Xiaomaoguo has always had its own judgment. They must be attached to the United States. Longguo and the others will definitely not consider it. There were some contradictions before.

While eating, Qin Yuan slowly drank the soup in front of him, turned his head to look around, everyone was worried, many of the rules here were set on the spot, so he didn't know what the previous assessment was like.

After returning to the dormitory, although Chen Feng was reluctant to mention it, he still talked about the previous assessment, but it was all a few years ago, so I can give them a reference.

The final assessment is to put everyone on an independent island. They not only have to face the pursuit of the instructors on the island, but also the fights from the people around them, because there are only six final places in total, which is an annual Provisions.

They have to fight until there are only six people left, otherwise it will continue indefinitely until the end.

In fact, it is really cruel. People from so many countries came to participate in these more than a dozen teams, and only six people were selected in the end. It can be said that such a ratio is very low, especially after their selection and selection, most of the physical The quality is already several times stronger than that of ordinary people, and they have to be eliminated once among these people.

Chen Feng said that his eyes were a little red, "It seems that my brothers were not able to come here, because when we received the notice, we said that they had been eliminated in the first stage."

However, these are the regulations of the past few years. I don't know if it will continue like this now. Qin Yuan asked them to prepare first, and there should be no big difference.

The training was still the same the next day, but their training grounds had been completely expanded, and they were not limited to this small island. Instead, they were put directly on the snow-capped mountains through a helicopter, and their equipment was not cold-resistant at all.

The helicopter stopped in mid-air and descended on the soft ladder. The instructor above kept urging them to shoot directly next to them, telling them to jump down quickly.

Everyone was forced to parachute under such circumstances, and only after they landed did they realize that the temperature here was too low, at least ten degrees below zero, because the soldiers next to them found that the water in the kettle was completely frozen.

How long it has passed is too exaggerated, but the instructors at the back jumped down in their coats, let them put on their backpacks, and started to climb the two snow-capped mountains in front of them. This is the limit, and they have to challenge again and again.

At first, everyone had no problem, but slowly snowflakes floated in the sky. In the end, the snow became bigger and bigger. Qin Yuan was not affected at all when he walked in front, and his ability to resist the cold was relatively strong.

So he led the team all the time, but in this snowstorm, they couldn't even see the instructors behind them. For safety's sake, Qin Yuan turned his head to look at Chen Feng and the others, took out the ropes on his body, and put all the Everyone is tied together.

It's still relatively good now, it's still on the flat ground, but once the goods climb the mountain, there will be ice and snow everywhere, and the road will be very slippery. In this case, you can only tie them together first and use everyone's stability to support each other.

Soon, the people behind began to follow their example, and they were willing to turn their heads to look, "Hey, it's better not to do this for the people behind you."

The soldiers in the back couldn't see which national team they belonged to, but they were very disdainful and thought what Qin Yuan meant, "Why can't we do it if you can? You didn't come up with it alone, can we not do it? together?"

"No, it's because the risk factor for you to do this is too great, and your strength is not strong enough. Once one person has an accident, all of them will be taken."

The person on the other side was already very tired, and he was too lazy to bother with Qin Yuan, so he walked with his head down, ignoring him, and Dalong patted Qin Yuan on the shoulder.

"Brother Qin, people are not good-hearted at all. Forget it, let's go quickly, and go over first and then talk about it."

Qin Yuan sighed. It was for their own good. We'll know when we go up the mountain. Soon everyone came to the foot of the mountain and could see the flag left by the jumping off next to them. They need to follow the direction of the sign and move forward. Don't dare to shoot at will, because a slightly larger movement can easily cause an avalanche.

Dalong felt very tired at first, but he soon felt relieved, because he found that the whole person was taken away by Qin Yuan because of the pulling force of the rope. He felt a little embarrassed, and he couldn't rely on Qin Yuan. But he couldn't keep up.

Qin Yuan turned his head to comfort them and let them relax completely. Now he tries to save his energy and has to climb two mountains. The altitude here is already high, so let them rely on the strength of the rope as much as possible. He is fine.

"The weather is really bad now, the temperature is very low, you must maintain enough physical strength, otherwise it will be difficult to survive at night, and those **** will not care about our lives."

"Brother Qin, but can you really do it? The weight of the four of us is not for fun."

Kuka asked a question later, and Qin Yuan reassured him that he was fine, thanks to Qin Yuan taking him along the way, otherwise he might really be eliminated later.

Gradually, the gap between the various teams was getting bigger and bigger, and Mi Guo was chasing after them. Not only did they follow Qin Yuan slowly, but Qin Yuan's speed was getting faster and faster.

"Damn, what are these people from the Dragon Kingdom doing? Why are they walking so fast?"

"Captain, go slower, our two brothers are still behind, and everyone can't keep up."

"Let them cheer me up and leave quickly. I always feel that something is wrong. These guys want to grab the first place. It is estimated that the place where they live tonight is related to the ranking, so leave quickly."

The captain of the United States kept urging the soldiers behind to speed up their pace. Everyone was very tired. Stepping on this place with one foot, the thickness of the snow could reach the knees, and every step took a lot of strength.

Because of the help of Qin Yuan, Dalong and the others walked relatively easily. The reason why Qin Yuan quickened his pace was that he didn't want to let the people behind him take the road they opened, so that these guys could save money.

Because the snow was too thick, after a few of them walked over, they temporarily opened a path, and the people behind them felt a lot easier. Qin Yuan didn't want them to take advantage of it.

When the Americans walked halfway up the mountain, they saw Qin Yuan and the others had already reached the top, but they had only just walked halfway, and they still had to climb another big mountain. It was really unclear on this snowy mountain. Time, Qin Yuan could only pick up the watch and look at it, but he didn't expect the watch to be frozen.

