"That's right, I don't have the ability anyway. I haven't seen anything related to it on TV before, but I use a range hood at home, so there's definitely no smoke."

"Don't talk nonsense, since you are sure, hurry up and demonstrate it. Time is running out. When the instructor comes back, if he sees that we have not succeeded, he will definitely punish us."

"Yeah, Cheng Cheng, try it now. If we can't eat breakfast, our body will definitely be overwhelmed. By then, no one will be able to persevere in the morning training."

Seeing the eagerness on the faces of several people, Cheng Cheng smiled smugly, then took the shovel, turned and walked towards the soil stove he just dug.

Li Man and the others looked at each other and followed, wanting to see what medicine this guy was selling in the gourd.

When he came to the earth stove, Cheng Cheng made three or two strokes, and in less than five minutes, he dug the earth stove exactly like Li Man's.

"No, isn't yours the same as mine? I really thought you had come up with a good solution for co-authoring."

Li Man shook his head, his face was full of disappointment, he turned around and was about to leave.

"Hey, I know that this guy can come up with a good solution. Let's go away quickly. While there is still some time, hurry up and think of a way. If it doesn't work, let's eat those flour and vegetable leaves raw."

Zhang Qi glanced at Cheng Cheng and said, "Are there any further steps?"

"Of course, tsk tsk, if you want me to say, Zhang Qi is the most stable, let's see what you are all anxious about. If we really set up a special team in the future, I will be the first to recommend Zhang Qi as the captain."

After Cheng Cheng finished speaking, he lowered his head again and started to work. Li Man and the others watched him dig another long hole behind the stove, and then covered it with branches and damp leaves.

After finishing his work, Cheng Cheng got up and wiped the sweat from his face, and explained proudly: "One of the reasons for the so much smoke from Li Man's stove just now is the lack of oxygen supply. When the firewood is burning, it will naturally release it. Smoke."

"And I dug a channel behind the stove, so that the firewood can be fully burned, and a little smoke generated will be absorbed by the branches and damp leaves, and the smokeless stove will naturally be built."

"I'm going, it's really amazing, Cheng Cheng, I admit, I looked down on you a little bit before."

"It's so simple, why didn't I think of it?"

"Brothers, don't stand still, hurry up, time is running out, whether you can eat a hot breakfast is up to you."

After Su Zhan finished speaking ~www.readwn.com~, he turned around and ran towards his stove, his face full of excitement.

The rest of the people also reacted and started to take action one after another. With the experience just now, they can definitely build a smoke-free stove quickly.

Cheng Cheng, on the other hand, picked up a few firewood and threw them into the stove, then picked up the spatula, cooking oil, etc., and waited excitedly for the iron pan to be heated. It was the first time for him to cook by himself.

Soon, the rest of the people also set up the stove and quickly made breakfast.

But he was mostly cooking for the first time. He boiled a white porridge and burned the bottom of the pot, but it wasn't that he couldn't swallow and barely filled his stomach.

It didn't take long for Qin Yuan to return and nodded to the four of Su Xiaoyu.


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