Qin Yuan understood. At this time, he also had some self-blame in his heart. If it was according to this situation, it seemed to have something to do with their previous situation. At that time, he should take this situation into consideration. very extreme.

When Dalong heard Qin Yuan's analysis, he fell into deep self-blame, because it also meant that his parents' death had nothing to do with him. If he hadn't bothered about that nostalgia, he wouldn't have had such a problem. .

At this time, Qin Yuan looked at Da Qiang who was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground. This person was a key breakthrough. Why was he still so guilty now, and he also heard something that he shouldn't have heard.

Under the threat of a meal, Da Qiang slowly talked about the previous experience. After he finished the meal, he was only talking about it, but he could see that his cousin was very nervous.

But at that time, he didn't take it to heart, and came back with a lunch box. Every day he had to deliver meals to his uncle, because the people in the factory were resting during the day and only started work at night, so they didn't work during the day. for meals.

His uncle's job is also relatively easy. He is in charge of looking at the door at the door, and then he can sleep at night. In fact, there is not much to do. After all, there is monitoring there, and there are other people in the monitoring room.

Daqiang can be said to be very envious, but it is a pity that he idles all day long. Originally, he said it many times, and wanted his cousin to ask him and introduce him to work in the factory, but every time he was severely rejected by his cousin. .

It means that the factory is now full, and if he wants to be a security guard, there is no future at all. In fact, at that time, he didn't know that his cousin was protecting him all the time, and he didn't want him to be involved in this matter.

In addition, Daqiang saw that Dalong's return was beautiful, and he was even more envious, so he once again proposed to his cousin that he wanted to work in the factory.

Unsurprisingly, he was rejected again. Daqiang felt very uncomfortable. He ran up and down like this every day to deliver meals to his cousin. It has been more than a year. I was very depressed.

He got angry and walked out without even taking the lunch box. When he was halfway down the mountain, he thought that he had to go back and take the lunch box, otherwise he would be scolded by his mother again. After all, his cousin was at his house. To eat here, I have to pay for meals every month.

Although he felt uncomfortable, he still turned back. In order to hurry up, he took the road next to him and did not walk from the main road. At this time, he heard voices on the opposite road, saying that the mainland was actually separated by a distance. Small forests, especially in this big mountain, are not soundproof at all.

He also felt a little curious, why are there still people going up the mountain at this time, he thought that if it was someone he knew, he could still be a companion and go down the mountain together.

When he got close, he heard a familiar voice, it turned out to be the village head, and he felt even more curious. Just as he was about to step forward, he could actually walk through the grove, and suddenly he saw it across the grove. There are two people next to him.

This made him feel a little curious, so he quietly hid in the woods. The village chief was a little old. After walking for a while, he sat next to him to rest, and the two of them were waiting for him.

Daqiang quietly listened to the conversation of these people. They were conspiring to make Dalong's parents go mining. Daqiang was very curious when he heard this. The ore is placed in the mine for people to pick up.

At that time, Daqiang didn't think much about it. He thought that the village chief wanted to curry favor with Dalong, so he did this. This kind of opportunity is really rare. He originally thought that it would be better to talk about compensation later. After the oriole, after Dalong's parents finished digging the ore, he went to dig quietly again, but there was no chance at all.

During the day, he couldn't do it at all. At night, the old couple was transporting them non-stop. He didn't have a chance to watch it, but his heart was itchy, and the main thing was that he didn't know where to take the ore after he got it, so he could only be by the side. Observe silently.

But it didn't take long when something happened suddenly. Da Qiang wanted to find a few helpers quietly. If he was alone, the ore would not be used at all, so he wanted to find a few reliable ones in the village. Everyone digs together quietly.

Before he could start, he heard about the accident of Dalong's parents, but the village chief stood up at this time and said that the affairs of Dalong's parents had nothing to do with him. They were secretly mining ore. What Da Qiang heard and saw before was different.

He felt more and more that something was wrong, because it was so strange that Dalong's parents died, and it was different from what the village chief said. He originally wanted to tell Dalong.

But he was very scared, worried that he would also get into this matter, and there were still parents in the family. If he was killed by others in such a quiet way, it would really be terrifying to think about, so he didn't have the guts.

But no matter what, he was still a little guilty, so he was brought back by Dalong.

After hearing this, Dalong was extremely angry, and already clenched his fists, "It's a shame that I still trust you so much, I really didn't expect you to change now, do you know what you said? Why didn't you tell me earlier? If not today , I found out that you are trying to hide this matter all the time?"

"Then what do you think I can do? I don't have any background at home now. You still go out to serve as a soldier, and you've become a person, so what can I do?"

Daqiang also began to roar. He knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. He knew that Dalong's parents were always good to him, but what could he do?

Qin Yuan shook his head. The main problem now is not the bridge. It seems that there is indeed a problem with the factory. Now that the factory knows that they are back, it is estimated that the next step is to deal with the dragon.

Dalong gasped when he heard this. Are they really so courageous, "Brother Qin, you mean they will still do something to us."

"Look at this time, your sister has escaped once, and happened to meet you here. In fact, their original purpose is to target you, so they can't escape no matter what."

"Hehe, since that's the case, I'll go into the factory now, but I'll see who dares to target me."

It's not a wise move to enter the factory now. They don't have any evidence. They just call the police and send them off. Besides, it will only make things worse. This is what these people are best at. Because of very despicable methods, If so, they will count on it.

