"How can you, an old lady, curse me?" Lu Linhai looked aggrieved, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

However, when the Saint finished speaking, Lei Ge beside him quickly became alert.

He raised his shotgun, quickly loaded it, pointed the gun at Lu Linhai, and made a gesture that he would shoot at any time.

An Chengdao behind Lu Linhai quickly made a move, and the bone-chopping knife flew out, which he held tightly in his hand, as if he would strike back at any time.

"God's Chosen One?!"Lei Ge frowned, and when he saw the bone-chopping knife flying out of the bag, he looked a little surprised.

"It's okay." The Saint raised her hand and signaled Lei Ge to put down the gun in his hand.

"He is not an outlier."The Saint looked at Lu Linhai

"But not human either"

"Huh?" Lu Linhai was a little confused. He had been a human for so many years, how could he suddenly become a non-human and non-alien being?

""Lady Saint, are you mistaken?" Lin Yi was also puzzled.

In the past timeline, he had killed Lu Linhai with his own hands, so he believed that Lu Linhai was a human.

""The Saint's judgment can't be wrong." Lei Ge said sternly.

Zhou Kai on the side did not speak. In fact, he always felt that Lu Linhai was a little strange. After all, Lu Linhai's heartbeat was extremely similar to that of aliens.

But because Lu Linhai had never hurt them, and even sacrificed himself to help them, they did not delve into the matter.

Thinking about it now, Zhou Kai had a guess in his mind. He looked at the Saint and asked,"Could it be that he is the product of the combination of humans and aliens?"

"What?" Lu Linhai was even more confused.

He had been a human for so many years, how could he become a half-human, half-alien being.

Moreover, how could those disgusting monsters with tentacles combine with humans? Who has such a strong taste?

The saint shook her head:"No."

"There is no human smell on him, let alone the smell of other species. I don't know what it is."

"Saint, is there a possibility?"At this time, Zhang Cheng suddenly came to Lu Linhai.

He smiled and said,"He is indeed neither a human nor an alien, because he is a gorilla. Saint, you have never seen a gorilla like this, so you don't know."

"......"Lu Linhai glared at Zhang Cheng

"Gorillas won't hurt humans easily, so he's not dangerous."Zhang Cheng ignored Lu Linhai and continued

"No, since he is not human, he cannot stay in the village!"Brother Lei did not want anyone who was a threat to the village to stay here.

He wanted to drive Lu Linhai out of the village, but the saint seemed to have discovered something, her eyes lit up, and even her tone of voice became excited.

"This is......"The Saint walked forward quickly, her trembling body making Lin Yi worried that she would fall at any time.

The Saint walked past Lu Linhai and came to Zhou Yun.

Zhou Kai frowned and instinctively protected Zhou Yun behind him.

"What are you going to do?"Zhou Kai asked

"Little girl, come here." The Saint waved her hand, signaling Zhou Yun to come over.

"What on earth are you going to do?" Zhou Kai raised his voice, but the Saint ignored him.

"Don't be rude to the Saint Lady!" Lei Ge shouted sternly.

"Brother, it's okay."Zhou Yun was worried that Brother Lei would shoot, so she walked out from behind Zhou Kai.

She walked in front of the Saint and looked up at the Saint in front of her.

The Saint stretched out her hand and stroked Zhou Yun's cheek, with a hint of excitement and joy in her eyes.

"Found it."The Saint muttered

"Finally found"

"Have you touched enough?"Zhou Kai pulled Zhou Yun back and said with a frown

"Saint Lady, could it be that......Is she your successor?"Brother Lei walked over quickly.

The saint nodded and continued,"Yes, this little girl will become the new saint in the future and lead mankind to take back everything that belongs to us."

""Huh?" This time, it was Zhou Kai's turn to be confused.

His sister suddenly became the new saint, and she had to lead this group of people to take back everything that belonged to mankind.

"Saint Lady, what is going on?" Lin Yi asked

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, I am old and my health is getting worse day by day."The saint coughed softly a few times.

"I don't have much time left. After I leave, we need a new saint to lead humanity to defeat the aliens."

"This little girl has infinite power in her body. After I die, she will become the new saint."

"I don't agree."Zhou Kai decisively refused.

He didn't want his sister to become a saint, and he didn't want Zhou Yun to be exposed to the aliens.

He just wanted Zhou Yun to live a peaceful life.

"You don't have to answer me so quickly."The saint shook her head.

"This is destined to happen. It is her responsibility and she cannot shirk it."

"You must be exhausted after escaping from that city full of strange creatures. Why don't you rest in the village for a few days?"

When she said this, the saint's body trembled even more violently.

I don't know if it was because of the excitement just now, but she looked even more haggard.

"Saint Lady, this......This thing?" Brother Lei glanced at Lu Linhai.

"this......Things?!" Lu Linhai was so angry

"It doesn't matter." The Saint shook her head and said,"Perhaps it was God's arrangement that he could stay with her."

Lei Ge nodded, then waved his hand, and two people came over and helped the Saint back to the ancestral hall.

"You can move around in the village, but you cannot leave the village."After watching the Saint leave, Brother Lei turned back.

"Why?" Lu Linhai said,"We didn't say we wanted to stay here?"

"This is for your safety, and also to protect the new Saint."Brother Lei said loudly.

Lu Linhai wanted to refute. Being called neither human nor alien already made him very angry, and now they were restricted from leaving.

However, Lin Yi touched Lu Linhai and signaled him to bear it first.

Lin Yi had his own plans.

These people knew about aliens and God's Chosen Ones, which meant that there was information in this village that Lin Yi and others didn't know.

Therefore, the top priority was not to argue with these people about whether they could leave the village, but to collect more information.

Instead of a head-on conflict now, it is better to follow their wishes and let these people relax their vigilance.

When the information is almost collected, just sneak away.

"Gorilla, what else do you have to say now?"After Brother Lei took the others away, Zhang Cheng came to Lu Linhai.

He said calmly:"It's confirmed."

"Bullshit!" Lu Linhai gritted his teeth and said,"What a bullshit saint, I am a human! A real human!"

"Let's walk around the village first, talk to the people here, and see if we can gather any useful information."Lin Yi whispered the plan in his mind.

Even if they eventually want to leave here, they must first collect information about the aliens and find out how many people with the same abilities as them are in this village.

Only in this way can they guarantee their safety when they leave.

But halfway through his speech, Zhou Kai's face suddenly darkened.

He glanced at a few strange-looking children gathered not far away, pointing at Lin Yi and the others.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yi asked?

"Those kids are talking about us."Zhou Kai replied

"What did they say?"Lin Yi knew very well that if the children were just having a normal conversation, Zhou Kai would not have shown such an expression.

"They are discussing......Where is the best place to eat on us?......"

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