At this time, everyone was lying on the ground, rolled their eyes, and couldn't move half a minute. If it wasn't for the slight ups and downs of their chests, it would be almost like a dead person.

Looking at this scene, Zang Chong couldn't help but say: "They can really fight. I now believe that after the intensive training week, their strength will really improve by leaps and bounds, and they may even defeat us."

"Savage, this shouldn't come out of your mouth, haven't you always been fearless?" Su Xiaoyu held back a smile and asked curiously.

"Haha, why do you think I'm a fool?" Zang Chong's face was full of disdain.

Su Xiaoyu is like a skin, isn't it, but reason tells him not to do this, or he will die miserably.

At this moment, Zhang Shuai next to him slapped Hache, rubbed his eyes and said, "Okay, it's getting late, hurry up and rest, you have to get up early tomorrow." After speaking, he strode towards his tent. .

The four of Zang Chong also got up and started to prepare to go to sleep. It didn't take long for the surroundings to fall into dead silence again, only the weak gasps of the special forces rang out one after another.

After a few minutes, everyone finally regained some physical strength and climbed up from the ground with great difficulty.

"Bastard instructor, fell asleep so quickly, hum!" Ostrich looked at Qin Yuan's tent and couldn't help humming.

"Captain, can we rest now? I'm really exhausted today. This is the first day. I really don't know how to survive the next six days."

Qiangzi looked at Geng Jihui and said with a wry smile on his face, as if his body was about to fall apart.

Geng Jihui shook his head slightly, then looked at Lei Zhan, Long Xiaoyun and the others, "Several, should we discuss the issue of taking turns on duty."

This is a semi-primitive forest, and there are not many wild beasts living in it. If there is no one on duty at night, it is very likely that they will not even know how to die.

Lei Zhan nodded and began to discuss seriously. In the end, the Thunder Commando was on duty first, but the time would be slightly reduced. After all, everyone is in a state of extreme exhaustion, and they all want to rest as soon as possible.


There was nothing to do that night, and in the early morning of the next day, after a simple breakfast, the special forces immediately threw themselves into new training.

Compared with before, the training tasks set by Qin Yuan were obviously much more severe. At the end of each time, all the special forces were almost in a state of exhaustion.

If it is a normal going through this kind of training every day, the body will definitely not be able to bear it, but with the blessing of Qin Yuan's special Chinese medicine and physical recovery halo, the special forces all gritted their teeth and persevered. There will not be any dark injuries to the body, and the strength is steadily and greatly improved every day.

On the night of the sixth day, after a day of training, all the special forces had completely exhausted their physical energy. They were lying on the ground with pale faces, panting heavily.

Qin Yuan looked at everyone with a satisfied expression on his face. After this period of hard work and training regardless of the cost, everyone's strength has been greatly improved. Just in terms of physical fitness, he can already do 10,000 in an hour. push ups.

"Pack up and prepare to return to the training base." Qin Yuan turned to look at Su Xiaoyu and said.

"Okay!" The four had already anticipated this, so there was no delay.


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