After Ryerson finished speaking, his face was full of smiles, and he was patrolling around, completely different from the person just now, this guy is completely a master of face-changing.

Qin Yuan felt that the gap in his heart was too big, and he treated them differently from the beginning, including the accommodation conditions and now even the most basic food?

If he heard it right just now, those American soldiers are still complaining that the steak is not delicious. What are they eating? Pig food is not too much.

But what can be done, there is a saying that the arm can't twist the thigh, and since we have just come here, everyone can only swallow their anger and prove themselves with strength later.

Seeing that everyone was in a low mood, Abbas whispered next to him, "Captain Qin, in fact, our experience is similar. The people we sent over the years have basically never entered the rankings, so they will definitely not be looked down upon by others."

"That's why I'm curious, why do you still come to participate? It's not that I underestimate your strength, but that it's not worth it at all."

Abbas smiled helplessly. As a soldier, he can only obey, and there is no reason to question it. He has to do whatever the above arranges, including bringing the child here.

After the meal, everyone was ready to go to rest. There were only a few hours left, but after everyone came out, they began to slowly win over the people around them. They were trying to win over the tougher countries around them.

Being able to temporarily form a team with powerful people, they can help each other and persevere together. Qin Yuan and Ba Guo walked over together, no one asked at all, and the discussion was in full swing, and everyone was pulling together their respective teams. , and soon formed small groups one after another.

Dalong smiled disdainfully, these people really looked down on their side too much, they didn't expect the real king to be here.

"Brother Qin, since this is the case, maybe we can only temporarily form a group with these two brothers in Baguo. They look down on us so much, and they will be impressed tomorrow."

Unexpectedly, these words were heard by a few soldiers of country a next to them. Their faces were full of disdain, and they stared at Qin Yuan coldly. One of the mustaches deliberately raised the volume, "Hey, have you noticed? That? A few yellow-skinned monkeys seem to have gotten together."

"What if we get together again? With that kind of strength, I can knock them down with one punch!"

"Lake, you think too highly of them, I can knock them down with a little finger, hahahaha."

They used the local language, thinking that Qin Yuan and the others did not understand, and a few people laughed at him without caring. At this time, Qin Yuan stepped forward and looked at him and asked loudly, "You have the guts to repeat what you just said."

When these people were discovered, they didn't have any fear, but even more contempt, "Hey, yellow-skinned boy, aren't you convinced? Look at your small body, I can easily solve you."

"Apologize now."

"You're kidding me, how could I apologize to someone like you?"

Seeing that the conflict between the two sides was getting more and more intense, and when it was about to break out, Ryerson, who was standing by the window, watched all this quietly, and the military officer next to him reminded in a low voice, "Sir, or blow a whistle to remind them. , it's not very good that the game has not started."


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