A noisy sound suddenly rang in Lin Yi's ears, accompanied by a severe headache, and the scenery in front of him gradually distorted.

Lin Yi's consciousness became more and more blurred. He shook his head vigorously. When he came to his senses, he found himself sitting in a KTV room.

He was back, back to the night of June 9th again.

"What on earth is going on?"

Lin Yi gritted his teeth. He didn't understand why it happened.

They were obviously very careful, so why did they still die after entering the woods on the edge of the city?

Moreover, the last time they only went back a few hours ago, but this time, why did they go back to June 9th?

The singing echoing in the private room made Lin Yi upset, but then, Lin Yi suddenly realized that something was wrong.

He had returned to June 9th before, and when he opened his eyes that time, his classmates were holding the microphone and singing passionately.

But this time, what came to his ears was the original singer of the song, and there was no voice of the classmates at all.

Looking up, Lin Yi saw that everyone in the private room was sitting neatly on the sofa.

They looked at the screen seriously, without saying a word, as if they were possessed.

Lin Yi did not see Zhou Kai and Lu Linhai. He remembered that Zhou Kai claimed that he had something to do that day, so he did not come.

But where is Lu Linhai who was supposed to be here?

The song on the screen suddenly stopped, and at this moment, everyone slowly turned around and looked at Lin Yi.

"you......"What are you all looking at me for?" The scene in front of him was indescribably weird."You guys sing, there are no lyrics on my face."

Lin Yi was a little scared. Was he exposed?

No, this was too weird.

He had just returned to June 9th and had obviously not done anything. These monsters couldn't have noticed. The classmates in the private room remained silent. They stared at Lin Yi without even blinking.

Lin Yi was a little scared. He stood up and wanted to leave, but before he could take a step, he heard a series of noises and the skin on these people's faces began to fall off. Lin Yi realized that things were not good. If these monsters attacked at the same time, he would definitely die.

"I suddenly remembered that something happened at home, so I left first!"Lin Yi was startled and ran quickly towards the door of the private room.

The moment he opened the door, a familiar figure appeared outside the door.

"Lin Yi, what are you doing?"Looking up, Lu Linhai was standing outside the door holding a bunch of snacks.

"Come on! Follow me!" Lin Yi pulled Lu Linhai and ran out of the KTV.

""Lin Yi, what's wrong with you?" After running to a corner where no one was, Lu Linhai asked in confusion.

At this time, Lu Linhai didn't know about the existence of monsters, so Lin Yi had to explain everything.

But when Lin Yi was halfway through, Lu Linhai's face suddenly became a little gloomy.

"Monster?" Lu Linhai stared at Lin Yi motionlessly.

"I know what I said sounds ridiculous, but you have to believe me."Lin Yi was alert around him and did not notice the change in Lu Linhai's expression.

"I believe you." Lu Linhai's voice became a little harsh.

When he looked up, Lin Yi suddenly found that Lu Linhai suddenly laughed.

"you......What are you laughing at?"Lin Yi frowned.

"Lin Yi, the monster you mentioned......"The skin on Lu Linhai's face began to peel off, like a damp wall, falling off his face piece by piece.

Lin Yi was stunned. He saw the familiar serrated mouthparts and the huge compound eyes on Lu Linhai's face.......Is it a monster?!

"Is this the case?"A harsh laugh came out of Lu Linhai's throat.

In an instant, Lin Yi felt a splitting headache.

There was nothing around him, but it seemed as if countless invisible hands grabbed Lin Yi and tore his body apart alive.......

"Ah!" Lin Yi screamed in fear.

He suddenly sat up from the ground, waking up the people around him.

""Lin Yi, what's wrong with you?" Lu Linhai's voice came from beside him. Lin Yi was startled, fumbled on the ground with both hands, grabbed a stone, and smashed it towards Lu Linhai

""Monster!" Lin Yi shouted,"So you are a monster too!"

Lu Linhai did not expect Lin Yi to suddenly attack him, but after more than half a month of training, Lu Linhai reacted immediately. He rolled on the ground and dodged the stone thrown by Lin Yi.

Lin Yi picked up another stone and was about to continue attacking Lu Linhai when a pair of strong hands grabbed him.

"What are you doing?"A familiar voice sounded in my ears. It was An Chengdao's voice.

"Uncle An, hurry up! Kill him!"Lin Yi shouted hurriedly,"He is a monster! He has been lying to us, he is also a monster!"

"Lin Yi, what are you talking about?"Zhou Kai protected Zhou Yun behind him and asked in confusion

"I understand, I finally know why we died after entering the woods." Lin Yi stared at Lu Linhai and said with gritted teeth,"It was you, you killed us!"

"Because you, a monster, have been lurking around us, Zhou Kai didn't notice that there were monsters around."

"Once we enter the woods, you will kill us when we are not paying attention!"

""Lin Yi, what happened to you?" Lu Linhai looked confused, his eyes full of worry,"I didn't understand a word you said?"

Zhou Kai frowned and thought for a while, as if he understood something.

"Lin Yi, have you returned to the past?" Zhou Kai asked

""In the past?" Lin Yi was stunned for a moment, then looked around and finally responded.

This time, Lin Yi returned to the night before arriving in the woods.

"Why is this happening?" Lin Yi felt confused. He had clearly returned to June 9, so why was he now back to the day before he arrived at the forest?

"you���Don't worry." Zhou Kai came over,"Calm down and tell us what happened."

Lin took a deep breath and after a moment, he began to tell his story.

After listening, everyone's faces showed a solemn expression.

"I'm really not a monster." Lu Linhai, who was standing by, was in tears.

"If Lu Linhai was a monster, there was no need to save us before."Zhou Kai thought for a moment and then said,"Besides, we have lived together for more than half a month, and he had many opportunities to kill us."

"But, if Lu Linhai is not a monster, what did you see?"

"Fake!" Lu Linhai said loudly,"It must be those monsters pretending to be it!"

"No, Lin Yi had not been exposed on June 9th. The monster could not have pretended to be you to deceive Lin Yi for no reason."Zhou Kai shook his head.

Lin Yi did not speak. These frequent trips back to the past made Lin Yi's mind very confused.

He tried hard to recall what happened after he went back to the past. Thinking about it, Lin Yi seemed to realize something.

Lin Yi now appeared the night before arriving in the woods, which meant that he was killed the last time he went back to June 9th.

However, Lu Linhai, who turned into a monster, only showed the appearance of a monster and did not seem to attack Lin Yi.

If Lu Linhai, who turned into a monster, did not kill Lin Yi, then why did his ability suddenly activate?

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