"Qiangzi, you go to deal with Su Xiaoyu, his movements are very dexterous, don't ask you to beat him, just hold on." Geng Jihui looked at Qiangzi and said.

"no problem."

"Zhuang, Lao Pao, you two deal with Fang Tian, ​​pay attention, be sure to deal with him as soon as possible, and then go to support the ostrich, as for the hygienist, you and I will deal with Zhang Shuai together, and you should do your best to kill him as soon as possible, and then free up your hands. , to deal with Su Xiaoyu."

"it is good!"

Xiao Zhuang and several people nodded heavily, their eyes full of seriousness.

After a few people discussed the countermeasures, the countdown started and ended. Without Qin Yuan's reminder, Zhang Shuai, who had been prepared long ago, strode towards the group B of Lone Wolf.

"Everyone, pay attention and proceed according to the plan!" Geng Jihui shouted, and then rushed towards Zhang Shuai, followed by the sanitation staff.

Xiaozhuang and the others immediately rushed towards their goal, and for a while, the training ground was full of muffled sounds of **** to the flesh.

Different from the three of Su Xiaoyu, Zang Chong looked at Su Xiaoyu who was rushing towards him in surprise. After making sure that no one else was helping him, he couldn't help but take two steps back and said, "You are ready to face it alone. Me? Have I been tricked by Geng Jihui and the others?"

The ostrich's mission was to hold back Zang Chong. Seeing that he didn't want to do something right away, he stopped moving his mouth and wept, "That's right, these **** won't let people, and pushed me into the fire, Zang. Brother Chong, let's have a discussion, okay, don't do it first, let's see how those guys were abused by Zhang Shuai and the others."

"Hehe, big brother? You haven't left the training base yet? Shouldn't you call me an instructor?"

"Yes, yes, look at me, I am confused, Instructor Zang Chong, hehe."

"Hmph, don't play tricks, look at the tricks!" Zang Chong snorted coldly, he didn't eat this set at all, he raised his fist and smashed it directly.

"I'm going, you don't talk about martial arts, but you actually engage in sneak attacks!"

The ostrich let out a strange cry, and hurriedly turned sideways to avoid the heavy punch that was thrown at his head.

Zang Chong's expression did not change, but he felt a little emotional in his heart. Although his advantage lies in his strength, his speed is not so fast due to the blessing of strength. After such a long period of training, the strength of the special forces has indeed improved a lot.

But even though he thought so in his heart, the movements of his hands did not stop, and he continued to attack the ostrich one after another.

However, the ostrich is like a loach. He doesn't confront him at all, he just dodges passively. Obviously, he is ready to delay time. On the one hand, Xiao Zhuang and Lao Pao joined forces to continuously launch an offensive against the other side. Although they could not defeat him quickly, it also made the other side too tired to deal with it, and it was too late to take a breath.

About a minute later, the ostrich who was dodging with all his strength suddenly made a mistake due to a lot of physical exhaustion. When he reacted, a sharply enlarged fist appeared in front of him.

Without thinking of any thoughts, the ostrich tried his best to hide his body to the side, avoiding the fist that hit his head, but was hit **** the chest by the next whip leg, and the whole body flew upside down. go out.

"Cough cough!"

The ostrich lay on the ground, coughed violently a few times, and his face instantly turned extremely pale.


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