Don’t Pretend, I’m Actually Taking Special Forces

Chapter 878: Big dragon's accident

They kept walking between the various highlands, and now they are hundreds of kilometers away from the camp. This is another training method of Qin Yuan, which is to familiarize them with various highland battles. .

In any situation, it is possible to complete the charge to maintain the first position. What is required is to catch the enemy by surprise. Any tactics and plans are prepared in advance, but the changes on the battlefield will change rapidly.

In Qin Yuan's view, each arm has its own training method for each arm. Since the troops are mobile, they should improve their accuracy and improve their individual combat capabilities, so as to achieve the perfect coordination between heavy weapons and individual soldiers.

Qin Yuan did break a lot of traditions for them. In the past, they relied too much on heavy weapons, so they did not pay much attention to the charge of combat. Now both aspects have been improved, and their cooperation has become more and more tacit.

Seeing that at noon, everyone is willing to let everyone prepare for a rest, and then take out the dry food with them. Although everyone thinks it is more difficult, it seems that all the efforts are worth it, as long as they can win later.

The third company commander also followed the company in person. During this period of time, he was running around every day, and the whole person could be said to be in a dark circle.

He walked over and opened the self-heating rice for Qin Yuan. To be honest, Qin Yuan was a little scared to eat this thing. "Third company commander, I think we should change the food. In the afternoon, you can call a few soldiers. I'll take them fishing and make fish soup for everyone tonight."

"That's great, I've been terrified of seeing compressed biscuits for a while now."

"Hahaha, I see everyone's hard work, it can be regarded as a reward for them, don't worry, I have no problem catching fish, it's only an afternoon, it won't take long, you can send a squad of soldiers directly Bar."

There was excitement in the eyes of the third company commander, but it was time to change the taste, and the love also said that the mountain on the opposite side was denser, and there should be hares in it. Might as well get some game.

In this way, everyone started to take action in the afternoon, eating this food all the time. Although they would not starve to death, they would not even be interested when it was time to eat.

The third company commander called a squad of soldiers, and eagerly planned to follow them out. Qin Yuan also specially explained the remaining soldiers to train, and asked them to train well, and they would have a big meal when they came back in the evening.

On the other side, the second company commander personally drove his own people and drove a car to deliver supplies to them. These are several large trucks of supplies. You can see the traces of their training along the way, and you can see some big pits from the mountains. Although most of them were brutalized by them, the traces of the field vehicles can be seen.

"It seems that it is really not easy for them. They have been training for a while, so we have to deliver this batch of supplies as soon as possible."

"Company commander, don't worry, they are at Dashuilin now. I know that place, and we will be there in an hour."

Moreover, there was no road in this mountainous area, but the front was crushed by the combat vehicle, so the journey was relatively smooth.

Soon they came to the vicinity of the training of the third company. The sentry was already seen in the distance. After seeing their vehicle approaching, the sentry in front signaled them to stop for inspection.

This is also a normal inspection experience. When they saw the canned beef in the car, they became interested in an instant. They could finally change their flavors for a while.

Soon the vehicle drove into the training ground inside. It is said that the training ground is also very simple, and there is basically nothing, that is, everyone is training on the opposite high ground.

The second company commander held the binoculars to see a burst of blood boiling, just want this kind of momentum, and the sound of guns and guns kept coming from the side.

"You guys have been training well recently. This speed has improved a lot compared to before. It's really good enough. By the way, what about your company commander?"

The soldier next to him was unloading the goods, and then inadvertently said: "Report to the second company commander, our company commander went to the opposite mountain to hunt, and said that he would open meat for us."

"Hahahaha, I said how could this kid treat me badly, but I can really understand that you have eaten this kind of thing for more than half a month, and you can't stand it. Don't worry, your food will not be a problem in the future."

This made the soldiers in front of him a little surprised. The second company commander was not like this before. He didn't expect to be so talkative now. Seeing so many supplies, he didn't even get jealous.

The second company commander is usually difficult to speak, but he is very clear when it comes to major problems. He knows what it means, so he must provide sufficient security in the later stage.

"By the way, you can count and see what you need to record. After returning, I and the head of the team will report to you specially for approval."

Speaking of which, after half a month of training, their ammunition is indeed a bit insufficient. Originally, the triple display planned to let people go back and pull the ammunition tomorrow.

Hearing this, the second company commander immediately patted his chest and said that they would not have to come out and trouble, so he would run back and forth, go back and react to the regiment commander himself, and then send the ammunition to them.

This really shocked the people next to him. Is this still the second company commander who competed with them everywhere before? It's become so good to talk now.

Soon the second company commander left, looking at his dusty back, the soldiers next to him sighed, "Good guy, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it, the second company commander is so good at talking."

"Who knows, is it because we were really convinced by our confrontation this time?"

"It's better to talk less about it, and it's not good to be heard by others. No matter what, we are all in a group. Although we are fighting internally, we always talk about the cashier, and other people's faces are disgraceful."

The third squad leader reprimanded his soldiers, and then looked at the tent that was temporarily set up. It was already full of supplies and a batch of new equipment, which could be distributed to everyone.

Qin Yuan and the others also came back in the evening. They brought back a lot of things, not only fish, but also hares, but the number of hares was too small, just four or five, a whole company of people, how could this be enough to eat ?

Qin Yuan couldn't do anything about it, mainly because they were training here during this period of time. The powerful gunfire had scared the animals so much that they didn't dare to come out. These animals still came out to eat and were caught by him.