"Brother Qin, what should I do now? I can't see the time. What should I do when it gets dark? Those instructors didn't say anything."

"Don't worry, let me figure it out. When we set off just now, it was just 9 o'clock in the morning, and we took a few minutes to rest in the middle. It took us about two hours to walk to the hillside here. I am quite sure about my time. , so it's still early."

Basically, if they want to reach the top of the mountain, it is estimated that it will be more than 12 o'clock, so they have to work harder so that they can reach their destination before the sun sets.

Kuka was at the back, looking at Qin Yuan's back in front, he felt more at ease and reliable. At this time, a gust of snow came over, Kuka was standing at the back, and his figure was relatively thin. It slipped and rolled directly to the side. Fortunately, Qin Yuan straightened the rope, and no one else was affected.

And everyone was in a hurry, holding on to the rope tightly, and no one let go. This one really pays attention to cooperation. If they don't cooperate, they will all fall down, mainly because Qin Yuan's strength is very strong.

Kuka was pulled up without any risk. He slumped on the snow, looking at the cliff with lingering fears, "Thank you so much, if it wasn't for you, I would really be finished if I really fell. already."

"It's okay, we are all brothers."

Dalong pulled the other teams to continue to move forward. This time, Chen Feng placed him in the middle position for safety's sake, so it wasn't a big problem.

Qin Yuan and the others had a little episode here, but they were not so lucky later. They soon reached the top of the mountain, and the team below was getting more and more difficult.

Xiao Maoguo also followed Qin Yuan's example and tied everyone together with ropes, but they really underestimated their strength. At this time, one of the team members slipped and rolled towards the side cliff.

Their reaction was not so quick, and the people who took the lead were not so strong. Everyone was exhausted when they climbed to that position, and they were all too busy to take care of themselves. How could they care about other people, and the chain reaction fell instantly. Now, the three players hang on the edge.

The rest of the team members were desperately holding on to the ropes, but because the snow-capped mountains were relatively slippery and had no supporting points, even the three of them kept falling downwards.

They desperately called for help, but no one responded at all, and the distance between the front and rear teams was relatively far. Even if a team passed by, they just silently watched the excitement, then walked away, and no one came to help.

At this moment, the captain of Xiaomao Country suddenly became ruthless, and gave an order to let the people below cut the rope, at least leave one person behind to reduce the weight.

Even though the people below begged hard, there was still no way to do it. The second person did not hesitate at all, and cut the rope directly with a knife, only to hear a scream from below, and that person completely disappeared in the white snow.

The weight has indeed been reduced. The above people joined forces and finally pulled the two people up. This is indeed very cruel, but at least for the overall situation of preservation, the remaining people are temporarily safe, otherwise everyone will be in danger.

The other teams saw that this was too risky, and they could only temporarily untangle the ropes and chop them down. What Qin Yuan said just now was right, they didn't have enough strength to tie them together.

Qin Yuan dared to do this because he absolutely trusted his own strength. At this moment, Qin Yuan and the others had already climbed to the top of the mountain and were sitting on it to rest.

Dalong was really thirsty. He climbed up all the way, and he was covered in cold sweat, but when the cold wind blew on his back, it was so cold that he could only grab a handful of snow and stuff it into his mouth. Qin Yuan quickly stopped his behavior.

"Brother Qin, my water is completely moving. I can't help it. I can only eat some snow first. Now I don't care if it's clean or not, it's whatever."

"It's not the problem, but you just climbed up, do you want your lips to be completely broken? It's freezing, and if you eat this kind of thing directly, it will cause your body temperature to be out of balance even more quickly."

After Qin Yuan finished speaking, he took his water bottle out of his arms and threw it to him, and asked him to pass it on to everyone, so that everyone could take a sip.

Dalong still thought it was strange, but when he took over the kettle, he was shocked. The kettle was hot, and of course the water in it would not melt. How high is the body temperature of the love? In this icy world, everyone was freezing, but he was very hot.

He couldn't control it so much, he twisted it open and took a sip, and then passed it on to everyone, Qin Yuan asked them to put the water bottle on him.

"I'll go. Brother Qin, you are too powerful. With so much water, are you sure it's alright?"

"Don't worry, my body temperature is very high, so it will melt quickly if you put it on me. Otherwise, we won't be able to replenish water, and we won't be able to hold on at all~www.readwn.com~ They will start after temporarily replenishing water. , The journey along the way can be said to be very difficult and dangerous. When they reached the end and crossed another mountain, they saw a few instructors in front of them.

The instructors in front were all surprised. They looked at the time, and they were two hours earlier than expected.

Those who come early can choose materials first, not only tents, sleeping bags, but also food. How can it be unfair to the people behind, but now they can only take care of their own team members first, Qin Yuan will definitely give priority to Opted for a large windproof tent and then a warm sleeping bag.

In terms of food, he basically focuses on meat, mainly air-dried beef jerky, and rabbit jerky. These meats can make up a lot of protein for them.

And they also got the only portable gas stove, which can at least boil some hot water to drink. After choosing the things, everyone started to put up tents next to them. The second one arrived was country A, and the US country behind them had already was thrown away.

The United States, which had been leading before, has now fallen to the fourth position, and the sky is slowly getting dark. You must know that this is on the snowy mountain, so the team behind must speed up, otherwise they will get lost in the snowy mountain.

The further back, the worse the supplies. Although everyone has a tent, there are not many sleeping bags. Qin Yuan and the others have already set up the tent and turned on the stove to prepare some hot water.

Dalong planned to go out to find some clean snow, and after a while he walked in angrily, "It's too exaggerated, these people are too despicable, they don't leave anything to the people behind, they basically put all the sleeping bags I took them all, but there were only three people, but they took six sleeping bags."


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