Everyone thinks that Arbus is going too far, using his strengths to bully others, but Arbus feels that it doesn't matter as long as he wins. Besides, Qin Yuan also has something he is good at, and he has been beating and beating him these days. , so he wanted to fight for the project this time.

And Qin Yuan wasn't afraid, he agreed to his request directly. Chen Feng always felt that something was wrong when he looked at the old guy in Arbus.

"Brother Qin, be careful later, you see this old guy is very cunning."

"Don't worry, he is cunning, where can he be cunning and wait for me to teach him a lesson later."

Just when the two were getting ready, Arbus suddenly proposed to shoot with live ammunition, because recently they were all using training ammunition.

This further deepened Chen Feng's suspicion. He rejected Qin Yuan on the spot. What if something went wrong with the live ammunition? Because the two were on the sea again, if an accident happened later, they would not have time.

Unexpectedly, Arbus sneered at the side: "Why don't you dare? I said to use live ammunition, mainly for design considerations, because the situation in the sea will be uncertain, so it is more accurate to use live ammunition."

Hearing this, Qin Yuan also said that he would agree to replace all his requests with live ammunition. Chen Feng was really worried, but Qin Yuan was so confident that he had no choice. After all, he had already agreed.

Soon the two of them were ready to set off. The moving target would appear randomly in front, and the speed would be very fast. The most important thing was that the position of the moving target was not fixed, which greatly increased the difficulty.

Most of the people on the shore were watching the excitement, only Dalong and the others stared at Qin Yuan nervously, because the **** Arbus was really very cunning, who knew if he would play tricks behind his back.

Soon, the two of them drove a motorboat forward on the sea. They were comparable in speed. Qin Yuan didn't want to miss the move, otherwise his speed would be faster than this. Nothing to say, no fear at all.

Soon a moving target appeared in front of him. Qin Yuan shot quickly, faster than Arbus. Although Arbus was a little unconvinced, he was comforting himself. This was only the first one, and there were still opportunities later.

However, he never thought that he would not have any chance from now on, because from the first target to the seventh target, Arbus had no chance to shoot. Qin Yuan took the lead and he fired. The speed is too fast, and they can be accurate.

Under such pressure, Arbus couldn't help speeding up. At this time, a moving target suddenly rose from the left. This position was very close to Qin Yuan, and the corner of Arbus' mouth rose. He was waiting for this opportunity.

However, at the moment, his attention was completely on Qin Yuan's side, and he didn't see the reefs that protruded in front of him at all. Because of the reefs nearby, it was better to set up the previous training targets.

Just when he was ready to take aim, the motorboat suddenly hit the reef in front of him. Because the speed of the motorboat was already fast, it vacated directly over the sea, and the people on the shore were stunned.

Before he could shoot, he lost his balance, and the motorboat turned around and lost its balance, rushing towards him.

In this situation, Arbus couldn't dodge at all, but what surprised him was that Qin Yuan rushed over in a motorboat and grabbed his shoulder. go up.

Almost, he was about to be hit by the motorboat just now. With such a huge impact, sometimes on the sea, he was rescued by love at a critical moment. At this time, his heart was mixed.

The people on the shore immediately applauded, and everyone applauded. Qin Yuan's actions just now were really handsome. Under those circumstances, he not only completed the shooting, but also saved people in one go.

He took Arbus back to the shore again, everyone gathered around, everyone cheered for him, but at this moment Arbus completely lowered his head, people wanted to save him, but he was thinking about how to treat Qin Yuanyu dead.

The people next to him were booing, "Abus, are you scared and stupid? Don't hurry up and thank the instructor. If it wasn't for him just now, you'd be dead."

Although Arbus was really grateful to Qin Yuan, he did not expect that he would stand up under such circumstances, but he was still unconvinced, "What is there to be grateful for, since he is an instructor, he is obliged to protect the students, This is what he should have done, and if I get hurt, he can't get rid of it."

Everyone felt it was incredible when they heard this. This guy was too cold-blooded. He saved his life just now, and he repaid it like this.

Qin Yuan doesn't care, anyway, he just needs to do what he should do, and he saw all the little actions of Arbus just now. What can be done?

The subsequent training continued, and Qin Yuan and everyone became more and more familiar with each other. From the incomprehension of these instructors at the beginning, they gradually felt that Qin Yuan's ability was really too strong, especially his training method was completely unfamiliar to them. Changed.

The previous training was to force them all the time. Later, everyone started to take the initiative to train, and their abilities were also improved, including Dalong.

In this case, everyone felt that some of the previous decisions had to be changed. Their previous training methods were too old-fashioned, and the trained people did not have much self-awareness, just like these instructors now.

Completely immersed in the old pattern, they will never change, and Qin Yuan is more adaptable. After a month of training, they have changed a lot, and they have made a big breakthrough in their abilities.

The month-long training was over, and Qin Yuan also brought them to report their results to Ryerson, mainly to conduct an assessment of the recent training. All his test scores have come down to a higher level than before.

Raelson couldn't keep his mouth shut with joy. He felt more and more that his previous decision was correct. At that time, he could be said to have covered everyone's objections, because he was optimistic about Qin Yuan.

Even the most old-fashioned Arbus now has a sense of Qin Yuan. This guy just doesn't talk about it, but his behavior is more positive than anyone else. Now if anyone speaks ill of Qin Yuan, this guy will be the first disagree.

In the evening, everyone specially held a bonfire party, mainly to thank Qin Yuan for their recent training, and Dalong was very happy, because after staying here for so long, he could go back tomorrow.

