Xiaozhuang and others also stopped their movements at the same time. After training for so long, they finally defeated Zhang Shuai and the others.

"You guys should rest for a while." Qin Yuan said to Su Xiaoyu a few people, then turned to look at the Thunder Commando and others, "Get ready, it will be your turn later."

"Yes!" Lei Zhan responded excitedly, looking at Su Xiaoyu and the four with war intent in their eyes.

Not far away, Li Man and the other recruits were excited. They stayed in the training camp for a week and saw many confrontations between veterans. However, compared with the special forces in front of them, they were like children playing at home.

This is where men should stay, throwing their heads and shedding their blood together. The recruits are very glad that they did not choose to leave here, otherwise they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

Soon, the four of Su Xiaoyu recovered, and then under Qin Yuan's watch, they had a good fight with the Thunder Commando.

Almost the same as before, they were at a disadvantage in numbers, and they were quickly cut by the Thunder Commando. The first to be eliminated was Su Xiaoyu, who was besieged by Lei Zhan and the old fox.

Under the siege of the two, even if Su Xiaoyu did not lose to anyone, even slightly stronger, but in the end, he only lasted for more than a minute, and then fell into the hands of the experienced two.

The three of Zhang Shuai were finally defeated under more and more siege.

Next, the Red Blood Cell Special Team and the Jiaolong Special Team made their shots in turn, and both won the confrontation. Although the Wolf Warrior Squadron did not have the numerical advantage, it fought back and forth with Su Xiaoyu, and there was no sign of defeat in a short period of time. Qin Yuan directly announced that they were tied, and it was considered to have passed the assessment.

Looking at the excited special forces, Qin Yuan's face also showed a smile, "You have completed all the training and your strengths are all qualified, you can leave here."

As soon as these words came out, the excitement in everyone's eyes gradually subsided, and a touch of reluctance and sadness appeared on their faces.

Although there is endless high-intensity training here every day, and they are punished from time to time, they have felt very fulfilled, and there are not too many bad things. Don't move.

"Why, don't want to leave? Well, let's continue training, do 100,000 push-ups first, then..."

"No no no, Instructor, we'll leave now." Lei Zhan, Geng Jihui and the others shook their heads, then spread their feet and strode towards the military vehicle that had been prepared long ago.

Looking at the embarrassed figures of everyone~www.readwn.com~ Su Xiaoyu smiled and said: "These guys are actually sad, have you forgotten the fear of being drained of physical energy every day?"

"This is normal, do you think everyone is as inhumane as you?" Fang Tian pouted, his tone full of sarcasm.

"Hey, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds compared to before, and they will be able to deal with various tasks. It is estimated that we will continue to stay here in the future. Those exciting tasks are nothing to do with us." Zhang Shuai sighed. , There is a feeling that the disciples of the church starve to death the master, of course, he is not the master, at most he is the errand around him.

During the conversation, all the special forces had already jumped into the car, but they did not rush to leave, but stuck their heads out.

"Instructor, when I have time in the future, I will come back to see you, haha."


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