The bald head watched those few people escape, cursing in the direction, then picked up the phone and made a call, "Damn, where are all the dead people? Hurry up and come over to Laozi, even if it is convenient for me today, this area will also take Find these people."

Dalong knows the character of the bald head very well. This guy is completely a cannonball, and he will blow up at one point, and he is very worried. What if Qin Yuan and the others are chased and they are in danger in a foreign country?

But now he can't show this worry, he can only look a little uneasy into the distance, and the bald head ran forward panting at this time.

He patted Dalong on the shoulder and reassured him, "Dalong, you are my brother now, and you are helping us, these guys still dare to trouble you, that is to slap me in the face, don't worry, I will definitely Pick them up for you."

"Brother, I know you are thinking of me. You are really kind to me, but I don't want my brothers to take risks. Besides, they didn't embarrass me too much just now."

"How is this possible? Look at my tooth, I just got it repaired, and I was kicked crooked by that guy."

The bald head was very angry when he said this, and Dalong was a little embarrassed next to him, because the fight just now was too chaotic, and he didn't see it at all. At that time, he only heard that Qin Yuan said that he was shot, and other things were unclear. .

At this juncture, he was waiting for his subordinates to gather. He just turned his head and saw Dalong. He felt that something was wrong with this guy today. Usually, he basically wouldn't talk so much.

"Dalong, I really take you as my disciple to train you, so there won't be any problems, right?"

"Brother, how is this possible? You know me. I was eager to kill them just now, but I just didn't want the brothers to run around like this."

Having said that, the bald head also carefully recalled that Dalong did shoot just now, and he completely wiped out the thought just now. He reassured Dalong that these people will be caught today.

After a while, the two fully armed people jumped out, and the surrounding people just closed the windows habitually, because they knew that this scene was really familiar, and it was staged almost every day, maybe with which gang war between them.

Dalong was praying silently that they would be all right, and after Qin Yuan rushed out with them on the other side, Chen Feng was very worried about him, thinking that Qin Yuan was serious, but he didn't see any blood, just looked at him Cover your belly.

A few people ran into an abandoned yard. Chen Feng watched vigilantly. Zhao Mengmeng wanted to check the relationship, but he didn't expect to see Qin Yuan standing up struttingly, without any wounds on his body.

"This? Brother Qin? What's going on?"

"Don't you see it yet? It's just a tactic to slow down the army. Let's escape first."

The two of them couldn't understand it now, because they didn't notice such details just now, but Chen Feng clenched his fists when he thought that Dalong had shot at him just now.

"I really don't know what happened to Dalong. He has completely changed. He even shot at me just now, you know? His eyes have changed."

It seems that this is really a misunderstanding. Qin Yuan can only explain to them that Dalong must have difficulties because he saw different things. At that time, Dalong shot them as if to complete the task. , so that others do not arouse suspicion.

And when he said that he was injured, Dalong's eyes did change, which was subconscious concern and worry.

Listening to Qin Yuan's explanation, Zhao Meng did not agree, because he felt that Dalong was very indifferent, as if everything had changed.

"Brother Qin, although it's wrong to say that, I always feel that this guy has changed. Look at his attitude just now? Then you can tell us, what is he worried about?"

Zhao Meng felt that Qin Yuan was at this time and was still speaking for him. This guy obviously looked wrong.

Qin Yuan shook his head. He was still trying to persuade the two of them not to think too much. Dalong was definitely not that kind of person.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and the three of them instantly became vigilant. The three of them leaned against the corner, ready to rush out at any time.

It's really a pity now. If they had weapons, they would have rushed out to fight them directly. There is no problem now. Qin Yuan is sure that he can easily solve the problems of people outside.

It's that he feels that the things here are not simple. If this is some kind of plan of Dalong and break his plan, then all his efforts will be in vain.

So he told both of them not to act rashly, and the three of them said that they were all next to the fence, because this location was at the entrance of an alley, and there were several roads on the side.

The bald head stepped forward and looked around. He didn't know where these guys ran from, so he could only stand in the middle of the road and shouted loudly: "Give me a split, and send a signal as soon as you find their traces!"

Zhao Meng's eyes were full of contempt, and now he feels that the suspicion of Dalong is getting heavier and he can lead people to chase this place.

After a few minutes, the sound of footsteps slowly faded away, and I would rather lie on the top of the wall and glance at it. He noticed that the big dragon was following the bald head.

He said hello from the two of them and signaled to keep up first, first to find out the specific location of the dragon, and when he found an opportunity later, he still had to ask clearly.

Chen Feng thought the same way, he clenched his fists, he has always been a person with a clear distinction between public and private. If something really went wrong with Dalong at this time, he went to another path, no matter what, he would definitely catch Dalong. back.

In this way, Qin Yuan led two people to follow quietly on the roof of the side, bald-headed and cursing and led people to search below.

With Qin Yuan's skills, they wouldn't be discovered at all. Although the bald head was anxious, he couldn't find any whereabouts for a long time. The guy scolded and sat in front.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the other people who were separated by him ran back, and everyone said that they had nothing to gain. These people seemed to disappear out of thin air without any movement.

"Damn it, I have rarely suffered such a big loss. Dare to beat me in my territory, my life is really too long."

The bald head is now covering the swollen old Gao's mouth, and his speech is a little vague. Dalong tries his best to restrain his smile, but he is also worried about whether Qin Yuan is really injured.

