
All the recruits had ecstatic expressions on their faces. After training for so long, their bodies almost fell apart. Now they can finally rest.

There was hardly any hesitation, everyone exerted their strength to suckle, struggling to walk in the direction of the dormitory, and a few people couldn't get up and simply climbed up.

"Haha, these guys are really embarrassed. I don't know if I can get up tomorrow." Looking at the backs of the recruits, Su Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing.

"It's two o'clock in the morning now, and they will be assembled in four hours. I bet they won't get up." Zang Chong said with determination.

Zhang Shuai shook his head and said, "I think they can do it."

"Whatever you do, punish them if you don't get up, company commander, it's so late now, can we go back to rest?" Fang Tian looked at Qin Yuan eagerly, and after he finished speaking, he opened his mouth and hit him directly. A big yawn.

After the training, Qin Yuan was also a little tired. Looking at the four of them, he said, "Now you can go to rest, but pay attention to setting the alarm clock and gather here at 5:50."

"Understood!" The four responded, turning around and walking behind them.

In the recruit's dormitory, after everyone returned to the room, they didn't even take off their clothes, they just fell on the bed and fell asleep as soon as they closed their eyes.

And Zhang Qiqiang endured tiredness, set an alarm clock, and then fell asleep. For a while, the dormitory was full of thunderous snoring.


Five fifty.

"Ring bell bell!"

A harsh and urgent bell rang in the dormitory, and all the recruits who were sleeping were awakened.

"What's the matter, who set the alarm clock, turn it off quickly, and let him not sleep!"

"Hurry up, I can finally rest, I'm going to sleep until the end of the world, so don't bother me!"

"Sorry, I'm so tired from training, if I don't take a good rest, I feel like my body will be abolished!"

Listening to the impatient complaints of several comrades-in-arms, Zhang Qi stretched out his hand and wiped his face heavily, then looked at everyone and said, "Brothers, don't sleep, it's time to gather, or the instructor will punish us."

"How is it possible, it's been four hours since I just closed my eyes? You're kidding me!" Cheng Cheng didn't even open his eyes, he didn't believe it at all.

"Really, what am I lying to you for? If you don't believe me, look at the clock on the wall to see if it's past five fifty."

Zhang Qi said, jumped out of the bed with difficulty, endured the exhaustion in his mind, and began to take a simple shower.

Hearing this ~www.readwn.com~ Su Zhan opened his eyelids with some difficulty, then looked at the wall clock on the bed, just glanced at it, and his face showed a loveless expression.

"I'm going. It's actually almost six in the morning. Brothers, hurry up. The instructor said that if we don't gather on time, we will be punished."

"But I really have no strength. Now my whole body is sore and weak, and I can't get up at all." Zhai Qing said with a bitter face.

"It's the same with me. I've never been so tired since I was a child, and I don't know what the instructors thought. The first day of training was so hard." Zheng Qian's face was full of helplessness.

"Okay, get up quickly, we have to clean up the internal affairs. I heard that the special forces have very strict requirements for this piece, and there can't be even a single fold on the bed."


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