At this time, Kuka noticed that Qin Yuan didn't seem to eat, "Brother Qin, don't you want to eat?"

It was mainly because he thought of Abbas. He was like that at the time. He saved all the food for himself. He didn't want that kind of tragedy to happen again. Qin Yuan was the most capable among them. He must not fall. Kuka thought of this and saved his biscuits and handed them to Qin Yuan.

"You brat let you eat as much as you want, don't worry, I'm not hungry."

Qin Yuan is really not hungry. Based on his physical function, it can be said that it is no problem to not eat for three days. He is now thinking about what will happen to these instructors tomorrow.

After a day of training, everyone was very tired. The next morning, he wished that his biological clock had completely woken up. It was strange that he did not hear any sound of less gathering this morning. He felt that something was wrong and quickly walked out of the tent.

I only saw that the instructor on the shore had set up the stove and was cooking something very leisurely. When he saw him coming out, he even greeted him.

"It's already 6 a.m. to report to the instructor, why didn't anyone tell us to get up?"

"What? Can't I just let you guys rest for a while?"

Others also heard the movement in the tent. This is a good thing. It can let them sleep for a while. During this period of devil-like training, everyone has been tortured to a lesser degree. It is a blessing to be able to sleep for ten minutes more.

Everyone didn't care so much, hurry up to rest, maybe he will be called up later, Qin Yuan saw that something was wrong with them, and found an excuse to go to the opposite bank to get some snow.

Of course, when he walked over the ice surface, he felt that the flow below was getting faster and faster, and the temperature in the morning began to rise slowly, and the sun had already come out.

But when Qin Yuan walked into the tent, he asked everyone to put away their equipment and be ready at any time. He knew Chen Feng and Qin Yuan very well. He turned his head to look at Kuka and asked, "How is your water quality? Problems in the rapids?"

Kuka frowned. Although he didn't know why Qin Yuan suddenly asked this, he still nodded. His water ability is still good, after all, he grew up by the water since he was a child.

Chen Feng was somewhat clear, could Qin Yuan see something? Today, they were going to train underwater. At this time, Qin Yuan walked to the corner, where the equipment they had brought before was piled up. Besides the gas stove, there were also several types of plastic wrap. At that time, they thought they would distribute fresh meat, so they put This plastic wrap was left on purpose.

It can be said that the function of the plastic wrap does not seem to be to preserve any fresh meat. Qin Yuan asked everyone to take off their clothes and wrap the plastic wrap around their bodies.

This is also to further keep warm, Dalong is a little puzzled, "Brother Qin, this thing is sticky around the body, and it is very uncomfortable."

"As long as this thing appears, it has a reasonable existence. Since it is not used to preserve food, it is used to preserve life, you know? Act quickly."

Although everyone thought it was strange, they did what they were willing to say. Everyone wrapped plastic wrap around their bodies and put on their clothes. The plastic wrap was tightly attached to the body, like a waterproof bag.

As for Qin Yuan, he doesn't need it at all. His skin defense is at the peak level, so there is no problem. He can't imagine that if it is as he guessed, it is too cruel. People died in this knockout match.

But this can learn from their training, which is okay, because in the rapids, it can also test the soldiers' ability to react and resist water pressure.

The sun came out completely, the sun caused disaster, the tent was dry on the top, and the inside was warm, which made everyone very comfortable. After the cold wind last night, the sun shining on the tent was really comfortable.

It is in this comfortable environment that people become more and more lazy. Before, some people were still a little vigilant, and they were completely lost in this environment, and they had been training for so long, and they were too tired.

So that after three hours, the sound of the underwater has become louder and louder, and no one has noticed it, and Qin Yuan is always on alert. Just like this, minutes and seconds have passed, and by the time of noon, the sun has arrived. The highest point, the temperature is getting higher and higher.

At this time, the emergency assembly whistle blew, and everyone could only hurry out of the tent to gather. So many people froze on the ice surface. The ice surface that had been scorched by the sun couldn't support it, and it made a shattering sound. .

But most people didn't notice that they were quickly packing up their tents and equipment. These things were their life-saving rules.

Qin Yuan couldn't bear to see this happen. He had already thought about the consequences, so he could only call out loudly to get them ashore quickly, but no one would listen to him. At this moment, the ice surface cracked completely, A huge gap spread rapidly from the ice surface.

Qin Yuan and the others are in the middle of the river, so there is no problem. The thickness of their ice is relatively large. Although they have cracked everywhere, they are still firmly on the ice.

The speed of the current was too fast. Qin Yuan asked Dalong to quickly close the tent. This large tent could be used as a simple raft, and they could be on the raft behind.

The more they encountered this situation, the crowd began to panic, and everyone ran towards the shore desperately. Under this vibration, the speed of the ice surface was getting faster and faster. Soldiers have already fallen into the icy river.

The instructors on the stage just watched coldly, looking at the soldiers who were struggling in the water, they took out their horns and shouted loudly: "Remember that the downstream position is your destination, of course, if you are really unlucky, you miss it. The branch was washed away and the other side was the waterfall cliff."

The instructor said this very easily, and the people in the water were even more terrified. They wanted to control their bodies, but the speed of the water was too fast, and there was no way to do it, and after it fell, it was freezing and biting, and it didn't take a few minutes. Everyone became cold hands and feet.

The instructor on the shore looked at Qin Yuan coldly. It was this guy again. The person he brought stayed on the ice without any accident. The ice in front was completely shattered, and even the last American could not support him. Live and fall into that icy river.

