Chapter 636

Qin Yuan stood not far from watching this scene, and couldn't help but nodded slightly. Although these guys are not particularly strong now, their tenacity is extremely good, at least they can grow to the level of Lei Zhan and the others.

As time passed, after half an hour, the recruits finally completed the training task. At this time, everyone was sweating like rain, their faces were extremely pale, and the blood vessels under the skin were clearly visible.

"Rest in place for twenty minutes."

After hearing Qin Yuan's voice, the faces of the recruits suddenly showed a look of relief, their legs were soft, they lay directly on the ground, and they opened their mouths and gasped for breath.

"I didn't expect the instructor to be so aggressive this time, and he directly gave us 20 minutes to rest." Su Zhan gasped, a look of surprise on his face.

"Don't look at it, how tiring this training is. It's a hundred laps, and I have to carry equipment on my back. I don't know how I survived." Zhai Qing's face was full of pain.

"Anyway, I did persevere this time, and the instructor will definitely think highly of us." Cheng Cheng said, the corners of his mouth could not help cocking up, and he had already imagined that instructor Qin Yuan patted his shoulder, Say you are really nice.

"Come on, a hundred laps, for us, we have to do our best to complete it, but in the eyes of the instructors, it must be dismissive."

It seems so, hey, I feel disappointed when I think about it, no matter how well we train, in the eyes of Instructor Qin, it is nothing at all.

Don't be arrogant, we have only been training for so long, and we haven't even fired a gun yet. I believe that as long as we keep training so hard, it won't take long for our strength to change dramatically. Catch up with Su Xiaoyu and the others. There is absolutely no problem, don't forget, they are also the recruits of the previous session.

"Don't think about it so much, just rest now. Twenty minutes is not too long. Who knows what training will come next."

After Zhang Qi finished speaking, he closed his eyes directly and began to concentrate on recovering his physical strength. The rest of the people stopped talking, and the surroundings immediately became quiet.

After the rest time, the recruits consciously got up from the ground and looked at Qin Yuan nervously, not knowing what to do next.

"Everyone has it, target No. 3 training ground, run forward, fast!"

"Yes!" Everyone shouted and ran towards the front.

Arriving at the No. 3 training ground, Qin Yuan stood beside a pool full of silt, pointed at a thick log not far away, and said, "Two people in groups, carry them for me."

When everyone heard the words, a wry smile appeared on their faces. This thing weighed hundreds of kilograms casually, so it wouldn't be too hard for two people to carry it.

However, they couldn't resist, and could only honestly carry the log as required.

"Enter the quagmire!"

Seeing that all the recruits had entered the quagmire, Qin Yuan announced loudly: "Next, squat 500 times, and remind you in advance that you must not drop the log on your shoulders into the quagmire, otherwise after absorbing water, it will The weight will increase exponentially.”

After speaking, Qin Yuan turned around and walked to the gazebo not far away, picked up a can of iced drink and drank it.

"These guys, I don't know if they can hold it up. Although this thing looks relatively simple, in fact, the pit is not small. If you accidentally miss it, you will definitely not be able to complete it."

(End of this chapter)

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