Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 627: night terrain assessment

Chapter 628 Night Terrain Assessment

But now in the turbulent river, they didn't even have time to complain, and they all swam forward with all their might.

After all, this is not a joke. A little carelessness can lead to life-threatening danger. Even if they know that Instructor Qin Yuan is very strong, they may not be able to save them in time.

About half an hour later, the recruits finally fulfilled Qin Yuan's request, crawling to the shore with great difficulty, lying on the ground panting heavily.

"I'm exhausted, don't you know, I was almost entangled by water weeds in the water just now. If I hadn't gotten rid of it in time, you wouldn't be able to see me now."

Zheng Qian's chest heaved violently, and there was a hint of fear on his face.

"It's okay, if you hang it inside, the brothers will come to burn paper for you every year." Su Zhan said casually.

"Go on, shut up if you can't speak!" Zheng Qian said angrily.

"I said you should stop. According to previous experience, we only have ten minutes of rest after each training session. Let's restore our physical strength honestly." Zhang Qi seemed a little helpless.

The rest of the people didn't speak again after seeing this, and began to concentrate on resting.

Ten minutes later, Qin Yuan stood in front of the crowd and said loudly, "Everyone has it, gather!"


Although the recruits were a little helpless, they immediately got up from the ground, stood in the queue and concentrated on waiting for Qin Yuan to announce the training mission.

"Now, continue to swim against the river, this time is still one hour, there can be no pause in the middle, can you hear it clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

Everyone roared, gritted their teeth and jumped into the river again, and swam forward quickly.

Only this time, their speed was obviously slower than before. After all, the training was so hard just now, and it was too late to recover their physical strength in just ten minutes.

"Add more food to them." Qin Yuan stood on the shore with a very indifferent tone.


The four of Su Xiaoyu seemed to have been waiting for this order for a long time, raised the muzzle directly, and frantically pulled the trigger.

With a rapid burst of gunshots, the densely packed bullets hit the recruits, causing a lot of splashes and scaring them.

"Fuck, the instructor is actually here, it's too ruthless, what if I miss it and hit me?"

"Just now a bullet flew past If it was a little slower, it would have been hit."

"I think it should be fine. They are all special forces. Their marksmanship is absolutely superb. At most, they will scare us, and they will definitely not hit us."

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and swim forward, what if you miss, do you still want to gamble with your own life?"

When the recruits heard the words, they couldn't help crying and laughing in their hearts, but they all used their strength to swim forward frantically, wanting to quickly solve this training.

With the passage of time, the recruits finally completed their training. This time, they were so tired that they could hardly breathe. They lay pale by the muddy river and did not recover for a long time.

"These guys have really good physical strength, and they can persist until now. To be honest, they all have the potential to become special forces." Looking at the embarrassed recruits, Zhang Shuai nodded in appreciation.

"Only seven of them are selected out of a thousand recruits. If they can't even hold on to this task, then this recruit is really outrageous."

(End of this chapter)

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