Qin Yuan's words can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Not only did he mock the American people, but he also reminded the instructors above. They look like they are aloof every day. Today, I will teach them what real strength is.

The people around looked towards this side. The American who was kicked just now was not convinced, and rushed up again screaming. Qin Yuan did not receive his own power anymore, and he punched extremely fast.

The American was hit in the shoulder and chest. He couldn't do any block at all. The people behind wanted to come over and attack, Qin Yuan kicked him in the head with a 180-degree side kick.

Before, the three of them were comrades-in-arms and had an absolute advantage, but they were disrupted by Qin Yuan before they even started. After five minutes of their formation, the three of them were beaten to the ground.

The people around him applauded for a while. Ryerson observed the situation here with a telescope from a distance. I didn't expect this guy to be so capable, with a weight of 40 kg, and he could even do a backflip.

"Are you sure he has 40kg in his backpack? Why do I feel so relaxed about him?"

"Sir, I arranged the backpack myself. There is absolutely no problem. Today, he maintained the first place, including during the fight."

"Then I want to see how far this guy's endurance can last. Have you seen those guys from country A? They're already ready to move, don't stop them, let them go."

Everyone was watching the show. At this time, the people from Xiaomao suddenly came out from the middle of the road and pretended to help the Americans on the ground.

Everyone knows that Xiaomaoguo has always been dominated by the US side. It is a kind of dog-licking behavior. When they see the American people being beaten, they will definitely come up and show it. Obviously they are going to play.

In this way, Qin Yuan is not just a one-on-three, the previous battle has just ended, and these guys come to join in the fun again, it is really despicable.

"Stop it, the instructor just said that it was originally a fight, but all you used are the ultimate moves, and you won't be able to stand up until you hit people."

When Qin Yuan listened to what the soldier of the small Mao Kingdom said, he only found it funny. When they made the ultimate move just now, this guy didn't say anything. Besides, there is no cabinet now. Many fighting moves were originally killer moves.

"It's not that I want to make a killing move, it's that you are too weak. To be honest, I haven't even used half of my strength yet."

The American on the ground clenched his fists, a little indignant, and wanted to stand up, but at the moment he was struggling to speak, let alone standing up.

The people from Xiao Mao Guo took this opportunity to express themselves, "This guy is too arrogant, let's kill his spirit, otherwise he thought he was the boss here, I want him to know what is real Strong man, let him see our Bushido."

Dalong's side also ended the battle, came over, listened to the people of Xiaomao country talking there, and directly stood up and raised objections, this is too despicable!

"What do you mean? Isn't it obvious that more people bully less people? And our captain is under load."

But Qin Yuan didn't expect that he didn't care at all, he looked at the people around him who were about to move, and instead said loudly: "I see that there are still many people who want to challenge me, right, I know that I have been holding it continuously for the past few days. First, many people are unconvinced, and if they are unconvinced, let's go together."

Chen Feng was a little surprised when he heard this, he quickly turned his head, shook his head desperately, and told Qin Yuan not to be such an early bird.

"Brother Qin, I don't think this is necessary now. Look at how many people there are at the scene and they actually come up after a while. What should we do? We can't fight at all. It's mainly because of the weight of the backpack. already."

"Make it clear first, I didn't say let you come with me, I am alone with them all, as long as there are as many people as possible."

As soon as these words were said, there was an uproar at the scene. Everyone felt that this kid was completely crazy, and he dared to say such crazy words.

Chen Feng originally wanted to stop it, but he couldn't stop it at all. Seeing that the crowd was already moving, everyone was moving towards this side, and he could only look at the instructor on the opposite side.

"Can you guys come out and take care of it? At least there must be a rule. It's too unfair for so many people to treat one person."

He didn't expect that what the instructor on the other side wanted was this effect. He didn't like Qin Yuan's eye for a long time, so he didn't pay attention to it. He just watched the play with his hands indifferently, and the other instructors were indifferent.

Qin Yuan patted him on the shoulder with a relaxed face, and asked him to rest next to him. He gave them a good lesson today, "Although I only taught you for a month before, it is not a real teaching. , this time you are optimistic, now is the beginning of my real strength."

Chen Feng had confronted Qin Yuan a few times before. This man was very fast and powerful, but whether so many people would be a bit exaggerated, he was very worried.

Ryerson is also getting more and more interested. This man is beyond his imagination, but this kind of unsuspenseful fight doesn't make any sense. This kid is really wide, but he has no brains.

He turned his head to look at the secretary next to him, "This person is too crazy, we should let those people take care of him well, otherwise I really think that I am the king, there are too many kings in this place."

Everyone thought that Qin Yuan's actions were completely mindless, but he was very confident, and soon some people in the crowd stood up, including from country A, and from Dongguo, and people from country C also came out to join in the fun. .

There were more than 30 people standing in the crowd at once, and this was only standing up now, and there were still people behind them, just because they couldn't stand, there were too many people.

The people of Xiaomao Country were very proud. They didn't expect that so many people would come after such a response from them. This kid is waiting to die! This happens to be their tactic, because they are willing to be a relatively strong opponent for them, especially since they have been winning the first place these days.

It just happened to be able to take this opportunity. Since there are so many people, there must be a time to make a mistake. When the time comes, this guy will be killed by a mistake, and then no one will care.

Several soldiers of Xiaomaoguo gathered together silently, and were discussing who would go first. Anyway, he must take the shot first. The captain of Xiaomaoguo had a solemn expression on his face. He felt that this guy was very capable. put down.

