"Those monsters want to catch Uncle An, so as long as Uncle An doesn't go to the butcher shop, everything will be fine."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, Zhou Kai looked at him as if he were a fool.

"Do you want to listen to what you are saying?" Zhou Kai rolled his eyes at Lin Yi,"Even if Uncle An doesn't go to the butcher shop, will the monsters lurking there leave?"

"Those monsters will still be there. Even if Uncle An doesn't go, we will still be discovered by them if we go to the butcher shop to look for the key. Do you think they won't suspect us? Two students go to the butcher shop late at night. Do you think they won't arrest us?"

Lin Yi lowered his voice and said mysteriously:"But what if Uncle An appears somewhere else?"

Hearing this, Zhou Kai reacted immediately.

"You mean......We are going to lure these monsters away from the mountain?!"

Lin nodded and said,"That's what I mean! Those monsters are waiting for us, so we are going to lure them away from the mountain."

"Let these monsters see what human wisdom is!"

Zhou Kai thought about it and seemed to feel something was wrong:"But even if Uncle An appears in other places, the monsters guarding the butcher shop may not all leave, right?"

"Even if one or two monsters are left, we are no match for them."

"It's very simple, we fight a guerrilla war." Lin Yi had actually thought of Zhou Kai's concerns a long time ago.

In response to this, Lin Yi also thought of a countermeasure.

"Tonight, we'll have a big fight." Lin Yi continued,"Uncle An drove around the city, and every time he arrived at a place, he used his ability to attack a few monsters."

"Remember not to fight too long. As long as you wake up these monsters, Uncle An will drive away immediately."

"During this time, I will continue to send messages to the class group"

"Class group?" Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment,"Why are you sending messages to the class group?"

"It will cause chaos." Lin Yi explained,"The monsters in our class must also know about Uncle An. I will tell them false information in the group. I believe these monsters in the class will pass the news to other monsters."

"At the same time, I would keep calling emergency numbers, causing more chaos."

"But, if this happens, will all the monsters in the city come out?" Zhou Kai was a little worried.

If all the monsters in the city come out, they will not only have no way to escape, but they will also die miserably.

"No." An Chengdao shook his head and said,"This city is like a breeding farm. Monsters here will not come out in droves unless necessary. Otherwise, I would not be alive today."

"At this point, let me digress."Lin Yi glanced at An Chengdao and said,"I've always found it strange. Since most of the people living here are monsters in disguise, why don't they reveal their true faces and have to appear in human form?"

Zhou Kai was also a little curious and looked at An Chengdao.

"I don't know." An Chengdao shook his head,"But if I can escape from this city, maybe I can find the answer somewhere else."

"Let's talk about this later." Zhou Kai brought the topic back,"The most urgent thing is to solve the trouble at hand. If we can't get the key, everything is in vain."

Lin nodded and continued,"Uncle An and I will be responsible for attracting the monsters' attention. In order to catch Uncle An, I think the monsters near the butcher shop will rush over immediately."

"Take advantage of this time, Zhou Kai, it's your turn to shine"

"Me?" Zhou Kai was stunned for a moment, then he understood what Lin Yi meant.

"That's right, I have the ability to sense the location of monsters."Zhou Kai said,"I'm afraid I'm the only one who can enter the butcher shop without being discovered by the monsters."

"In that case, what are we waiting for?"Lin Yi seemed to see hope, with a hint of excitement in his tone,"Let's take action quickly!"

"Uncle An, protect yourself. You are still injured. Don't fight these monsters head-on. If there are too many monsters, run away."

"We each completed our assigned tasks and finally gathered at Sifang Mountain"

"Let's go!"

After deciding on the plan, the three of them went downstairs quickly.

An Chengdao drove away and headed in the opposite direction of the butcher shop.

Zhou Kai immediately rushed to the butcher shop and waited for an opportunity to act.

Lin Yi's task was relatively flexible, mainly to distract the monsters and create false information so that the monsters would not find An Chengdao immediately.

Seeing An Chengdao and Zhou Kai leave one after another, Lin Yi quickly sent a message in the class group and @ everyone——

"Surprise! The latest breaking news! Men are silent and women are in tears. If you don't listen, you will regret it for the rest of your life!"

As soon as Lin Yi sent out the message, someone responded quickly.

This was not surprising to Lin Yi. In the timeline he had experienced, the monsters in the class said that they went to bed very late after the college entrance examination.

Now think about it, it is pitiful that they are monsters who have to take the college entrance examination.

""The murderer showed up and made a bold statement that he would massacre the city tonight!" Lin Yi continued to send messages.

More and more messages appeared in the group, and the monsters in the class started chatting.

Lin Yi did not send the wrong location immediately, he had to wait until An Chengdao took action before he could start.

As for the two messages just now, they were also to arouse the curiosity of these monsters.

Lin Yi temporarily exited the chat interface and started to make an emergency call:"Hello? Help! Murderer! I saw the murderer!"

"Yes, it's the one reported in the news these days. I just saw him riding a motorcycle towards the city center."

"I don't know what he's going to do, but he looks scary."

"Ah! By the way, Mincheng Hospital is near the city center. Does the murderer want to go to the hospital to kill people? How scary!"

Lin Yi said as he ran towards the nearby park.

Before leaving, Lin Yi took the last few bottles of wine from home.

When he arrived at the park, he poured the wine into the trash can and flower beds, and then lit it with a lighter.

Under normal circumstances, Lin Yi would never do such a dangerous and illegal thing.

But now, he has to face a monster, and talking to a monster is a ridiculous thing in itself.

After doing all this, Lin Yi left quickly.

After waiting for a while, Lin Yi made another emergency call:"Oh no! I saw the murderer setting fire to Tianfu Park! It's terrible, come quickly, the fire is on!"

During this period, the class group was very lively. They were crazy @林一, wanting to know the next news.

So, Lin Yi sent them an address at random, telling them that the murderer seemed to be heading here, and asked students living nearby to be careful.

This night, the city was destined to be uneasy.

But what does this have to do with Lin Yi?

He just wanted to survive from these monsters.

Lin Yi turned off his phone, calculated the time, and thought he could rush to Sifang Mountain.

But just as he turned around and was about to leave, a voice that he didn't expect suddenly came from behind him.

""Student Lin Yi, it's so late, what are you doing here?"

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