"We don't know, it's better for everyone to be careful."

Sure enough, Qin Yuan chose this place just to embarrass them, so he walked forward again, and there was no way to see it.

If it is delayed like this, it is absolutely impossible to go out according to the stipulated time.

Therefore, they must seek a shortcut here, but at this moment, several people must not be divided into several paths.

Because Qin Yuan told them before that it is very easy to lose their way in this kind of jungle, and everyone must walk together.

I don't know how long I walked forward, but looking at the angle of the sun in the sky, it should look like an hour has passed.

Zheng Qian was a little impatient, but he still couldn't see the exit and kept complaining.

"I don't know when I'll be able to go out? Li Man, do you still have the same energy as before? If you don't say anything, we won't hate you so much."

But Li Man felt that he was just kind, and now was not the time to argue about this, so he swallowed the anger in his stomach.

"Okay, okay, even if it's my fault, then I've said all my words. You saw that Chief Ye was there just now, so you can't be ashamed."

Afterwards, several people quickly walked to a water source, but the water was obviously not flowing, it may have been accumulated on rainy days.

This water is not drinkable, and there may be various microorganisms in it.

Continuing to walk forward, they came to a cliff, and it was obvious that they saw a familiar figure, that is Qin Yuan.

Zang Chong was a little excited when he saw it, and pointed in that direction.

"Our instructor is there now. As long as we pass this cliff, it seems that we are close at hand."

But the top priority is how to get down from this cliff, which is surrounded by steep stone walls.

But now that they have no rope to climb, it is completely impossible to take this shortcut.

Then they walked in another direction, and after some searching, they found a path here.

Soon Zhai Qing noticed the leech that bit him just now and reminded him.

"Let's go this way faster, but we have to withstand the leeches!"

Li Man was no longer afraid. For the sake of tonight's dish, he could not wait to risk his life.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it just some leech? It's not something highly poisonous."

"It's a big deal, I'll let him take a few mouthfuls of blood today, and let the instructor add it to the dishes at night, and I'll make up for it."

Several other people were dumbfounded when they heard what he said, not knowing what to say about him.

Then they wrapped all their bare skin and walked forward.

But Ma Huang was always able to find gaps and drill into their bodies.

Soon they felt a tingling pain in their bodies, which kept coming.

Li Man just said that he is not afraid of these things, Ma Huang bit him on the body, and he did not make any complaints.

But the further they went, the thicker the things in front of them grew, and they even began to block their sight.

They had to clear these things, and all of a sudden they heard footsteps in the woods.

In such an empty forest, how could there be people now, it seems a little too strange.

Several people immediately became alert and began to observe, and suddenly a person appeared, almost smashing them away.


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