Taking into account the different characteristics of Lin Yi, Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai, An Chengdao formulated different training plans.

Lu Linhai's training plan is the simplest, but also the most tiring.

He is different from Lin Yi and Zhou Kai because he has no special abilities. Therefore, Lu Linhai only has one thing to do - to improve his physical fitness.

Mountain climbing, weighted running, rock climbing......Lu Linhai did almost all the exercises that could be done on the mountain.

Lu Linhai knew very well that only by strengthening his physical fitness could he have the strength to fight against monsters and not be unable to help his friends when they were in danger.

Moreover, even if he was still defeated at that time, he had enough physical strength to escape with his friends.

Therefore, Lu Linhai had no complaints about these monotonous and tedious training.

He trained very seriously, and even after completing the training plan arranged by An Chengdao, he would do more training on his own.

Zhou Kai's training plan was relatively complicated. His perception ability was very convenient, but only by synchronizing his body's reaction speed with the perception speed could he maximize his ability.

So, every day before dawn, Zhou Kai would climb to the top of Sifang Mountain.

When climbing, he trained the coordination of body and perception, and looked far away at sunrise to strengthen the adaptation of vision.

After a short rest, An Chengdao would cooperate with Zhou Kai in training.

He would blindfold Zhou Kai, use his ability to make the blade fly, and make noise through collision to interfere. While training Zhou Kai's hearing, he would keep throwing the prepared stones at Zhou Kai.

Zhou Kai needs to hear the sound of the flying stones from these noisy sounds and catch them accurately to exercise the coordination between his body and hearing.

For Zhou Kai, keen senses are a double-edged sword, which brings him convenience while also bringing some troubles. For example, when he went up the mountain before, Lin Yi just sprayed a little floral water, which made Zhou Kai feel a little uncomfortable, and he couldn't even tell who the monster behind them was by smell.

Therefore, in this training, the floral water brought by Lin Yi also played a role.

Zhou Kai must adapt to various irritating smells and find the target from various smells.

In addition, Zhou Kai will go down the mountain to purchase every three days. He needs to use his ability to avoid monsters as much as possible and reduce unnecessary troubles.

For him, this is considered actual combat training.

As for the money for purchase, there is no need to worry about it.

After getting the key from the butcher shop, Zhou Kai did not leave immediately.

Considering that it costs money to go to other cities, Zhou Kai took all the money in the butcher shop when he left.

This money is enough for them to live for a while.

But when it came to Lin Yi, An Chengdao was in trouble.

Compared with Lu Linhai, although Lin Yi also has perseverance, his physical fitness is really not as good as the other party.

With the same amount of exercise, Lu Linhai was still energetic the next day, but Lin Yi had backache.

At first, Lin Yi kept gritting his teeth and persisted, but the high-load training volume could only make him fall to the ground exhausted.

Lin Yi's understanding of ability is not as good as Zhou Kai.

This is not a strange thing. After all, Zhou Kai discovered that he has special abilities when he was very young.

In order to protect himself and his sister, Zhou Kai has been exploring his abilities.

Relying on this ability, he can take his sister to survive from monsters again and again.

But Lin Yi is different. It was not until he was killed by the monster that Lin Yi discovered that he had this special ability.

Therefore, Lin Yi can't master his abilities at all now.

After much thought, An Chengdao could only help Lin Yi explore his abilities while doing physical training at half the amount of Lu Linhai's training.

In a blink of an eye, half a month had passed.

During this half month, after Zhou Yun's careful care, An Chengdao's injuries recovered a lot.

Although the wounds have not yet healed completely, at least they will not affect their next actions.

Lu Linhai still buried his head in training. Even though the amount of training increased day by day, he was still full of energy the next day.

Zhou Kai's grasp of his abilities became stronger, and his perception range increased from 800 meters at the beginning to 1000 meters.

Although the body's reaction speed still did not catch up with the perception speed, An Chengdao could accurately receive three or four out of every ten stones thrown at him.

Lin Yi, on the other hand, had passed half a month, and he still hadn't figured out what his abilities were.

Fortunately, physical training increased his physical strength a lot, so he didn't stand still.

But one day half a month later, Zhou Kai, who went down the mountain to purchase, brought back bad news.

"I heard that the monsters were going to search the mountain."

On this day, Zhou Kai brought back more supplies than before.

He frowned and told the news immediately after he came back.

"Search the mountain?" Lu Linhai was shocked."Why are they suddenly searching the mountain?"

"They have been looking for me for so long and haven't found me yet, so it's not surprising that they decided to search the mountain."After hearing this news, An Chengdao was not surprised.

"I don't think their purpose of searching the mountain is entirely to find Uncle An." Lin Yi thought for a moment and said,"Do you remember the first few days?"

"Classmates in the class group have been asking about the three of us."

In the first few days, Lin Yi, Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai's mobile phones kept receiving messages from classmates.

One reason was that the three of them gave up the college entrance examination at the same time, and the other was that they did not attend the graduation party.

In addition, the monster in the Lin family was lying behind the door, and it was only a matter of time before it was discovered.

Therefore, the monsters in their class must have guessed that their identities had been discovered by Lin Yi and his friends.

��They had not paid attention to the messages on their phones, and then their phones ran out of battery, so they simply ignored it.

However, the monsters would never allow humans who knew their true identities to live in this world.

Since Lin Yi and his companions could not be found in the city, the most likely place for them to hide must be in the mountains.

"There aren't many mountains around, I'm afraid we'll be found soon."Lin Yi frowned and said

"It's good that they are here. We can catch them off guard on the mountain." Lu Linhai said while gritting his teeth. An Chengdao stood up. He looked very calm. He patted the dirt off his body and said,"There is no need to risk your lives for those monsters."

"You have indeed become much stronger these days, but it is still too early to face a group of monsters."

"Pack up, we're leaving tonight."......

It takes about five days to cross Sifang Mountain and reach the neighboring city.

During these days, Lin Yi and his team continued to train while traveling.

They set out before the monsters searched Sifang Mountain, and everything went smoothly along the way. But when they finally arrived at the edge of the city, they found something unexpected.

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