It has been fully discussed here. They will not obey Qin Yuan's arrangement. Anyway, Ryerson has already handed it over to him. It was not good last year, and that is also the instructor's business.

Now Chen Feng is full of worries, he is a little nervous in his heart, he really can't sleep, he turns his head and sees Qin Yuan sleeping very soundly, he is very curious to deal with those hard bones tomorrow, how to train this is still a problem, Qin Yuan Haven't had any discussions with them.

Although it is undeniable that Qin Yuan's ability is very strong, but this time it is not that strong ability can solve the problem, he can only sigh silently and talk about it tomorrow.

The next morning, Qin Yuan took Zhao Meng and the others to the playground below. Seeing that the training ground was empty, he raised his watch and checked the time. It was six o'clock in one minute.

As soon as the pointer passed, Qin Yuan asked Zhao Meng and Chen Feng to blow the assembly whistle. He would use his own method to train and let them know what a real assembly is.

However, as time passed by, three minutes had passed before sparsely walked down, and several people Qin Yuan took the list and began to call one by one.

And these people were obviously reluctant. They just walked down because of Ryerson. Qin Yuan saw that there were 80 people on the list. He planned to divide these 80 people into two sections, and then come to to train.

But now there is a problem with the first step of the assembly. At this time, Ryerson's secretary also walked down, and he also came over, because Ryerson's explanation yesterday asked him to assist Qin Yuan.

Looking at the sparsely assembled dozen people, he felt a little embarrassed, "Instructor Qin, we actually have a broadcast on the side. Why do you have to use this whistle to wake them up? Maybe they didn't hear it."

"They can definitely hear this whistle, and it's been so long, and no one has gathered. I also notified yesterday that it was 6 o'clock. Isn't this obviously intentional?"

Originally, the secretary euphemistically said that he hoped Qin Yuan would follow him, and everyone would give each other a step down, otherwise it would be embarrassing now, and the secretary didn't know what to say for a while.

"Are you sure you notified them yesterday?"

"Instructor Qin, seeing what you said, I must have informed me in place, there is absolutely no problem."

After Qin Yuan was sure, he returned his hand directly, caught Chen Feng and the others walked up, and picked up the electric baton in their hands, which they used to rectify them before, but now the roles are completely reversed.

You must know that they just came here on the first day, and they were cleaned up in this way. Now it is really a feng shui turn, and the dozen people below are all watching the excitement.

"Hahaha, there's a good show to watch this time. Who do you think will be beaten?"

"Although this Dragon Country boy is amazing, but there are so many people on the opposite side, I don't think today's training can be completed. Let's watch the show."

The people downstairs didn't have any respect at all. They talked and laughed casually. Qin Yuan gave them a special look when he walked to the second floor.

He had long known that there would be such a result, so he must stand up today. Dalong watched the battle, and there was no movement at all, and he tried to push the door. Blocked.

"Brother Qin, this door doesn't seem to be able to be opened. There is..."

Before he could finish speaking, Qin Yuan kicked the door open directly, not only Dalong, but also the people behind were shocked, because they used the big table at the back to hold the door, but he didn't expect him A kick was kicked away, and the wooden table flew directly to the side of the bed.

This is simply too exaggerated, and the door has become shattered. Qin Yuan ignored the shock of the people inside, but told Zhao Meng to do as he said last night.

The two people inside were completely shocked by this kick, and before Qin Yuan could make a move, they quickly stood up.

"Didn't you hear the assembly whistle just now? Are you all deaf?"

Qin Yuan's temperament was completely exuded, and the two were also stunned. What's the situation with this guy? They could only run down quickly. These two people were relatively lucky, because the rest of the people behind them knew how much they regretted not going down.

Dalong has already arrived at the entrance of the stairs, and directly lit a fire to block the entrance of the stairs. That is the only exit. The people below are dumbfounded. What is the situation?

Not only that, Zhao Meng rushed up with the burning torch below, Qin Yuan kicked the door directly, then threw the torch in, and continued to close the door.

This time, the people inside are not calm. My dear, this game is too big, and it has caused such a big fire. Everyone tried their best to figure it out, but how could Qin Yuan let them have this opportunity.

Zhao Meng and the others have put on smoke masks, and as soon as someone comes out, they start to beat them with batons.

Although some people wanted to resist, Qin Yuan's speed was extremely fast, and no one was his opponent. There was a fire upstairs, and everyone instinctively ran downstairs, but the only exit of the corridor also caught fire, and there was no way to do it. .

At this time, Abu was also choked by the smoke, so he rushed out quickly. Unexpectedly, after he came out, he couldn't see the situation outside clearly. Qin Yuan gave him a blow to the head, and the numbness swept his whole body in an instant, and he fell down. on the ground.

At this time, Qin Yuan did not forget to sarcastically say: "It turns out that the so-called instructor system of Skull Island is like this, and the speed is too slow, and it has been impossible to come out for so long."

"You! You bastard, you dare to set fire to our house, you will die."

Qin Yuan is not used to him. This guy dares to resist, so he will fight until he is convinced. In this smoke, they can't do anything at all. The billowing smoke makes him a little deprived of oxygen, and soon he can't stand. Living.

Not only the people around him couldn't hold on, but there were a few people who couldn't stay on it. They were either choked by the smoke or beaten violently by Qin Yuan and the others, so they could only choose to jump off the second floor.

This method is simply too barbaric, and this is not the end. Chen Feng, who was below, drove the waterwheel directly, and used the high-pressure water gun to spray it wildly.

