Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 574: Don't need Qin Yuan's reminder

"The mosquitoes here are really powerful, they can **** blood through clothes, blanch!"

"No, why don't we have a single mosquito here? Xiaoyu, have you done something shameful, otherwise why are those mosquitoes catching you alone?"

Fang Tian's face was full of curiosity.

"Maybe this is the physique of sucking mosquitoes. Others **** cats and dogs, but this guy **** mosquitoes, hahaha!" Zang Chong couldn't help laughing.

"Fuck you, it's obviously my blood that smells good, but your blood is so stinky!" Su Xiaoyu scolded.

Zhang Shuai said with a serious face: "According to scientific research, mosquitoes like to **** blood type O, because the model emits a special smell, which has a fatal attraction to mosquitoes. Sister is the same."

"Go go go!" Su Xiaoyu was listening intently at first, but he didn't expect that the back would be serious.

During the conversation between several people, the special forces finally completed the training task, lying on the ground with a sullen face, their whole body was completely soaked with sweat.

Qin Yuan glanced at everyone and said in a flat tone: "There is still a training session. If you want to eat, come over and bake it yourself. You have ten minutes."

As soon as these words came out, even though the special forces were very tired, their eyes lit up instantly.

Listening to the instructor's meaning, it seems that they have prepared food for them, which was simply impossible in the past. Every time I went to the woods to look for it, I ate all kinds of insects. I was lucky to find pheasants and hares. , and snakes and the like.

Thinking of this, everyone did not hesitate, dragged their tired bodies, came to the bonfire with great interest, and looked at Qin Yuan eagerly.

Qin Yuan nodded to Zhang Shuai, who immediately understood, turned around and took out trays of cut frozen meat from the small freezer of the military vehicle behind him.

The special forces immediately took it over, and they roasted with anticipation around the bonfire. They dipped in the sauce from time to time, and the smell of meat soon floated out.

The Wolf Warrior Squadron, 1.5 meters, looked at the slightly browned barbecued meat in his hands.

He couldn't bear it any longer, and after blowing it on his mouth a few times, he took a big bite and ate it happily.

"You're in a hurry, you're only half-cooked, you'll have diarrhea after eating it." Shi Sanba's face was full of contempt.

"Hehe, then you can continue to bake. The instructor only gives us ten minutes. After you bake a piece, I will already be full, so that I can have the strength to continue training."

Shi Sanba was stunned, and immediately reacted, he almost forgot, there is still training to be carried out later.

When he turned his head again, the captain and the others had already eaten, and they didn't hesitate at all. They picked up the sticky barbecue and chewed it.

Ten minutes Without Qin Yuan's reminder, the special forces stood up consciously, lined up in a queue, and waited for the next training mission.

Qin Yuan looked at the dark forest in front of him, and said loudly, "Next, your task is very simple, that is to fight against the jungle."

"You need to go in from different directions and decide the winner in two hours until the last person is left."

"Except for the final winner, everyone else will be punished, can you hear me clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

Everyone roared in unison, and their faces were full of fighting intent. They were originally the top special forces in the military region, and they regarded each other as opponents.


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