Dalong had to look at Qin Yuan in admiration. It was God's expectation, and he led them to predict in advance, but it was not impossible for them to stay on the ice for a long time, because some people struggled to rush downstream in the direction of the current. Go, it's not a thing to stay in the water all the time.

Qin Yuan asked Dalong to throw down the large tent and try to lie on top of the tent. Although it was protected by the tent, the water would still touch them. It was too cold.

With the help of this tent, everyone suffers less sin than others, and the speed is very fast, and this wide tent gives them another kind of protection. On the side, a soldier was directly cut by the tough ice cube. , the blood flowed out instantly, and it was not a good thing to be injured in this icy water.

In this situation, Qin Yuan only wants to protect the people on his side, and he is really overwhelmed by others. As the speed gets faster and faster, he has to master the direction ahead.

Several Americans watched Qin Yuan and their speed getting faster and faster, directly surpassing them, and wanted to use the tent, but it was too late in the water, and their people were completely swept away.

"Damn it! How did those people from the Dragon Kingdom know? I think that guy seems to have predicted it in advance."

"What about the captain? Tommy has been washed away, and I can't hold him at all."

"Don't talk nonsense... Hurry up and maintain your physical fitness. We must not be separated anymore, otherwise the water flow is too fast, and one person's strength can't be stopped at all."

Now they can't do anything about it, it's too cold in this water, Qin Yuan and the others keep their speed in the first place. He looked around mainly to find the target point. At this time, he noticed that a red flag was planted in front of him.

"Attention brothers, we are going to dock now."

Qin Yuan jumped into the water without hesitation. He had to rely on his own body to change the course, otherwise he would have no choice. Seeing Qin Yuan's performance on the other side, Reilson secretly admired him. This person is not only the captain. Decisive, but also very self-sacrificing.

The people sent by the Dragon Kingdom this time are really too powerful. It should be no surprise that they have a very high chance of winning the championship in the end.

The secretary next to him was a little unhappy when he heard Ryerson's compliment, "Sir, have you reached a conclusion so quickly? I feel that although this guy is very strong in all aspects, there is still a battle royale link at the end, which is very important for them. It may be something that has never been done before.”

"Oh, so who do you think will win?"

"It must be the US side. As far as I know, they have been conducting such live-action training for the past two years, so there should be no problem."

Ryerson smiled, "Why don't we make a bet. I think the chances of this kid winning the championship are too high. As for the United States, it's hard to say, the captain they led this time is too stupid!"

The secretary doesn't know why Ryerson attaches so much importance to Long Guo. They have never been in the second stage before. Maybe it's luck or other aspects, but it shouldn't be enough to win the championship.

While speaking, Qin Yuan had already rushed to the shore with Dalong and the others. They were the first to reach the finish line. Everyone was soaked all over. After struggling to get to the shore, they were shivering, but they were very good in comparison. Covered with plastic wrap, like a waterproof suit, at least their skin is protected to some extent.

Ryerson waved to them, and everyone moved into the tent next to them, changed into clean clothes, and drank hot water after a while before they recovered.

During the period, Ryerson kept his eyes on Qin Yuan. In the sub-zero water, this person didn't react at all. After landing, he just threw the water, as if it had no effect on him.

Ryerson came over and threw a towel to Qin Yuan, "During this kind of training, you really surprised me time and time again. I'm curious, are you really not cold at all?"

"It's so normal for me, it's like taking a hot spring, and I still feel quite comfortable."

When the secretary next to him heard it, he felt that this guy was really arrogant again, but that's the truth. They didn't feel any discomfort after going ashore.

After a while, a few soldiers climbed up with difficulty, but some people still missed the target point, because the speed of the water flow was too fast, and they had to respond well in front of them.

Those who were swept away were lucky enough to swim forward, and they could indeed break the resistance in the water with their own perseverance, but this was only a small part.

The instructors standing on the shore just watched all this indifferently. Those people's calls for help were ignored, and it was none of their business. Soon everyone came up, but most of them were in very bad condition. In this condition, hypothermia can even lead to shock.

Thanks to the protection of the plastic wrap, Dalong and the others are still suffering. They have been here for a long time, and they have not fully recovered.

Not to mention those behind, at this time a soldier was dragged down with the help of his but has fallen into a coma.

After coming up, his teammates kept calling the instructor to let the past see his situation. The instructor here just glanced at it lightly, and then shook his head.

This time, most of the people have been eliminated. The captain of the United States is very embarrassed. In this time, he lost two teammates. His face was blue with cold, and he looked in the direction of Qin Yuan.

He secretly made up his mind that the next time he would follow that guy no matter what, every time he seemed to be banned by that person, they could be prepared.

In fact, this kind of situation is very rare here in Ryerson. Very few people can maintain the first result from beginning to end, which makes them refresh their impression of the people of Longguo once again.

After another hour, the instructors began to dispatch them to the last downstream to look for the missing soldiers. No one went too far away. Finally, the three missing soldiers returned two, but these two were both. dead body.

The speed of the water flow is too fast, and they are too small in front of this kind of nature. After the students' training is over, they have another three-day elimination training, and the training items are becoming more and more cruel. Corpses coming out of the training base.

At first, they would resist, but now they have become numb, and everyone has taken it for granted, because these trainings will not stop just because someone dies, but will continue to intensify.

After the day's training, Ryerson stood on the playground and began to count the number of people. So far, there are only 73 people left, but for Ryerson, there are still too many people. These 73 people will be placed in a unified place tomorrow. , for the final battle royale.


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