Lin Yi felt aggrieved.

This feeling is like playing a game for three days and three nights, thinking that you can pass it smoothly, but you find that you haven't left the Novice Village in the end.

He looked up and glanced at the invigilator sitting next to the podium. He wanted to rush up and kill them right now.

Lin Yi was angry, and he used force in his hands, and the tip of the pen scratched the test paper.

He took a deep breath, quickly adjusted his emotions, and then began to plan how to escape from here.

Zhou Kai's sister will encounter a monster on June 8. Although he knew about this in advance, Lin Yi was not sure if he could avoid it.

He didn't know the identity of the monster before it revealed its true face. If he chose to escape tomorrow, he might encounter it again.

Therefore, the best time to escape is today.

After the exam, his mother will come to pick him up and go home. If he escapes at this time and doesn't see Lin Yi walk out of the school gate, his mother will find out immediately, and the escape will be exposed immediately.

So, find an excuse to go out after dinner?

It won't work. After all, tomorrow is the last day of the college entrance examination. If he hasn't returned by the evening, his parents will find out.

Therefore, the most suitable time is tonight after they fall asleep.

In this way, even if the two monsters at home find out, they will have already run away.

When thinking of this, Lin Yi suddenly realized that there was someone standing next to him.

Looking up, Lin Yi shuddered with fear.

At some point, the invigilator was beside him, frowning and staring at Lin Yi's test paper.

The test paper was empty, and Lin Yi did not write a single word.

"What are you looking at? I don't know any of them, right?" Lin Yi said unhappily.

The invigilator was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect a student who didn't answer any questions to be so arrogant.

After the invigilator left, Lin Yi quickly filled in the answer sheet - handing in a blank paper would look a bit suspicious.

After all, he had already written the questions once, so Lin Yi finished them quickly.

Finally, there were fifteen minutes left before the end of the exam. Lin Yi handed in his paper ahead of time. Before leaving, he walked to Zhou Kai and whispered a few words.

""That examinee, what are you doing?" the invigilator said,"Hand in your test paper and leave immediately. Do not whisper to each other."

Zhou Kai stood up.

"Teacher, I'll hand in my paper too." Zhou Kai handed in his paper and followed Lin Yi out of the examination room.

Still on the familiar rooftop, Lin Yi told Zhou Kai what happened.

He described it very clearly, especially about Zhou Kai and his sister, so Zhou Kai had no doubts.

However, when he heard that Lu Linhai had saved him and Zhou Yun, he was still a little surprised.

"Unexpected......Lu Linhai actually saved me"

"He has always been kind-hearted."Lin Yi said casually,"Besides, there are many places you can't imagine."

"If Lu Linhai hadn't saved you, you would never believe that he wasn't a monster until you died."

"But his heartbeat is exactly the same as those monsters. Zhou Kai still couldn't figure it out.

"Maybe it's because everyone's physique is different." Lin Yi thought for a moment and said,"Some people's hearts are on the right side."

"Okay, stop talking about this. Lin glanced at his phone. The exam was about to end.

"Don't forget tonight, I will ask Lu Linhai to join us, so don't call him a monster then."

After all the things that happened before, Lin Yi can now act as naturally as Zhou Kai even when facing monsters.

Soon, it was night.

After Lin Yi made sure that the two monsters at home were asleep, he sneaked out.

When he arrived at the place agreed with Zhou Kai, they had already arrived in advance.

"Lin Yi, Zhou Kai just told me that the people around us are all monsters. Is this true?"After seeing Lin Yi, Lu Linhai hurried over.

Zhou Kai told the story of the monster.

Zhou Yun always believed in his brother, so he was just scared after hearing this.

Lu Linhai, on the other hand, was full of disbelief.

"Are we really going to leave here?" Lu Linhai hesitated.

"Zhou Kai also said that you died once to save me, is that true?"

Lu Linhai had a lot of questions in his mind, and he wanted to pour them all out now.

"Lin Yi, after you die, will you really go back to the past?"

"These are all true." Lin Yi nodded,"Besides, we have no reason to lie to you."

Lin Yi knew that Lu Linhai would not believe it immediately. If he had not been killed by monsters several times in a row, he might not believe that there were monsters in this world.

"Let's talk about it on the way." Zhou Kai walked over holding Zhou Yun's hand.

"After you told me what would happen tomorrow, I paid special attention on the way back and found that there was indeed a monster near the welfare home."

"He was an elderly beggar who was somewhat confused and was looking for someone to drink wine."

"The monster we will meet tomorrow may be him."

After a few simple words, although Lu Linhai was still skeptical, he still followed Lin Yi and Zhou Kai to Sifang Mountain.

Of course, a big part of the reason why he followed them was because he was worried about them.

Because they had planned the route in advance and set off at night, this time, they quickly arrived at Sifang Mountain.

Climbing up Sifang Mountain and continuing to walk after crossing the mountain, the entire journey to reach the neighboring city is about 600 kilometers.

This is a difficult journey, but in order to survive these monsters, they have to face

"Let's go."Lin Yi took a deep breath and took the first step.

The mountain road at night was not easy to walk on, and because it was summer, there were many mosquitoes in the mountains and rivers.

Fortunately, Lin Yi was prepared. He not only brought a flashlight, but also floral water.

But when Lin Yi sprayed the floral water on himself, he suddenly saw Zhou Kai frowning beside him.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yi asked

"It's a bit pungent." Zhou Kai said, covering his nose

"Pungent?"Lin Yi looked at the floral water in his hand and said,"I think it smells pretty good."

After saying that, Lin Yi thought of Zhou Kai's ability.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot that your ability is enhanced senses."

Lin Yi smiled and said,"Your nose now looks like a dog's nose."

The moment the words fell, Zhou Kai's face suddenly sank.

"I was just kidding, don't be angry." Noticing Zhou Kai's expression was not right, Lin Yi hurriedly apologized.

"Shhh——"Zhou Kai lowered his voice and said,"There is a monster following us. I heard a sound."

"What?" Lu Linhai was a little surprised,"Is there really a monster? Where is it?"

Zhou Yun didn't say anything, but she looked a little scared.

Zhou Kai raised his head and sniffed, but he could only smell the pungent smell of toilet water.

So Zhou Kai turned around and glared at Lin Yi.

"Maybe they are not looking for us."Lin Yi thought for a moment and said,"Let's hide first. We have come this far, so we must not be discovered."

They quickly hid in the nearby bushes.

Soon, rustling sounds were heard, accompanied by subtle footsteps, getting closer and closer to them.

"Could it be that she really followed us up here?"Lin Yi covered his mouth and even his breathing became cautious.

But then, a voice from not far away made Lin Yi shudder.

Because it was his mother's voice.

"Yi Yi, it’s so late, why are you here instead of sleeping at home?"

"I have an exam tomorrow."

"Come, go home with your mother."

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