There are still smart people among them, and they soon discover that their sense of direction is somewhat wrong.

Because they got off the cliff early in the morning, and there was no way to go down there.

"Did you not realize that the road is wrong? The chief is facing us, and that will prove that we are right. Obviously we are wrong now."

But when it came to the issue, they began to fight infighting again, always feeling that it was the person who took the lead just now who led them in the wrong direction.

"If it weren't for the way you just went, we would be able to get this one now?"

"This is obviously inseparable from the person who took the lead. How come you don't want to be responsible for hurting others now?"

Gradually, the argument grew louder and louder, and reasonable people would naturally stand up to stop the persuasion.

"It's not the best time to quarrel, it's right for us to leave here first."

"Anyway, the direction is wrong now, so what's the reason for who? We have to work together to find a way to leave."

Both of them had childish anger written on their faces, and they didn't want to give each other any face at all.

"If I follow him again, wouldn't that be another wrong path? You ask how many people want to follow him."

Now these useless arguments, let this person listen to the many uncomfortable places in his heart and speak directly.

"Then let's divide our troops into two groups. Follow whoever you want to follow. Then we'll see which one of us reaches the finish line first."

Then the two of them looked at each other and chose different paths.

Everyone in the recruits has their own ideas, which is quite normal.

It's just that it's a bit surprising that you can use your own ideas so freely.

Now that everyone's strength is not united, it is actually divided into two shares.

Qin Yuan's most taboo is to see such things, especially in the army.

He has strict requirements for soldiers, and it is estimated that these two soldiers who take the lead in provoking trouble will definitely be severely punished.

But it can't be said absolutely. They may have a better way of cooperation if they are divided into two groups. In the end, they will only help each other.

But in any case, their final thinking point is that they want to get out of here, and this is the most important.

Maybe they could save some time by splitting the two lanes, which clearly went in the east direction.

While walking, some people began to complain, and even began to have some doubts.

"I don't know if I can get this out if I go on like this."

"When is this a head? If I say that our recruits shouldn't come to join in the fun."

"Training us honestly, isn't it good to rest in the dormitory honestly?"

Some people were a little dissatisfied after hearing this, and felt that he was denying himself.

"I'm still the old saying, if you really don't want to stay here and devalue yourself like this, ask the squad leader to take you back early."

Later, there were more and more leeches, they shuttled through the jungle, and soon saw a road.

"Quick, quick, I see that there is a road ahead, and this road will definitely lead to the past."

When they saw a little bit of hope, they continued to follow in the direction, and as they walked, they met the group of people just now.

Unexpectedly, one of them went east and the other went west, but they finally met.

Someone inside smiled and said something mockingly.


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