Instructor Lei, who was in front of the monitor, frowned when he saw this, what kind of tricks did this guy do, and why he was so ruthless, so who could have a way to crack it?

Obviously, the team members who came to the test did not expect him to suddenly make such a move. They did mention this in the training, but the situation was forced to deal with it, and they could only gain trust first.

The test team members are also in a state of confusion. What is this guy going to do? I didn't expect this boss to be so ruthless, and he threw out a bag of things without saying a word.

This team member was very tangled for a while, he was hesitating whether to go ahead or not, but the boss on the opposite side didn't give him time to think about it, so he patted the table and made him go faster.

"What? Don't you just do this? Don't you touch this thing? If you don't touch it, I won't cooperate with you. It's hard for us to gain trust."

The player's hands trembled. He knew that this was his mission, but he was even more tormented. If he encountered this thing, he would be destroyed in the future, what should he do?

He thought about it, after all, this is just a mission, even if this guy doesn't cooperate with him, there is still a chance to go out. If he really encounters this thing, his life will be ruined.

The team member forced a smile, "Brother, I have a bottom line myself. Although I am running this thing, I never touch it. After all, the harm is too great, I myself..."

Qin Yuan smiled slightly when he heard this, the guy couldn't hold back, his emotions were on the verge of collapse, and he was about to retreat.

He even said, "Don't say so much, since you don't touch, then I won't cooperate with you, there is no trust between us."

The team member secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this guy didn't keep embarrassing him. Anyway, he was able to get out of his body. It was just a task. He kept comforting himself in his heart. When he went out, he saw Instructor Lei's serious face Standing at the door, he realized that this was an assessment.

At this time, Instructor Lei had a gloomy face. He didn't expect that only a few minutes later, his team members would fail.

"I really don't know what to say about you. Isn't your performance the most outstanding in your usual training? Look at your performance just now and back off when you encounter difficulties."

"Instructor, but we didn't do this during training. He told me this as soon as he came, what can I do? I can't really encounter something."

This player is also very helpless. They have not dealt with it in training. It is really difficult for anyone to know how to do such a difficult thing.

Instructor Lei was not angry at all, so it was true, mainly because this Qin Yuan was always looking for trouble. If he did this, he would have no way out.

Without saying a word, he just walked in and pushed the door open, only to see Qin Yuan looking at him with a smile, this guy seemed to know that he was going to come in, and his smug expression made him very angry.

"Oh, Instructor Lei, I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

"Can you explain to me, what's going on? I know it's an assessment, but did you do the assessment like this? You're not picking on the horns. My team members were not like this before."

This made the atmosphere at the scene very awkward, in another office.


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