Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 700: never been to a shooting range

Qin Yuan knew for a long time that they must be talking about this recruit.

"Don't talk about those recruits here. If I catch you again, I will punish you heavily."

Hearing this, Li Man was a little dissatisfied all of a sudden. These new recruits, He De He Neng, let the instructors have an idea all of a sudden.

"Instructor, it's not that I said that those recruits are the ones who can't support the wall."

"Li Man, I remind you again, if you continue to talk like this, get out of here for me."

They hadn't seen Qin Yuan so angry for a long time, and they all froze.

"Instructor, we're just talking, Qin Man doesn't mean anything else."

The atmosphere here suddenly became cold, and Qin Yuan looked at them.

"Don't underestimate anyone, even if you are not on the same starting line, they have a chance to catch up with you."

After he finished speaking, he threw a packet of Chinese medicine to them again, which was exactly the same as what they drank before.

With smiles on their faces, they looked at Qin Yuan, "Instructor, I knew you were good to us."

"Don't talk nonsense, drink this thing quickly, you have to train tomorrow."

After a few of them heard these words, they didn't know what to say with a cheerful expression on their faces, Qin Yuan shook his head helplessly and left.

As soon as he left Su Zhan, he looked at Li Man, "I told you a long time ago that the instructor must care about us."

"Even if you bring new recruits, it's the instructor's own decision, so don't point fingers here."

The next day, Qin Yuan got up early and came to the door of the recruits' dormitory, and found that they also got up early in the morning, and they were very excited inside.

As soon as the recruit opened the door, he saw his presence.

"Hello, instructor, we are ready to train at any time."

At this time, Su Zhan and the others were not to be outdone and came to the training ground.

Still running laps on the playground according to the original training plan.

Qin Yuan shouldn't have time to stare at them today, and put all his eyes on these new recruits.

"All recruits will follow my instructions next. What I ask you to do is to be strict and never go wrong."

Today, instead of taking you to do some ordinary training, I will take you directly to the shooting range.

The recruits were a little ecstatic after hearing it, they just learned some simple shooting movements and the knowledge of shooting.

And they have also learned to assemble firearms, and now they are suddenly going to the shooting range. This is the first practice, which makes them a little surprised.

"Report instructor, we've never been to a range before."

Qin Yuan just thought of this, and would suddenly take them there today.

In fact, I want to see how much they can adapt to this? How many people are gifted without fully learning.

"What you want is the effect of yours. When you go to the shooting range after a while, you will shoot with empty hands."

"Don't say that I didn't give you a chance at that time. Whether you can cherish it depends on you."

Soon they came to the shooting range. The people who trained the recruits before had been dropped by Ye Jianting to other places.

It's not because of the mistakes in leading the troops before, but because these recruits are too stubborn.

"All of you stand by."


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