In addition, the fire they set was not very big. The fire in the dormitory was quickly extinguished, but there was a mess everywhere. After all this tossing, everyone desperately fled towards the bottom, and was just smoked by the thick smoke. Now I am sobered up by this high-pressure water gun.

Arbus ran down and saw the secretary standing next to him, he ran over angrily, "You bastard, are you just watching him torment us like this? You didn't see that he was murdering, intentional murder. , I said that we must not be allowed to train us by such people."

What can the secretary say now? This is what Qin Yuan meant, what can he do, and Ryerson said very clearly, he can't do any interference, he can only choose to obey.

Just when the secretary was embarrassed, Qin Yuan came over and hit his back again with a stick. This time, Arbus didn't choose to be silent anymore, because he already had the advantage, so he raised his hand to resist.

However, such resistance was ineffective. Qin Yuan beat him to the ground with just a few tricks, and stepped on his shoulders and looked at him from a high forehead and a low forehead.

"How is it? It's not unfamiliar to the instructor, but now that our identities have been exchanged, I hope you get used to it as soon as possible, otherwise the training progress will not keep up, and the garbage will only be eliminated."

Arbus spit out a mouthful of blood, this guy hit too hard, and the people around didn't dare to say anything, everyone just watched silently, he said angrily: "You are deliberately taking revenge, I know I offended before. over you, so you want to add all these things to me."

"You are wrong about this. If you are serious and obedient and do what I say, you won't suffer these hardships. If you don't gather, what can I do?"

Qin Yuan stepped on him directly, and the pain caused him to grin naturally. Then he walked up to everyone, "I don't understand why you always force me. I told you well before, but if you don't listen, Then what can I do? I must train."

Qin Yuan began to bring this matter into training. He just wanted to tell these people that it would be useless even if there was no province, because he made it very clear that he was training them to disobey the training, and he had a way. .

Then Chen Feng called the name next to him, everyone was honest this time, a lot of points, Qin Yuan began to tick after the name was finished, "By the way, in order to promote everyone's harmony, now I will first tell you the rules of my training in advance, the hairstyle will make you There won't be any danger to life, why am I willing to let the elites die?"

It's really a shame to say this, everyone didn't know what tricks he was going to do, Qin Yuan raised the book in his hand, "You only have 50 points, I don't want to score 100 points, because you don't deserve it. "

This has hit them, and everyone is very unconvinced, but there is no way, now they can only follow his training.

Qin Yuan introduced that their 50 points belonged to each day's points, and they would be ranked according to the deduction of points every day. The last three people would be given different punishments for washing clothes, socks, etc. for all of them.

And this punishment is decided by him, everyone is angry when they hear this, at least they can't say it face to face now.

"Why do I see that your expressions are very unconvincing, but isn't this what you said before? Capable people do capable things. Are you all worried that you will be at the bottom?"

Sure enough, this trick and trick completely aroused their desire to win or lose. Before, they were all high-ranking instructors, and no one could question them, so they were not allowed to be questioned.

The first step is to use aggressive tactics to deal with them, and then slowly wipe out their only self-esteem, otherwise they will not be able to train at all, and these guys will not obey the management.

So Qin Yuan knew them too well, he wanted them to know what a real instructor was, and at the moment in the opposite office building, Ryerson was observing every move below. To be honest, when the fire started , He not only did not worry, but laughed.

He knows very well the virtues of these instructors under his hands. These people will not obey management at all, so he should come up with some strange tricks to deal with them.

Qin Yuan was very dissatisfied with their gathering today, so he asked them to do 500 push-ups to warm up first. Of course, if someone doesn't do it, he will be deducted immediately. This trick is really very useful. , it may not be obvious, but once the interests are involved, everyone is very active.

At this time, several instructors in the team were a little dissatisfied with this punishment, "We are the first to come down, so we won't be punished anyway."

Hearing them say that they came down first, they were quite proud, Qin Yuan walked over, "It took three minutes for you to come down, I can find any old man from outside faster than you, and you really think you are recruits. Is it? I just went up, and your entire team is scattered. Is this a basic quality."

This wave of blows was really in place, and no one made any further Everyone was just doing push-ups silently. Arbus was very unconvinced and scolded Qin Yuan in his heart.

Dalong was happily blooming beside him. He had been abused by them before, and now it was time for him to take action. He supervised their movements beside him. As long as anyone was not up to standard, he would serve directly with an electric baton.

After they finished the push-ups, Qin Yuan blew the whistle again, "Look at the commotion this morning, you could have trained well, but because you delayed the training progress, the push-ups should be regarded as a warm-up, so let's do it now. health."

After all, it was both fire and water. The dormitory was messed up, and Qin Yuan only gave them 15 minutes.

This condition is too harsh for them, and some people immediately questioned, "Such a building was completely flooded just now, how could it take us 15 minutes to clean it out?"

"I'm sorry, I was wrong. There are still 14 minutes. You can continue to ask questions. It's your time anyway."

Everyone is scolding inwardly, this guy is completely a devil, he has no choice but to bite the bullet and rush up quickly. Now we are racing against time to start cleaning, who knows what this guy will do if it times out?

Everyone ran up to prepare to clean up. Everyone had never been so active before. Looking at the messy corridor, there was no way to do it, but to clean up first.

Arbus rubbed his shoulder. The guy hit him so badly. Looking at his teammates who were cleaning, he was not angry.

"Hey, what the **** are you doing? Are you really willing to follow his arrangements? Besides, since we became instructors, when has this building been cleaned by us?"


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