Although he learned a lot here, he still misses the dumplings at home, and he hasn't eaten them for a long time.

Everyone was celebrating in the evening, and Ryerson even brought a few boxes of red wine from his collection, and wanted everyone to come once without getting drunk, but no one dared to move the red wine because Qin Yuan had already done it to them before. Training, now without Qin Yuan's order, anyone is forbidden to drink alcohol.

"I said, Instructor Qin, your order seems to be more effective than my boss. Now they all listen to you, not me."

"Mr. Ryerson, you're joking, I haven't left today, even if I'm still their instructor, so I want them to still do as I asked before, and they must not be broken. As for the future, it will be them. own business."

Relson felt that this was too much, and the secretary next to him also stood up to speak for them.

"Instructor Qin, after this month's training, it's really hard for everyone. Of course, you are still the hardest worker. I think it's better to have a drink and celebrate together. It's also a time for everyone to relax."


The secretary didn't expect him to give such a hard-hearted advice. Qin Yuan didn't give any face at all, and he was not allowed to let others drink. This made everyone very embarrassed. It was Ryerson who responded faster, since he didn't allow it. , so be it, anyway, personnel training has come out.

No students, I can only go to the other table and the guards next to me to start toasting. These instructors can only watch it like a baba. Although I feel a little uncomfortable, they still follow Qin Yuan's advice. After training for so long, everyone agrees. His strength is admired from the bottom of my heart.

Dalong whispered beside him: "Brother Qin, if you do this, will they think you are too impersonal? No matter what, everyone wants to relax."

"Relax? It also depends on the time and place. Have you seen the real danger in this place? Anyway, as long as I am here, you must be vigilant for 24 hours."

Hearing Qin Yuan say this, everyone had no choice but to eat casually, so they returned to the dormitory. After returning, Dalong actively packed his clothes, and this time he was finally able to leave.

"Brother Qin, do you have anything to do when you go back? If you have nothing to do, you can go home with me. My house is fun. There are hares in my house. We can go to the mountains to roast hares."

Qin Yuan thought about it for a while, maybe this is the real relaxation. He has been tossing around in various places recently, maybe he can really go back with Dalong to have a look.

Dalong was even more happy to know that Qin Yuan was going to go back with him. It happened that everyone could relax. On the other hand, Arbus and the others also returned to the dormitory. At this time, Rem quietly brought a bottle of wine.

"Hey, brothers, what do you think this is?"

"What are you doing, kid? Isn't this harming us all? What if you are found out?"

"Hahaha, I think you are really conditioned reflexes after being trained during this period of time, don't forget, he will leave tomorrow, although I don't want to disobey his orders, but it's been a month, brothers. what!"

Everyone was a little excited when they heard this. Rem saw that everyone was a little confused, and simply opened the wine cork, "If you don't drink, then I will drink it myself. This bottle of wine is treasured by the boss himself."

This time, everyone was not calm, and they all wanted to try it. Just when they were about to drink, they suddenly heard gunshots coming from outside.

In an instant, everyone ran towards the outside, and as soon as they ran out, they saw Qin Yuan also running down, because the sound of gunshots was wrong, and there was no one training now, why did the gunshots appear for no reason? And then the lights all over the playground went out, and someone cut the wires!

In the darkness, Qin Yuan quickly got used to it. He saw a few people rushing towards him in the distance, and they were still holding weapons.

He hurriedly said: "Everyone lay down and spread out!"

The person on the opposite side heard someone talking and quickly shot here, but the saber in Qin Yuan's hand had already flown out, only to hear a scream, and the person on the opposite side fell to the ground.

At this time, the guards on the side also rushed over quickly. In the darkness, only mixed gunshots could be heard. Fortunately, the instructors like Arbus did not drink alcohol tonight. Otherwise, if everyone is drunk, even the basic combat effectiveness will be lost. No, they quickly assembled and began to fight back.

The guards on Skull Island were sent by a mercenary group. Their strength is relatively good, but the current situation is not good. The enemy's traces have been found in several directions. Qin Yuan responded quickly~www.readwn. com~ Quickly lead the team to counterattack.

Ryerson was in a daze when he heard the door of the room being kicked open. He didn't drink too much tonight, but his eyes floated a little.

I only saw the secretary rushed in, and then took him out of the room. Just as he ran out of the room, a rocket blew directly into the room.

This time, Ryerson was completely awake. He did hear gunshots among the numbers before. He thought it was the following training, but only then did he realize that the training is over now, where is there anyone training?

"Sir, be careful, get down quickly!"

Ryerson pushed the secretary away, "I'm not that delicate, now get me a gun, I'll see who dares to hit me on Skull Island!"

In this way, Ryerson took the guards at his door and rushed out with guns. At this moment, Qin Yuan and the others were fighting back. Under the suppression of Qin Yuan's firepower, the people who came up just now couldn't hold on anymore. Can keep going backwards.

Ryerson even shouted while attacking: "Everyone pay attention to me, be sure to catch these bastards! I want to see who is so bold."

But the group of people on the opposite side are very cunning. Their attacks are very fast, and they are basically suppressed with heavy firepower weapons. They have also formulated a detailed retreat plan. Skull Island is surrounded by sea on all sides, which also gives them the opportunity to retreat.

The people in front were still attacking, and the leader in the back should have started to retreat. Qin Yuan saw that the situation was not good, and quickly chased after him. Abbas grabbed a militant who fell to the ground.

No matter what, one is alive, one is the other, I didn't expect this militant to look at him fiercely, and then directly pull the grenade in his arms.


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