"Well, I'll go first later, anyway, I'll take turns, I don't believe it and then quit his physical fitness."

"Captain, don't worry, you see there are so many people waiting behind. Even if we really lose, the victory will definitely belong to us."

After these guys finished planning, the captain of Xiao Mao Guo took the lead, "Well, then I'll come and fight you first."

"It's too much trouble. When are so many people going to call? Hurry up, I'll have to eat later."

"what do you mean?"

"My meaning is very simple. Everyone can go together as much as they want. Come together if you want."

When Ryerson heard this, he felt that he was about to face a good show. This guy was too exaggerated. He thought it was impossible to take turns before, not to mention that there are more than 30 people together.

And they are all elites from various countries. The abilities of soldiers at the king level are not too bad. Qin Yuan is very clear in his heart that he must plant this majesty, just like someone has already put him on small shoes today. Whatever happened, it would be better to hit them in the face this time.

"Come on, I made it very clear, come together, don't force me to take the initiative later."

"Damn it, brothers, this kid is so arrogant, he looks down on people at all, let's go, let's go together."

In this way, under the instigation of the soldiers of Xiaomao Kingdom, everyone rushed up together. Qin Yuan asked Dalong and the others to retreat and solve it by himself. The scene can be said to be very chaotic.

There were shouts everywhere. Dalong couldn't see Qin Yuan's figure at all, he only saw that he was surrounded by these people. A burst of screams.

Qin Yuan slammed around like an angry bull in the crowd, and his strength was so great that he picked up a person and flew out instantly.

This is not over yet, the soldiers of Xiaomao country rushed up, he did not hesitate at all, hit the guy on the cheek before, and then kicked again, the guy fell to the ground and vomited out a mouthful of blood, with a front tooth .

Seeing this scene, the people around can't sit still. This is too exaggerated. There are 30 people like this, and no one can beat him. So far, only those people have been completely beaten.

The instructor next to him also widened his eyes. Some of them wanted to escape, but they were caught by Qin Yuan and pressed directly on the ground. After only eight minutes, the group of more than 30 people were all knocked to the ground.

Everyone who was going to play before got a breath of air, which is too exaggerated, and he doesn't feel tired at all, and he is still so relaxed with the weight on his back.

Seeing the downed man screaming on the ground, the soldiers behind were even more glad that they didn't play, otherwise they would really end up like this.

Qin Yuan cast a glance, then stared at the people on the periphery and said, "Who else? Come up."

Who dares to come up now? So many people have been knocked down by him, this guy's close combat is too strong, and his skills are very strong, integrating a variety of elements, and even boxing in it.

The captain of Xiao Maoguo was beaten the worst just now. Now his head is swollen like a pig's head. Qin Yuan walked over and stepped on his shoulder.

"Tell you, I'm fighting Bushido, don't talk about those bells and whistles in front of me!"

The captain of Xiao Maoguo was in pain for a long time, but he couldn't get up. Qin Yuan's foot on him felt like a thousand pounds, making him unable to move.

Dalong and the others applauded for a while, Qin Yuan silently walked to the side, then took off his backpack, and threw it next to the instructor at the scene. The instructor didn't dare to say a word when he was frightened.

This is absolute strength. In front of these more than 30 people, he is no problem at all. Reilson completely admired this person. I thought this guy was too arrogant and mad enough to have no brains. strength.

After the close combat in the morning, everyone looked at their expressions in the afternoon, and they were a lot more careful. Before, they were more or less unconvinced, and now no one dares to say anything.

Although the United States can't stand it, they can't help it. Their whole team has been beaten like this, especially their captain is very embarrassed with bandages wrapped around his hands.

"Captain, to be honest, that yellow-skinned boy is really good, what should we do this time?"

"Hehe, it's just that the close combat is a bit powerful. When there are more cruel ones in the back, I don't believe that this guy is not afraid of everything."

The training continued, and people were eliminated every day. After a few days, Ryerson looked at the people who had been eliminated by half with a very satisfied expression.

"Congratulations everyone, now your knockout stage is nearly halfway through, which also means that you are getting closer and closer to our warriors. Of course, that's only the first stage~www.readwn.com~ Now the second stage officially begins."

After Ryerson finished speaking, the instructors came over to distribute guns and ammunition to them. Dalong looked at the equipment in his hand and couldn't help but sigh. This training gun is also very good. What he holds in his hands are all M16s. A gun is relatively short as a whole, easy to carry, and the gun body is relatively light.

The better the things in their hands, the more it shows that the training task this time is not easy. Ryerson explained that each of them should start testing guns to determine whether the guns can be fired normally.

"You should all know that the gun is your second life, so try it out. By the way, let me remind you. This gun will live and die with you."

Everyone was a little confused about the situation, and soon they were taken into the car, and in the car everyone was given other supplies, an emergency hemostatic kit, and a food package with beef jerky in it, cookies and the like.

The instructor next to them, like them, started to get fully armed. At this time, someone in the car couldn't help asking: "Instructor, why are we treated so well this time, and gave us first aid kits?"

"Because this time is the real battle, remember to follow the training later. There will be no point deduction this time, because if you lose, you will die directly. If you win, you will successfully enter the selection."

Listening to these cold words, everyone in the car gasped. What did this guy mean?

I have never heard of letting them go to the battlefield before. It's not like a joke, but soon some soldiers reacted. They felt that it should be an exercise, and it was impossible for them to go to the real battlefield. After all, They are players who come to train.


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