For a while, they seemed a little timid. This was the first time they had come into contact with these things, and the result was a real thunder. Who can stand it? If they accidentally make a mistake, it may be life-threatening.

Qin Yuan didn't seem to see the expressions on their faces, and announced loudly: "In the next hour, you need to pass through this forest and gather at the river behind."

"If after the time is up, someone fails to complete the task, then everyone will be punished, a thousand push-ups!"

Hearing Qin Yuan's voice, the faces of the recruits became obviously stiff, but they quickly adjusted, and their eyes looked very determined.

"What's the matter, isn't it a minefield? Today, let's go to see if life is tough!" Su Zhan gritted his teeth.

"That's right, there's nothing scary about this thing. We just need to be careful and avoid all dangerous places to complete the mission." Zhang Qi's face was full of seriousness.

Seeing the changes in everyone's expressions, Qin Yuan nodded with satisfaction, then turned around and left here directly, "Remember, you only have one hour!"

After Qin Yuan's figure disappeared, Zhang Shuai looked at the recruits and said, "Hurry up and act."


Zhang Qi and the others responded, and immediately walked forward cautiously. Zheng Qian smiled and said: "Several instructors, if we accidentally make a mistake later, do you want to save Yi Ha Zi?"

"Hehe, our task is to supervise you. As for whether there will be any accidents, it's none of our business?" Su Xiaoyu's face was full of ridicule.

"Hurry up and go to training, and then dare to ink, be careful that I will directly declare you a failure!"

Zheng Qian's face was stagnant, and he quickly turned around and walked forward, daring not to leave the slightest trace of ink.

In the woods, the recruits walked forward very cautiously, not daring to be careless, but the instructor said that all the real mines were arranged here, and no one dared to take it seriously.

Suddenly, Zhang Qi suddenly stopped, raised his hand and made a warning gesture.

"What, did you find out what's going on?" Su Zhan asked behind him, with a touch of nervousness on his face.

Zhang Qi nodded slightly, raised his hand and pointed forward.

Everyone looked in the direction he pointed, only to find that there was actually a thin translucent line there.

"Good guy, you have good eyesight, you found one so quickly." Zhai Qing's face was full of admiration.

"Stop talking, let's discuss who will arrange it first." Li Man's face was full of seriousness.

Everyone around heard the words, and their faces were a little hesitant. They only came into contact with this thing today, and they have no experience at all. They just watched Qin Yuan's demonstration just To be honest, no one has confidence, it can be Remove it safely.

"I'm coming, you all step back a little, lest you be hurt in case of an accident." Zhang Qi said with a serious face.

"Can you do it? This is a real thing, or let's go around it. Anyway, the instructor didn't say that it must be dismantled."

"No, the instructor made it clear that this is a mine clearance training. If you go back empty-handed, you will definitely not be able to complete the task normally."

Zhang Qi said, took a deep breath, and continued: "Don't worry, I used to watch this kind of things when I was a child, and I still have some experience. You don't need to worry so much."

Seeing Zhang Qidu say so, everyone nodded silently


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