaking changes, which he never thought of.

Zhang Qingshan suddenly thought of something, glanced at Qin Yuan from the corner of his eyes, then lowered his voice and said with a hint of desire: "Lao Ye, can you do something?"

"No!" Ye Jianting shook his head without thinking.

"Don't, we have such a good relationship. I used to take care of you a lot. Why don't you even say anything now, so you just refuse?"

"Hehe, I still don't know what you're thinking about, tell you, there's no way!" Ye Jianting said, moving his steps away from Zhang Qingshan.

"It's only half a year, not three months, no, just a month, can you? I'm begging you, brother." Zhang Qingshan thought that he didn't want his old face at all, his tone was full of pleading, and he looked at him subconsciously after speaking. Qin Yuan in the distance, his eyes are full of eagerness.

(End of this chapter)

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