"This foodie is like a reincarnation of a starving ghost. Why didn't I see him being so active during training." The hygienist laughed and scolded.

"I'm so tired. The first thing that comes to my mind is to rush to the cafeteria and say that he is a foodie without any problem." Xiao Zhuang also smiled.

Lao Pao seemed to have thought of something, and he said with some doubts: "It's already here, the cafeteria master has already left, and even if he passes, he can't find anything to eat, right?"

"Yeah, haha, I almost forgot about this, I guess the ostrich is looking at the empty cafeteria and wants to cry without tears." Qiangzi smiled wickedly.

"Okay, let's hurry over as well, it's getting late, let's take a rest after finding something to eat, tomorrow is the last day, the instructor must have assigned a lot of demanding tasks, if you don't rest well, maybe you won't stick to it at all. down."

After Geng Jihui finished speaking, he walked directly in the direction of the cafeteria, and Xiaozhuang and others immediately followed.

After a few people came to the cafeteria, they saw the ostrich swearing at the air at a glance, "Bastard instructor, you don't leave any food at all, it's so shameless, if I can't beat you, I have to teach you a good lesson. No way!"

"Ahem, I've already recorded it, Ostrich, I'll show it to the instructor tomorrow morning, you just die, hehe!" Qiangzi shouted loudly!

Hearing the sound behind him, Ostrich turned around quickly, and when he saw that it was Geng Jihui and the others, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't stand there, who of you can cook, hurry up and make a fire, I'm already starving and rolling my eyes!"

Xiaozhuang Zhuangruo asked suspiciously, "Shouldn't there be a lot of cooked food in the refrigerator? What else do you cook?"

"No, not even a hair, they were all eaten up by the instructors!" The ostrich said bitterly.

"It's impossible, how could such a big refrigerator be empty, Ostrich, did you steal your food while we were away?" The hygienist's face was full of doubts.

"Fart, I've only been here for a minute, and you're here, how can I have time to steal food!"

"I don't believe it, you can eat a lot in one minute. Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it!" Several people shook their heads in cooperation.

"Fuck off, don't play with me together. If you don't believe me, see if I have something to eat. Come on, ah!"

Saying that, the ostrich opened its mouth and walked towards the sanitation worker.

"Go away, you haven't brushed your teeth for a few days, and you smell like dead fish before you even get close!"

Geng Jihui caressed his forehead helplessly~www.readwn.com~ and said in pain, "Several uncles, can we make something to eat first and fill our stomachs before playing?"

The ostrich and the others looked at each other, laughed, and went straight into the kitchen to start a fire to clean the ingredients. Although they were not chefs, they had no problem cooking simple meals to fill their stomachs.

The rest of the special teams had been busy for a long time, and for a while, the cafeteria seemed very lively.

After the supper, the special forces returned to the dormitory, took a comfortable cold shower, and then lay on the bed. As soon as their heads touched the pillow, they fell asleep instantly.

The next day, all the special forces woke up on time, and before six o'clock, they all stood on the training ground and gathered.


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