Qin Yuan walked over and pulled Daqiang up. This man's mind is not bad, but it is impossible for him to cooperate with him, and he is just an ordinary person.

This person doesn't want to be involved, "I know you have your own difficulties, now you tell us, we will handle the rest, you go."

Daqiang didn't know where his strength came from, but suddenly he looked at Qin Yuan and said, "From your discussion, I know that this relationship may really have nothing to do with me, maybe it's the sentence I said to my cousin before. If so, that's what made you become like this, and if that's the case, I'm willing to stay and help."

As soon as the dragon's anger comes out, this kid can't help, so let's make trouble, he kicked him on the body, "Get out of here, I don't want to see you now, and today's affairs, no one can Say."

Looking at Dalong's angry look, Daqiang had no choice but to pat the ashes on his buttocks, and then walked out silently. In fact, it was to protect him. Now he has not been involved, and the things here are too complicated.

After seeing the people leaving, Dalong hurriedly asked Qin Yuan for his opinion. What should he do now? Qin Yuan felt that these people did not dare to do it now, because there were too many people in the village, and it was a bit exposed at this time. .

So the biggest possibility is that they will do it on the way back, but there is no need to worry about this. With the skills of the two of them, it will be no problem. When the time comes, the stolen goods will be taken back to the factory and their old nest will be wiped out. .

What A Yu heard next to her was heartbroken, she quickly shook her head, "No, it's too risky for you to do this, let's just call the police, otherwise those people will do everything."

Dalong can only quickly comfort her sister and say that we have no problem. If you call the police, it will be even more alarming, because Ayu is left alone at home. If the problem here is not solved, Ayu will also be in danger. These people are hiding. It's too deep to lead them out in this way.

But no matter what, Ayu was just worried, Qin Yuan thought about it, and hurried forward to tell a lie.

"Sister Ayu, don't worry, we have comrades in arms who will come and get close to us. We are performing a show on this matter. Don't worry, there is absolutely no problem."

"Are you telling the truth? Don't lie to me, now that my parents are gone, I only have Dalong left."

"Sister Ayu, can you still believe me? You think I'm here, and our comrade-in-arms didn't come last time, do you remember? He just took our other comrades in ambush on the road, what's the first It will be out soon."

Looking at Qin Yuan's sincere statement, Ayu nodded. She felt a little relieved. Now everything can only be endured. After the funeral is over, the time for real revenge will be on the way back.

Soon came the day when Dalong's parents were buried. Dalong's parents were usually very good people, so basically half of the village came to see them off. .

He couldn't see that all this was planned by him, and Dalong hated his teeth. When Dalong's parents were completely sent up the mountain, the village chief also came over to ask about the situation.

"Dalong, I know you are still very busy in the army. When are you going to go back this time?"

Sure enough, this group can't wait to come over and talk, he wants to set up a specific situation, and then inform the other side.

Dalong couldn't control his emotions now, Qin Yuan pulled him and explained next to him, "We'll go back tomorrow, after all, the army didn't give so much leave."

"Oh, then when are you leaving tomorrow? I'll see you off. After all, Dalong was the kid I grew up with."

Hearing this, I felt like I was always concerned. In fact, it was to figure out their exact departure time. Qin Yuan also told him without any leakage. The main reason was to let this guy hurry up and inform him. He wanted the real murderer to come out quickly.

It wasn't until after returning home that Ayu cried when she saw the empty home, and everything changed.

The village chief said pretendingly beside him, "Ayu, don't worry. Although your parents are gone, no matter what, you are also a child in the village, and I will try to take care of you as much as possible."

Ayu didn't bother to pay attention to him, Qin Yuan could only play around with him, "Village chief, there's nothing to do here, I think you should go back first, ah, you're more sad now, he might want to be alone for a while I don't want so many people here."

The village chief was even more happy when he heard this. Now is the time. He has to hurry up and inform the people at the factory. He happened to hear Qin Yuan say this, so he could only pretend to comfort a few words, and then walked out.

Looking at the empty house, the dragon is not happy in his heart~www.readwn.com~ Qin Yuan gave him an opinion. If it doesn't work later, Ayu has a disability on his feet. It is better to apply and then Received to live with the military compound.

In this way, although Dalong can't take care of it, the conditions in the compound are much better than here, but Ayu shook her head, she said that although she is alone, there is no problem, and she will be here to be filial to her parents.

Seeing the decision she made, Qin Yuan had no choice but to obey. In the evening, the two packed up and prepared to leave the next day. Ayu was reluctant to leave behind. Now, after Dalong left, she was the only one left in the house. alone.

Dalong is actually a little worried. He thinks that he will fall into the trap of others. If they just walk away, then Ayu is caught by those criminals. What should I do?

Qin Yuan actually thought of this problem. Later, under the arrangement of Dalong, he sent Ayu to an aunt's house in the next village overnight. This can be said to be done without knowing it, mainly to ensure the safety of Ayu, etc. Pick her up when you're done.

The two rushed back overnight, and it was a coincidence that they happened to meet the village chief wandering around the door. This old guy really didn't give up, worried that they would make their way ahead of time, so he kept guarding here.

The village chief also thought it was strange, why was there no movement in the house, and the door was locked, so he had already left?

At this time, Qin Yuan walked forward quietly and suddenly shouted from behind, "Who? There is a thief!"

This time, the village chief was so frightened that he turned his head quickly. In the darkness, he saw two figures approaching, so he could only quickly make a voice, "Dalong, it's me, can't you hear my voice? come out?"


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