With a click, the door of the warehouse opened from the outside.

The door was gently pushed open, and looking at the dark warehouse, Tian Meng showed a trace of doubt on his face.

"Lin Yi, why don't you turn on the lights? Tian Meng stood outside the door and said to the inside.

"Don't worry, turn on the light inside, and it won't be visible outside.

Tian Meng didn't come in, but just stood outside the door.

He reached out and touched the switch on the right side of the door and turned on the light in the warehouse.

The warehouse was quiet, as if no one was inside.

""Lin Yi?" Tian Meng was stunned for a moment, then called out again.

No one in the quiet warehouse responded to Tian Meng. At this moment, he seemed a little anxious.

"Lin Yi, it's me, Tian Meng, I brought you some food.

Tian Meng walked in, but his hands were empty.

"Where are you guys?" Tian Meng raised his voice

"Come out now, stop joking"

"Lin Yi"

"Lin Yi?"

Tian Meng seemed to realize something, and there was anxiety between his brows.

He began to look for Lin Yi and others in the warehouse, but after searching around, he didn't see anyone.

There were footsteps outside the door, and then a man in police uniform walked in.

""My classmate, where is the person you mentioned?" The person who came in was a policeman. He looked around the warehouse in front of him, but there was no one else here except Tian Meng.

"They were here just now. Tian Meng said hurriedly

"I see!" Tian Meng thought for a moment, seemed to understand something, and continued,"They must have escaped!"

"Yes, that must be the case. They knew I called the police, so they fled in advance!"

The policeman said nothing, lowered his head and checked the door of the warehouse.

"This warehouse has no windows, and the only entrance and exit is this door.

The police looked up and glanced at Tian Meng.

"But you said before that you locked the door when you left."

"There was no sign of the door being damaged. So where were they going to escape from?"

"them......"Tian Meng was speechless for a moment.

He had indeed locked the door before he left.

If Lin Yi and the others wanted to leave here, the only way was to destroy the door.

However, the door was not destroyed, and when he opened the door just now, it was indeed locked.

So, where did Lin Yi and the others escape from?

Tian Meng couldn't figure it out, and his eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of several larger boxes in the corner of the warehouse.

"If they hadn't run away......"Tian Meng muttered softly and slowly moved towards the corner.

"Then he must be hiding here!" He shouted and quickly opened the box.

The box was filled with well-packed clothes. Tian Meng reached into the box and found that it was full of clothes. There was no one hiding inside.

"This is impossible!"Tian Meng found it unbelievable.

Why would the person he locked inside disappear for no reason?

He pulled out the clothes from the boxes one by one, checked one box, and then started to check another.

"Student, are you sure you saw the person we are looking for?"Looking at Tian Meng's panic, the police standing outside the door seemed a little skeptical.

"I really saw it."Tian Meng said loudly,"I still remember what he looks like. I really locked them up here."

"Uncle policeman, you have to believe me."

The policeman looked at Tian Meng, thought for a moment, turned around and walked out of the warehouse.

He took out the walkie-talkie, lowered his head and said:"Search around here."

There was a response from the walkie-talkie, and soon, a dozen policemen appeared from the alley not far away.

Tian Meng brought more than one policeman, and these people did not show up, but hid aside and waited. They quickly searched the area, but did not find the wanted criminal mentioned by Tian Meng.

"My friend, it is illegal to make a false report to the police. I will let it go this time, but it will not happen again."After saying this, the police left.

""Uncle policeman, I didn't lie, I really brought them here!"

Tian Meng was a little annoyed as he watched the policeman leave.

He cursed and kicked the box next to the gate, venting his grievances and unwillingness.

"They were clearly locked in, why did they suddenly disappear?

Tian Meng couldn't figure it out. He locked the door of the warehouse and was about to leave when he heard footsteps coming from a distance.

Looking back, Tian Meng froze in place for a moment when he saw the person coming towards him.

"Forest......Lin Yi......"

"What, are you surprised to see me?"Lin Yi looked at Tian Meng intently with a cold face.

Tian Meng glanced behind Lin Yi and didn't see An Chengdao and others, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"The police searched this area and didn't find them, which means they weren't here just now. Tian Meng thought to himself.

"If they weren't there just now, they wouldn't know the police had come, let alone that I had secretly brought the police without their knowledge."

Thinking of this, Tian Meng's panic calmed down.

He looked at Lin Yi and said with a worried look on his face:"Lin Yi, where have you been?"

"I didn't see you when I came back, and I was so worried"

"I thought the murderer had attacked you. I was so scared."

"What have you been doing?" Lin Yi asked with a gloomy face.

"I've gone to get you some food." Tian Meng replied.

"What about food?"

"Eat at......"Tian Meng was stunned for a moment.

From the beginning, he had no intention of giving food to Lin Yi and the others, so naturally he had nothing in his hands.

"I forgot to ask you what you wanted to eat, so I came back to ask you." Tian Meng made up a lame excuse.

Lin Yi sighed and continued,"Tian Meng, we have known each other since we were very young."

""Yes, what's wrong?" Tian Meng responded, but in his heart he was thinking about how to keep Lin Yi and then call the police again.

It would be best to find out where An Chengdao and the others went and catch them all in one fell swoop. If the fugitive that the police had been chasing for so long was found by him, Tian Meng, he would definitely become famous.

"I think I understand you."Lin Yi walked towards Tian Meng.

"Because I know you, I know that when you lie, you will subconsciously touch your nose and look around."When Tian Meng said that he would provide a hiding place for Lin Yi and the others, Lin Yi knew at a glance that he was lying.

The reason why he didn't expose him was, firstly, because Lin Yi didn't want to believe that his childhood friend would betray him.

Secondly, because Lin Yi wanted to know why Tian Meng did this.

"But now it seems that I don't know you at all."Lin Yi walked up to Tian Meng.

"Tian Meng, why are you doing this?"

"I......What did I do?"Tian Meng's heart skipped a beat, but he still held on to his luck and refused to admit it.

"I just didn't bring you any food. Wait for me, I'll get it for you."

Tian Meng turned around and tried to leave, but Lin Yi's voice came over.

"I told you not to call the police, why did you bring the police here?"

Hearing this, Tian Meng realized that his actions had been exposed.

He frowned, and the smile he had before disappeared instantly.

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