Seeing that all the people who were sent out have returned, and no whereabouts have been found, the bald head can only give up, let everyone strengthen their vigilance, and report them at any time if they find these people later.

At this time, Dalong stood up, because he saw that other people were actually reluctant. After all, they were sent to find someone inexplicably at night, and no one was willing to change it.

"Brother, these people also rose because of me, and they hurt you. This is the most unbearable thing for me. Don't worry, I have to go on even for the third time today."

When the bald head heard the relieved smile on his face, she knew that this brother could handle it. The other subordinates were like eggplants beaten by frost. on the body.

"What does Lao Tzu usually do to support you? Now is the time to take a look at you. This is an example. Let Lao Tzu chase after him. There is no result tonight, and no one should sleep."

When everyone heard this, they didn't dare not to obey the bald head's order, but they all turned their heads to look at Dalong with resentment on their faces.

The bald head covered his mouth and limped and asked the younger brother next to him to go to the hospital with him. It was estimated that the tooth could not be saved.

"Dalong, I believe in you, but those guys are too cunning, even if you can't find them later, I won't blame you, just come back safely."

After he finished speaking, he patted Dalong on the shoulder and limped away like that.

The bald head just left, Dalong originally wanted the others to find them separately. The main purpose was to spread them out, which could be regarded as dispersing their strength, and the ability of these people was not very strong, so Qin Yuan could easily solve it.

After he was completely dispersed, he also had a chance to find Qin Yuan, but just as he was about to turn his head to give an order, he saw those people holding their hands and staring at him coldly.

"Oh, it's really a red man in front of eldest brother. It's only been a few days, and the wings are hard."

"There's nothing, and you let your brothers run with you for nothing. Do you really think this is your home? I told you to get out of my way, and I want us to find someone. It's beautiful."

Dalong knew that these guys weren't so easy to deal with, but it respected his intentions. He didn't talk to them, but just said a word coldly.

"Anyway, whatever you are, I'm definitely going to find it. It's none of my business whether you find it or not, and you won't be my management."

What does this guy with big eyes and small eyes mean? Originally, these few people wanted to give him a slap in the face, scare him a few words, and then go home.

But looking at the guy, it seemed to be real, the one-eyed dragon who was kicked down just now stepped forward and looked at Dalong and said coldly: "Boy, don't think I don't know what you mean, you deliberately let us go back, and then we'll be fine. Go back and file a complaint, right?"

"Whatever you think, I don't mean it. It doesn't matter if you want to find it or not. The point is that I want to find it."

The one-eyed dragon frowned. This guy's attitude was really arrogant. Except for the bald head, this newcomer dared to shout at him, and he felt even more angry.

He simply waved back and let everyone disperse, but then he thought about it and said, "Anyway, he is alone. After so many of us go back, the boss asks, you know what to say."

Everyone understood in an instant, after all, no one wanted to do such a chore, just look at it, and then go back.

But Dalong left them directly and began to look for them again. He searched from the route Qin Yuan and the others escaped from, and it can be said that he did not see any bloodstains along the way.

His face was very solemn. On the one hand, he was worried that Qin Yuan would be injured, but after thinking about it, they were masters in dealing with traces with their so powerful skills, and maybe the traces had already been dealt with.

At this moment, Dalong felt that someone behind him had been watching him all the time, and the crisis rose in an instant. He quickly turned around and picked up the gun subconsciously.

But when he saw a few people on the roof, he was instantly relieved, and Qin Yuan waved at him, after all, it would be troublesome to meet other people below.

In this kind of small alley, most people will observe, and it is dark around, no one will look up, so the top is the safest.

Dalong looked around, but there was no other movement. It seemed that those people had already gone to other places. He climbed up the wall at once, and Qin Yuan stretched out his hand and pulled him up.

As soon as he got to the roof, Zhao Meng couldn't wait to step forward and punch him in the face, "You bastard, do you know what you just did? You shot at us, what are you doing? What do you mean? I didn't explain it to me today, I won't let you go."

Dalong smiled bitterly, he was very helpless, he could only turn his head to look at Qin Yuan, "Qin Yuan, you haven't done anything to me from just now, you still treat me as a brother, I know you have many questions, but now I really can't say."

He said that, Zhao Meng was even more excited. He felt that Dalong was hiding the truth from them. When he really wanted to ask questions, Qin Yuan next to him stopped I believe you! "

Chen Feng frowned, although Dalong was indeed in front of them, but now there are many things that he can't help himself.

"Brother Qin, isn't this a bit sloppy? What he did just now is really not right."

Qin Yuan didn't pay attention to what the two of them said, but stared at Dalong intently. At least at that moment, he could tell that Dalong was not lying, and he really had difficulties.

"If you still treat us as brothers, then tell this matter, but I can also tell you that no one else knows what we came out of, at least it's not clear over there, we're looking for it in the name of an individual you."

Dalong was stunned when he heard this. He thought that Qin Yuan and the others were sent by the army, but he didn't expect to come to him in his own name.

People really regarded him as a brother, worried about his safety, so they came to him, thinking that what he had just done was indeed a bit too much, but he had no choice, everything was for the task.

He sighed silently, Zhao Meng was already very anxious, and kept urging him to tell him what was going on.

"I really have no choice. In that case, I managed to come in undercover with great difficulty. I couldn't let go of this opportunity, and there are very few people who know my identity."

Zhao Meng was stunned when he heard this. He had already prepared to clean up, but he turned out to be an undercover agent, but no one told them about it!




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