Speaking of this third company commander, they sighed again and again, because the speed of love was too fast, and before they could react, the knife had already flew out and no bullets were used at all, because the sound of the gun would scare away the surrounding prey. , If you use a knife, you can find other things next to it.

And Qin Yuan's chance of hitting is too high. Before everyone's eyes could react, the rabbit had already fallen to the ground and twitched.

After they came back, they found out that the group had already sent supplies, not only canned beef, but also many canned fruits and self-heating rice of various flavors. These supplies were really good.

"Hahaha, I thought that these hares were not enough. It seems that we will have a big dinner tonight, and we will simply stew the hares in a pot of canned beef."

It is rare for everyone to be so relaxed. After so long training, they are indeed very tired. Now is the time to reward them. Originally, they could bring their own cooking class during this period of training, but Qin Yuan mainly thought about the need for non-stop training. transfer.

In addition, he really didn't expect to train for such a long time. He thought that he would go back after training for a week, but later he found that everyone's abilities still lacked many aspects, so he made a temporary decision.

The third company commander took a hot sip of soup and was very emotional, "Instructor Qin, to be honest, this is from my heart. Although I have brought soldiers in the warehouse for so many years, it is really not as good as you. , you really make me admire the five-body throw in your training."

"Actually, I don't need to say that. I just need to find a suitable method. Anything will do. I think the training is almost done. After another two weeks, everyone can go out, and there will be no problems later."

"Do you mean that our current strength has been recognized by you?"

During this period of training, the third company commander also learned that Qin Yuan had been in contact with many companies, and he had seen all kinds of soldier companies, so his judgment was the most standard.

Qin Yuan nodded and said that there was no problem, even if he was studying abroad, it was not a problem, because the training methods were actually the same, mainly depends on how everyone practiced, and the tactical arrangement, the subsequent competition should not be a problem.

Although Qin Yuan knew that this match was very important to them, he didn't reveal anything and didn't want to put too much pressure on these soldiers.

At this time, the third squad leader who was in charge of inventorying today's supplies ran over, "Report to the company commander, we found a few letters and newspapers when we were counting the supplies!"

The third company commander still finds it strange, who still uses such letters now? Moreover, they mainly use radio to communicate with the regiment headquarters. Letters have long been unnecessary. It is too troublesome to go back and forth.

But the third squad leader said that all the letters belonged to Qin Yuan, so it's not surprising that they couldn't find anyone, so they could only send the letter to the regiment headquarters, and then the regiment headquarters would deliver it.

Qin Yuan hurriedly took it over. It seemed that all the five or six letters belonged to him, and the address was also sent from within the army. Because of their particularity, the address was covered up, and it was written that the warehouse was so-and-so. .

Who else could have written five or six letters to himself, Qin Yuan quickly opened it, and his face changed instantly. He didn't expect that it was sent by Dalong, and the date was a week ago.

The main reason is that he has been training all the time recently, so he has no time to send letters to the regiment headquarters. It was slow. Four days ago.

The general content of the above is that there seems to be an accident at Dalong's house. If he asks Qin Yuan to go back with him, he is afraid that he can't solve it by himself.

He originally wanted to find Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was also out training and there was no news, so he had no choice but to find Qin Yuan, and the following letters were all asking for his help.

Qin Yuan knows the character of Dalong too well. Generally, there are no special circumstances. He would not ask for help like this, and he also knows that everyone is very busy. Maybe something urgent happened at home.

Thinking of this, he quickly stood up, the third company commander saw something wrong with his face, and hurriedly asked what was going on?

"Third company commander, I may need to go back, about four or five days, I will solve it as soon as possible, and then come back early."

He looked at Qin Yuan's dignified face, and knew that it was not a joke. He said that there was no problem. Qin Yuan also wrote him a training plan and asked him to follow this for the next few days.

"Don't worry, I'll listen to your arrangements, but what happened to you? If you have any difficulties, you can tell me. I will help if I can."

"Now I don't know what's going on. It's a problem with one of my previous brothers. I have to go out and see. This letter was sent too late. It's been so many days, and I don't know what's going on. ."

When the third company commander heard, he immediately sent a soldier to pick up Qin Yuan and asked them to drive back to the regiment first, and then go back.

After returning to the regiment headquarters, Qin Yuan couldn't wait to call and contact Dalong. He could only contact the company where Dalong was, and then read the notice there.

In this way, he sat in the room and waited for the call to be forwarded. After a while, the call was finally connected, but it was not Dalong, but his squad leader.

After a closer look, I realized that Dalong was going to ask for leave a week ago, but it is not so easy to ask for leave in the army. He did not ask for leave until two days ago.

Qin Yuan felt that something was wrong, and asked their squad leader for his contact information, but Qin Yuan made several calls and he was always unable to answer, and he became more and more worried.

He could only rush over overnight. Since he went home, he should be able to meet him there. Qin Yuan comforted himself on the way, hoping for a false alarm.

After tossing along the way, Qin Yuan arrived at their small town when it was dark. There was no car to go to the village, so he could only choose to walk, but it was not difficult for him to do.

The village was still so quiet at night, but when he walked in from the entrance of the village, he could vaguely hear the sound of a suona inside, which was a bit wrong.

He trotted all the way, and soon came to Dalong's house according to his memory. From a distance, there were several people squatting and smoking at the door, and Sona's voice came from inside.

He trotted all the way and rushed in. As soon as he entered, he saw two coffins in the yard. The black and white portraits were Dalong's parents. Dalong knelt on the ground and burned paper beside him, while his sister was sobbing.


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