"That's right. We still have thirty-six. We must persevere to the end. It will be cool for everyone to become special forces together."

"Yes, if anyone can't stand up, everyone should help each other. Let's enter the training base together, and we are half comrades-in-arms. We should help each other."

"That's right!"

The recruits nodded at the same time, then supported each other and walked quickly towards the cafeteria.

Not far away, Qin Yuan couldn't help but nodded slightly when he saw the picture sent back by the god-level intelligent poisonous bee. Although these guys were recruits, their comprehension was quite good.

Even the special forces are fighting in small groups, and relying on one person alone cannot go too far.

A few minutes later, the recruits finally arrived at the cafeteria, and their eyes almost fell out when they saw the dazzling array of delicacies in front of them.

"Sweet and sour pork loin, Kung Pao chicken, chicken dumplings... and those I don't know, there must be at least twenty samples. How good is the food here!" No. 9 rookie Cheng Cheng couldn't help but exclaimed. .

"We used to eat cabbage steamed buns in the training camp for recruits. The best ones are big meat buns. Compared with this, it is like a sky and an underground."

"I've decided to go for the food here. Even if I die, I'll stick to it until the end!"

"I said, brothers, have you forgotten something important? We only have ten minutes to eat, and now more than half of it has passed. It's too late to go back, but we will be eliminated directly!"

Hearing the reminder from Su Zhan, the rookie No. 12, the recruits finally came to their senses, and hurriedly rushed to the table, as if reincarnated from a starving death, they picked up the food and stuffed it into their mouths.

"Okay, everyone quickly drink a few mouthfuls of soup to replenish water, and then take the food to eat on the road, otherwise the time will be too late."

After Zhang Qi finished speaking, he drank the iced mung bean soup in one gulp, then grabbed a big chicken leg in one hand and half a grilled fish in the other, and ran straight out of the cafeteria.

The recruits also reacted immediately. They quickly grabbed the food with their hands and followed them with great strides. Seeing the luxurious configuration here, everyone did not want to be eliminated so quickly.

A few minutes later, on the training ground, Qin Yuan looked at the recruits lined up neatly, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"It seems that you all have a good sense of time, remember to keep it in the future."

"Thank you, instructor, for your compliment!" The recruits said in unison, their faces seemed to feel a little proud.

Qin Yuan chuckled in his heart, then looked at the crowd and said, "Starting now, armed with 20 kilometers off-road, the last one to reach the finish line will be eliminated directly!"

"What~www.readwn.com~Twenty kilometers?"

The faces of the recruits changed obviously, "Instructor, when we were in the training camp, we ran only five kilometers at most, but now it's twenty kilometers, will we be overwhelmed?"

"That's right, isn't training a step-by-step approach? If you rush into high-intensity training, you'll lose more than your gains."

Qin Yuan glanced at a few people, and his tone was full of sarcasm: "You can't bear it, what do I do? If you think you can't do it, you can leave directly. The door of the training base is always open for you."

"Also, in view of your doubts just now, this training has been increased to 25 kilometers. Now, immediately, start immediately!"


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