"No, just screening a few good seedlings." Qin Yuan said casually.

"Good seedling? Is this the new recruit? How about the company commander? Are there any recruits as good as us?" Fang Tian licked his face.

"Oh, let me go, Fang Tian, ​​since when have you become so shameless? You're actually giving yourself gold." Zang Chong looked at Fang Tian with a mocking expression on his face.

"No, I call it self-confidence. Otherwise, ask the company commander, how many of the recruits he has brought are as good as us!"

Hearing Fang Tian's words, Su Xiaoyu and the three looked at Qin Yuan subconsciously, with anticipation in their eyes.

"Yes, you are indeed the best." Qin Yuan nodded casually.

"Look, am I right?" Fang Tian raised his face proudly, and the three of Zhang Shuai were also secretly happy.

However, Qin Yuan's next sentence hit them deeply: "You are the first batch of recruits I brought, and of course they are the best at the moment, because there is no comparison at all."


Not far away, almost all the special forces burst out laughing.

Su Xiaoyu and the four of them showed embarrassed expressions on their faces, and then gave the special forces a vicious look. These guys were actually watching them play the ball.

"Okay, your physical strength should be almost recovered. Let's continue training now. In the next week, the training intensity will be increased." Qin Yuan looked at the special forces and said.

"Increase the training intensity?" Everyone's faces were full of astonishment. Isn't the current training enough to torture people? At the end of each time, almost no one can stand, and their physical strength is completely drained. Ordinary people can't hold on at all. .

Geng Jihui suddenly thought of something and asked tentatively, "Instructor, is it because there are recruits coming?" This was the only explanation he could think of why the instructor was so anxious all of a sudden.

Qin Yuan nodded slightly: "In the next week, I will confront Zang Chong with the ones you trained. Of course, if someone can't persist in the middle, they can quit directly. This time is not a joke, because of the intensity of the training afterwards, Absolutely beyond your imagination.”

The faces of the special forces tensed, and they felt a lot of pressure. Only Long Xiaoyun looked up at Qin Yuan, and there was a hint of reluctance in his eyes.

"Now, everyone has it, with a weight of 50 kilograms, armed off-road, as long as I don't stop, I will keep running!" Qin Yuan shouted to everyone.

"Yes!" The special forces did not dare to hesitate at all, and quickly began to organize their loads, feeling a little nervous in their hearts.

In front of the pile of rocks, a few people from Lone Wolf Group B gathered around and threw rocks into their backpacks frantically.

"How many brothers, how do you say? The instructor seems to be serious." Qiangzi couldn't help but lowered his voice, his face was full of solemnity.

"Of course it's serious. When did you see the instructor say a lie, but it's nothing. This time for a week, it's a big deal to stick with your teeth, and it will be over soon."

Xiaozhuang said casually, the movements of his hands did not stop at all.

"That's right, as long as I can quickly improve my strength, I can get rid of my training. I have wanted to join Su Xiaoyu for a long time." Lao Pao scolded.

"My main concern is, if our strength does not meet the instructor's expectations after a week, what should we do?" Ostrich said with a worried face.

"Cold salad." The hygienist couldn't help rolling his eyes.


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